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New goals.. got to fogure it out


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 12, 2009
Hows ot going guys been gone for a long time

Turned 35 building a busines and a family but unhealthy and in worst shape of my life. ive already started to turn it around but i need some help

Due to time convenience and my digestive system changing ive gone full carnivore for the last 3 weeks ive dropped around 8 lbs but its very slow going. Im a hormonal mess ive been on and off test for years and years but havrnt been liftinf at all since thr pandemic

I know my natural test comes back to around 400 or so if i stay off and i want to stay off until i can get my bodyfat and health under control

Im currently taking 10mg of nova a day i will increase to 20 for a couple of weeks and come off everything ( last shot of test a month or so ago)

Is there anything i can do to help speed up the fatloss or kickstart my hormones i know im going ro have to start fonding the time to get active again i just thought that going 2 meals a day full carnivore would take weight off quicker

Or maybe im an old pos and have to accept it doesnt work like it used to lol
Fat loss will depend on your calorie intake for the most part. How many calories are you eating daily?
Fat loss will depend on your calorie intake for the most part. How many calories are you eating daily?

Havent really been tracking Breakfast 4 whole eggs 3 slices of bacon little bit of cheese

Dinner 1-2 lbs of meat usually red meat or chicken thighs cooked in grass fed butter
Water and seltzer 90 pervent of the time occasionally ill have a crystal light
Welcome back and good luck! I have been back at it the last 9 months after a probably 7-8 year layoff (laziness, school, work, kids) and I will be 39 y/o this year. I immediately hired a trainer just because I wanted to take the guesswork out of what I was doing after being out of the gym and dieting for that many years. I must say it was the best decision I could've made! If you can afford to, it might be something worth investing in to get back on track in the right direction. My coach has me doing 3 days high fat/high protein followed by one day high protein/ high carb fat and repeat and I have lost almost 80 pounds in these last nine months.
Welcome back and good luck! I have been back at it the last 9 months after a probably 7-8 year layoff (laziness, school, work, kids) and I will be 39 y/o this year. I immediately hired a trainer just because I wanted to take the guesswork out of what I was doing after being out of the gym and dieting for that many years. I must say it was the best decision I could've made! If you can afford to, it might be something worth investing in to get back on track in the right direction. My coach has me doing 3 days high fat/high protein followed by one day high protein/ high carb fat and repeat and I have lost almost 80 pounds in these last nine months.
thank you brother ive worked with several very very good coaches over thr years I always wind up wasting my money because i do whatever i want or wanted ….. the times i stuck to the game plan i made great gains I have thr knowledge to get where i need to go im just wondering if having tanked test will limit the fat loss and ways to mitigate that….
Your health and fat loss are going to be better with you hormones optimal. Why do you not want to be on trt?
Havent really been tracking Breakfast 4 whole eggs 3 slices of bacon little bit of cheese

Dinner 1-2 lbs of meat usually red meat or chicken thighs cooked in grass fed butter
This is all you eat everyday?
Your health and fat loss are going to be better with you hormones optimal. Why do you not want to be on trt?
The wife is looking to get pregant i also have a hard time controlling estrogen being this fat and i would like my baseline to be better before jumping back on …. Id like to get thr blood pressure in line before getting back on too
Yea i used to eat 4-6 times a day lol

I think you need to clean up your diet and go back to 4-6 meals a day with some cardio before you incorporate any gear into your routine. 400 total Test isn’t terrible but I’d be curious what your free Test is at as well as E2. Let us know those numbers and then I feel like we can give you better advice.
I think you need to clean up your diet and go back to 4-6 meals a day with some cardio before you incorporate any gear into your routine. 400 total Test isn’t terrible but I’d be curious what your free Test is at as well as E2. Let us know those numbers and then I feel like we can give you better advice.
After im done with thr nova i was going to pull some bloods

Im on carnivore for the simplicity and the lack of time. Also with all the gut issues ive been having i basically wanted an elimination diet and to give my system a break so i like the spaced out meals……

I agree with you that i need to get cardio in at least and get back to bangin some iron But one thing at a time Im postive my test is under 100 right now lol
Havent really been tracking Breakfast 4 whole eggs 3 slices of bacon little bit of cheese

Dinner 1-2 lbs of meat usually red meat or chicken thighs cooked in grass fed butter
You dropped 8 lbs in 3 weeks and your upset?

Nothing WRONG with the way you are currently eating, just give yourself time. Don't overdue the output with such low calories, a nice walk outside is all you need along with some low volume strength training, go heavy and hard and GO HOME!
You dropped 8 lbs in 3 weeks and your upset?

