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never come off?

Jackie Treehorn

New member
Dec 9, 2002
How much of your gains would you most likely keep if after your cycle you were to continue to take 100mg a week of test?Thanks
im not sure i fully under stad u Q. but ill give it a shot....takeing 100mg of test a week would be a wast of money and gear....i dont think it would help u keep any thing....100mg will only shut down ur nat. test u should tate clomid,nolv,hcg,ect. after ur cycle

hope this helpd

Many people on hormone replacement recieve the amount of 100mg of test weekly.I wanted to know mhow that dose would work to help you keep gains.
too vague a question with too many factors to give a generic answer
ive read that if you dont need full HRT 100mg will bring you up to normal without shuting down your own test ,then ive also read that as little as 100mg will shut you down .i have used 10-20mg a day of d-bol between cycles and it has worked well
All im asking is if some one did there cycle and then went on to HRT at 100mg a week do you think they would keep nearly 100% of there gains since there will be now crash?Thanks

It is my honest opinion that if you went on say 1000mgs per week, then went down to 100mgs you would

a. Lose some of your gains.
B. Crash mildy,
c. Would never fully repair yourself

Now if you were to stop add HCG and clomid to the 100mgs for a month or 2, you could eventully bring natural levels up somewhat then have a smaller crash

We all crash somewhat.
I ask because my docter wants me to go on HRT at 100mg a week do to the fact that I have such low test levels naturally.How would you crash if your test levals are basically going back to base line from the HRT?Thanks..
you'd crash cuz there's a huge difference between 1 grm and 100mgs.

i think the average male produces 100mg's a week naturally? (like i said, i think, not positive so dont hold me to it. hehe)

so if i am right, that would basically be the same as going from 1 grm to natural again. right guys, or am i kinda off?

I know what your saying but most people go from 1000mg(or what ever amount you use) of test down to nothing when they stop.Some one on HRT would go from 1000mg a week down to baseline test leval so they would keep much more of there gains,no?
If you finish one cycle,do your post cycle cycle, check your values, and if averything is ok start another cycle...siple like that...
If you dont want or dont need to start another cycle, just keep training and eating smart and you will loose only some pounds of water retention from AS, but you dont have to loose size or strenght....
and remember....
There is no space for the littles!!!!!!!
I think you read vitor's post incorrectly (correct me if I'm wrong vitor).

When you come off 1g/week, your normal test is nil - takes some time to recover. 100mg is basically "normal" test levels - so the crash will be "mild" (not as bad as nothing).

The point was 100mg is not 1g - so don't expect same results. Like bigh says - if you train AND eat smart off cycle, that'll minimize losses as well.

I would rather

Do what Big A does and take hcg every 4 weeks, low amounts and stay on the shit and then come off completely like your supposed to. 100mg is just going to annoy you. Its a waste of your time, tell your doc to bump it up! Flex gets 300 mg on his HRT (LOL this is a joke but serious at the same time ;) )
All my doc is trying to do is get my levels normal hence the 100mg a week.I cant tell him how to perscribe it ,ya know?
Jackie Treehorn said:
All my doc is trying to do is get my levels normal hence the 100mg a week.I cant tell him how to perscribe it ,ya know?

When you write you have low natural test levels what does it mean exactly?

When was your last aas cycle, how much did you take and for how long, and which recovery, if any, did you have?

I am asking beacuse some people suffer from prolonged impariment of the axis which is not their "normal" test value.

Anyway, if you do have low natural test levels, you HAVE to go on HRT, it is not an option, and it is not doping, is just what you need to became normal.

An "advantage" og being on HRT (I know some guys who are on HRT), is that you skip the problem of the recovery.

At the end of a cycle you just jump to the once a week 100 (some guys need a little bit more, up to 150-200, to keep the end-of-the-week test into the normal range) enantate and that's it.
No more HCG, no more Clomid and all the rest...

Last edited:
My test levals were allways on the low end of normal,so my docter thaught(After testing ) that now would be a good time to hit up the HRT..Thanks

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