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Need your advice!


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Hello everyone! as u can see I'm a newb.I've been a guest of this site for awhile now and eventually decided to sign up coz there r tons of knowledgeable members here n I found out when u ask a "noob" question they don't flame:D

Anyway my question is can I do a Keto diet while on a bulking cycle? I was thinking of running 750mg of Test E and Tren of about 200mg a week just these two while on a keto diet,oh btw can I run these two simultaneously? I've just came off of a 500mg Sust and 40mg D-bol a day cycle about 2 months ago.I'm thinking of starting the aforementioned cycle in beginning of Jan 1st so it gives me about roughly 3months off of the previous one.

One thing I've been reading about the Tren sides is that it gives u a uneasiness and agitation those of u who have tried Keto diet does almost the same thing so I was just wondering if its a good idea to run the two in the first place.

I'm sorry about the rant and I'm glad to be part of this HUGE community.All the feedbacks r much appreciated.Thank you!
TTT... Dang no body wanna fill me in what a great welcome:( c'mon guys help me out here!
TTT... Dang no body wanna fill me in what a great welcome:( c'mon guys help me out here!

Ur not making a lot of sense...what are you trying to accomplish...are you bulking or cutting..pick one...and only bulk you need your fats, carbs and protein and ur obviously intending to not use the carbs..I think ur way off track and in need of some serious guidance but maybe someone else has a diff opinion
I agree with the above post. Go down the mass road or lean road. Depending on your goals you could always try the middle road. That is what I do, but then again I am 43 and try not to go to one extreme or the other. I like the muscle, but also need to have a good motor/fitness for what I do. Good luck!
Ur not making a lot of sense...what are you trying to accomplish...are you bulking or cutting..pick one...and only bulk you need your fats, carbs and protein and ur obviously intending to not use the carbs..I think ur way off track and in need of some serious guidance but maybe someone else has a diff opinion

I'm sorry if its confusing but I"m obviously trying to put a clean bulk "size" with the Keto diet,my main question was if I could run a 750mg Test E with 200mg Tren ace while on the keto diet, plus I'm kinda spooked by the Tren sides while on a Keto coz the diet itself has its own sides but it worked wonders for me the diet itself.Thanx again.
I agree with the above post. Go down the mass road or lean road. Depending on your goals you could always try the middle road. That is what I do, but then again I am 43 and try not to go to one extreme or the other. I like the muscle, but also need to have a good motor/fitness for what I do. Good luck!

Thanx bro! I'll keep that in mind but I'm trying to win both worlds bulk clean and lean:D
you can stay fairly lean while bulking if your body fat is pretty low to begin with. watch your sodium intake and keep up with cardio.
I'm sorry if its confusing but I"m obviously trying to put a clean bulk "size" with the Keto diet,my main question was if I could run a 750mg Test E with 200mg Tren ace while on the keto diet, plus I'm kinda spooked by the Tren sides while on a Keto coz the diet itself has its own sides but it worked wonders for me the diet itself.Thanx again.

What kind of side effects do you get from the keto diet? Do you mean you feel like crap? Could you post your diet? It may help you get a few more replies to your thread.

I personally could not answer you question about Tren A. Me and a buddy order some about 5 years ago, to go with a Test and Deca cycle. He went first with the Tren and nearly died from coughing, I never toke my shot.:D
Your thinking about it all wrong. your goal is ALWAYS to add lean muscle. Hormones help you do this faster. Diet controls fat gain.

You need to establish a baseline set of macronutrients where you maximize lean tissue gain and eliminate fat gain.

The easiest way to do this is to establish a set of macros, follow that for x weeks. study the results, and manipulate from there. if your getting enough protien and total calories you will grow muscle. dont worry about muscle loss in the testing phase. you can regrow that muscle and much more once you establish what set of macros works best for you.

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