Nothing WRONG with the way you are currently eating, just give yourself time. Don't overdue the output with such low calories, a nice walk outside is all you need along with some low volume strength training, go heavy and hard and GO HOME!
Maybe youre right LOL i guess i remember when i was 25 and blasting all the drugs in the world and training like a maniac and think its going to fly like that now 😂
Havent really been tracking Breakfast 4 whole eggs 3 slices of bacon little bit of cheese

Dinner 1-2 lbs of meat usually red meat or chicken thighs cooked in grass fed butter
Carnivore will work, so will psmf, balanced diet, keto....the key is being in a defect. If you are you will lose weight. You can choose how fast or how slow, depending on your defect. I would use MyFitnessPal to track calories and adjust as needed.
You dropped 8 lbs in 3 weeks and your upset?

Nothing WRONG with the way you are currently eating, just give yourself time. Don't overdue the output with such low calories, a nice walk outside is all you need along with some low volume strength training, go heavy and hard and GO HOME!

This right here! OP I don't think people realize how long it takes to drop fat. You didn't get fat fast and you won't drop your fat fast. It's a process but mainly consistent directed effort over time. That's why they say "lifestyle".

I promise you, get lean from where you were and 99% of the time the impact leaves the mark of "never again".

8lbs in 6 weeks is great and 80lbs down overall means a lifestyle move is in process so congrats. I think with the desire to conceive you are correct in avoiding TRT for now. Sure it can be done but sounds like you are real close to trying so don't screw with things.
This right here! OP I don't think people realize how long it takes to drop fat. You didn't get fat fast and you won't drop your fat fast. It's a process but mainly consistent directed effort over time. That's why they say "lifestyle".

I promise you, get lean from where you were and 99% of the time the impact leaves the mark of "never again".

8lbs in 6 weeks is great and 80lbs down overall means a lifestyle move is in process so congrats. I think with the desire to conceive you are correct in avoiding TRT for now. Sure it can be done but sounds like you are real close to trying so don't screw with things.
I am not 80 lbs down i grew up fat i lived the bodybuilding lifestyle for over 10-13 years and then fell off … i dont think ill ever cycle again but trt js def in the future i guess i just have to be paitent … when i was 25-30 i would jump on a cut and i would be changing daily I guess i havent been this far lut of shape in a long time Ill get back into it
Hows ot going guys been gone for a long time

Turned 35 building a busines and a family but unhealthy and in worst shape of my life. ive already started to turn it around but i need some help

Due to time convenience and my digestive system changing ive gone full carnivore for the last 3 weeks ive dropped around 8 lbs but its very slow going. Im a hormonal mess ive been on and off test for years and years but havrnt been liftinf at all since thr pandemic

I know my natural test comes back to around 400 or so if i stay off and i want to stay off until i can get my bodyfat and health under control

Im currently taking 10mg of nova a day i will increase to 20 for a couple of weeks and come off everything ( last shot of test a month or so ago)

Is there anything i can do to help speed up the fatloss or kickstart my hormones i know im going ro have to start fonding the time to get active again i just thought that going 2 meals a day full carnivore would take weight off quicker

Or maybe im an old pos and have to accept it doesnt work like it used to lol

I get tired of hearing guys in their 30's referring to themselves as "old". Hopefully it's more tongue in cheek than serious. In fact, at 35, you should be in your prime! @b-boy is in his 50's as am I and more than a few others. @pesty4077 is in his 60's and looks like granite! There are many others who post up pictures that are 40's, 50's, 60's, and still going strong!! Yes things change but nothing major outside of an injury should be an issue at this point.
I get tired of hearing guys in their 30's referring to themselves as "old". Hopefully it's more tongue in cheek than serious. In fact, at 35, you should be in your prime! @b-boy is in his 50's as am I and more than a few others. @pesty4077 is in his 60's and looks like granite! There are many others who post up pictures that are 40's, 50's, 60's, and still going strong!! Yes things change but nothing major outside of an injury should be an issue at this point.
Im full of injuries that took me away from lifting the way i liked to, compression fracture in spine multiple herniations, slap tear that never healed in shoulder and torn hamstring to name a few

and also likely
Lifestyle choice in the past leading to electrial heart issues and 3 abaltions really detrailed my passion….

I let these things take me away from doing the sport like iwanted to so i just abandoned it

My goals now are to regain my health get off medications and get im shape for real

Today was my first day back light workout and some cardio

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