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need some help with prolacton gyno


New member
May 27, 2009
ok so im taking some deca and its at week 6 and i deff have some prolactin gyno, or whatever its called. i have some primi that i used from a previous cycle. well its been sitting in m cabinet for about 4 month in the dark at around 60 degrees can and did it go bad?? its from research stop. what eles can i do?? should i get some diff primi? i ordered liquard caber and it didnt work for shit. i also have bromo on hand but it kinda make me feel like shit and didnt really notice a diff with it. cant you take a certain amount of b 6 to help?? thanks guys
I am having the same problem now but from tren. 2 weeks in i noticed lumps so i started caber but it did nothing. Its week 9 and still have lumps so i just stopped the tren and about to start prami and prbably .25mg/day.
ya i get it from tren too bro and i have lumps my self and they hurt if you poke them. the nipple dosnet look puffy or swollen. just painfull if you poke it. ive gotten up too over 1 g of primi and i still havent seen a major diff som im not sure what to do. i really dont wanna stop the deca yet because its just the begining of my cycle and im makeing good gains up aout 15 pounds so far i sure mostly all water but still.

Deca and tren are a doubly whammy with this prob.........no way to really stop it.......caber in pill form and letro........do that
Agree with Phil. Run Caber and Letro. It work well for me.
i too started to get a small lump and some sensitivity.

i started dostinex and arimidex a little over a week ago and the lump has minimized since and the sensitivity is gone. i know some people say arimidex doesn't work for prolactin induced gyno, but i beg to differ.
I noticed in the past that cabergoline from a reaserch co was nothing like rx cab. rx cab is stupid expensive like 200 for 4-6 tabs. I will say that I only tried from 1 sponsor and it was a few years back, but maybe something to consider.
i too started to get a small lump and some sensitivity.

i started dostinex and arimidex a little over a week ago and the lump has minimized since and the sensitivity is gone. i know some people say arimidex doesn't work for prolactin induced gyno, but i beg to differ.

uhh....the dostinex is what lowered your prolactin levels not the arimidex....
Deca and tren are a doubly whammy with this prob.........no way to really stop it.......caber in pill form and letro........do that

I have seem info that caber and letro interact and aromasin is better with caber.

I am not an expert on anything but prolctin is something I have a ton of... and a ton of experience with ha.

Caber helps, don't get it in liquid just like phil said. p-5-p is a light helper and worth the few dollars. Same goes for ginkgo, helps a bit and is cheap.

For me all that works is .5mg caber eod, .25 prami eD, 300mg p-5-p and winny... All of those are needed for me

A good thing to know though - it seems that prolactin alone CAN cause gyno BUT a good portion of what you see it temporary inflammation and will go away. Some stays, don't get me wrong BUT if you keep estrogen in check it might not be as bad as it looks right now.
I just dropped the tren, because it gave me lumps and puffy nipples.

I know some people who were lucky and when they stopped the tren the gyno went away but id rather be safe so im about to start .25 prami ed.

By the way caber didnt help with mine.
I just dropped the tren, because it gave me lumps and puffy nipples.

I know some people who were lucky and when they stopped the tren the gyno went away but id rather be safe so im about to start .25 prami ed.

By the way caber didnt help with mine.

Because you were still running tren, didn't give the caber enough time and didn't dose the caber high enough.
2 weeks on tren without caber.

Im off tren now
I still have caber and now prami, which would you use?
2 weeks on tren without caber.

Im off tren now
I still have caber and now prami, which would you use?

I prefer cabaser because prami fucks with my sleep but they both do the same thing but it will take some time so be patient.

Next time start the cabaser/prami about a week before you start the tren to prevent this from happening again.
yea i know it was stupid. but, im gonna use the rest of my caber at .5mg ed or eod until i run out then it its not gone switch to prami .25mg/day.

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