just got mine and was surprised...i hope they are still good..i love aratest...it is a nice simple compound that is as goods as any out there and is over looked i think by many ppl since it does not have the same air time as others..like sust-250 or cyp...give aratest a try and you'll be a lover of it...
Im not sure.
Ive had Omnadren for so long I Havnt seen a bottle of aratest for
months. I always had good results with it though.
What I would do, or what one could do is
Go to the Qv website www.qualityvet.com.mx
Look for the sales reps (I have contact with a few in Tj)
and you will find Place you can call or go Visit. They are real
vet shops and Farmacias. Some speak english some dont speak a bit, may have to call around or find one with a good rep.
understand this though "SOME" DO SELL FAKES directly from there shops so be carefull who you work with. EITHER way if they carry fakes or the reals,LOL they will know what the packaging looks like.