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New guy intro.


New member
Jul 19, 2009
First off, if this isn't where I should introduce myself and my story, I apologize and move as needed. Thanks
Ok, let's see. 27 y/o male, 5'6", 173lbs, always had the body type if I looked at weights, it seemed like I lifted them. Some say genetics, whatever the case. Always been pretty healthy, listen to my body. Had a lower back injury when I was 14. Fused L4-L5 and L5-S1 when I was 25 with rods and screws. No bid deal. Dealt with it.
This past Dec. started to gain weight without any change in diet or exercise. Was 164lbs before starting to gain the weight. Gained about 10lbs beginning of Jan and lost about 8 of those by the end of Jan. But much difficult to lose than previous time. At the end of my quick diet I got a common cold, and also cut out all caffeine. So, 3 things happened beginning of Feb. Came of diet, had a common illness, and cut out all caffeine. That's when my body went downhill.... and fast.
I gained 22lbs in 4 weeks, slept 16 hours a day, very lethargic, brain fog, lack of coordination, constant headache, constant soar throat, constipation, paleness, low basal body temp. I'm sure most here would easily say, well, you have thyroid problems. Ok, went to primary care dr in Feb. She says, oh, sounds like your thyroid. Drew blood. Dr. called a week later. Nope, you're fine. Well crap, I surely didn't feel good. Tried my old primary physician. More blood work and CT scan of head. Results negative, asked me if I wanted to kill myself. That kinda ticked me off and just left.
Next appointment is with Endo. Went to him and did more bloodwork. Thought, yes, he's gonna find out whats wrong with me. Go back for results a week later. Testosterone was 154, IGF-1 was 183. He said wow, your testosterone is low, let's wait a month. That also didn't sit well with me as when your body is going down the drain, 1 month is a very long time. Went back to first dr. She said oh your T levels are low, here's some Androgel. Took that for a month and did more blood work. T levels after a month, 203. That was in May. None of my symptoms got any better. I started to take my health into my own hands.
I was convinced from the beginning that I was hypothyroid. I was borderline by the test, but no dr. prescribed anything. Ok, maybe a bad decision but I ordered my own thyroid medication. I researched extensively on how to dose it. I started to take that end of May. Did notice a very slight improvement in a couple symptoms.
I called some hormone replacement therapist from the internet just to ask questions. At that point, I just wanted to talk with anyone that might be able to give a little insight. First number I call.. the guy was very helpful. He said he couldn't believe that I'm not getting better treatment for my T levels. He couldn't believe I was 27 and those levels were that low. He asked what my IGF-1 levels were and I told him. He said,"that's crazy. You need treatment for that also". Ok, I know what most will think first. He's just trying to sell it on me. Well from the beginning he knew I was 27 and they can't help anyone under 30 so no reason for him to BS me.
Beginning of June, I ordered pharmacy GH. Freakin expensive but no price on health. Took 1.5iu for a month. Started feeling better towards the end. Looked for lower prices and found some. I placed an order. There are delays on the order and there is about 2 weeks with no gh and my symptoms are returning.
I go back to dr for blood work on the 29th. I was hoping to continuously run the gh for about 2 months and ask to get my igf-1 levels taken along with my T levels. Well that won't happen.
In conclusion, I really think there is a problem with my pituitary gland. three hormones produced by it are down the crapper. Dr's didn't really do squat for me. The highest my weight got was 189 and almost all in belly. Lost 16 lbs in 2 weeks and stuck where I am at.
Sorry for this long post. I normally don't type this much in a week.

I've been lurking here for a while and read many post. There is great information here with solid members. I look forward to being here.

I do have one question before my brain craps out on me.
After taking my last shot of gh, how long would it take to get those symptoms I described back if my pituitary isn't functioning properly?
First off, if this isn't where I should introduce myself and my story, I apologize and move as needed. Thanks
Ok, let's see. 27 y/o male, 5'6", 173lbs, always had the body type if I looked at weights, it seemed like I lifted them. Some say genetics, whatever the case. Always been pretty healthy, listen to my body. Had a lower back injury when I was 14. Fused L4-L5 and L5-S1 when I was 25 with rods and screws. No bid deal. Dealt with it.
This past Dec. started to gain weight without any change in diet or exercise. Was 164lbs before starting to gain the weight. Gained about 10lbs beginning of Jan and lost about 8 of those by the end of Jan. But much difficult to lose than previous time. At the end of my quick diet I got a common cold, and also cut out all caffeine. So, 3 things happened beginning of Feb. Came of diet, had a common illness, and cut out all caffeine. That's when my body went downhill.... and fast.
I gained 22lbs in 4 weeks, slept 16 hours a day, very lethargic, brain fog, lack of coordination, constant headache, constant soar throat, constipation, paleness, low basal body temp. I'm sure most here would easily say, well, you have thyroid problems. Ok, went to primary care dr in Feb. She says, oh, sounds like your thyroid. Drew blood. Dr. called a week later. Nope, you're fine. Well crap, I surely didn't feel good. Tried my old primary physician. More blood work and CT scan of head. Results negative, asked me if I wanted to kill myself. That kinda ticked me off and just left.
Next appointment is with Endo. Went to him and did more bloodwork. Thought, yes, he's gonna find out whats wrong with me. Go back for results a week later. Testosterone was 154, IGF-1 was 183. He said wow, your testosterone is low, let's wait a month. That also didn't sit well with me as when your body is going down the drain, 1 month is a very long time. Went back to first dr. She said oh your T levels are low, here's some Androgel. Took that for a month and did more blood work. T levels after a month, 203. That was in May. None of my symptoms got any better. I started to take my health into my own hands.
I was convinced from the beginning that I was hypothyroid. I was borderline by the test, but no dr. prescribed anything. Ok, maybe a bad decision but I ordered my own thyroid medication. I researched extensively on how to dose it. I started to take that end of May. Did notice a very slight improvement in a couple symptoms.
I called some hormone replacement therapist from the internet just to ask questions. At that point, I just wanted to talk with anyone that might be able to give a little insight. First number I call.. the guy was very helpful. He said he couldn't believe that I'm not getting better treatment for my T levels. He couldn't believe I was 27 and those levels were that low. He asked what my IGF-1 levels were and I told him. He said,"that's crazy. You need treatment for that also". Ok, I know what most will think first. He's just trying to sell it on me. Well from the beginning he knew I was 27 and they can't help anyone under 30 so no reason for him to BS me.
Beginning of June, I ordered pharmacy GH. Freakin expensive but no price on health. Took 1.5iu for a month. Started feeling better towards the end. Looked for lower prices and found some. I placed an order. There are delays on the order and there is about 2 weeks with no gh and my symptoms are returning.
I go back to dr for blood work on the 29th. I was hoping to continuously run the gh for about 2 months and ask to get my igf-1 levels taken along with my T levels. Well that won't happen.
In conclusion, I really think there is a problem with my pituitary gland. three hormones produced by it are down the crapper. Dr's didn't really do squat for me. The highest my weight got was 189 and almost all in belly. Lost 16 lbs in 2 weeks and stuck where I am at.
Sorry for this long post. I normally don't type this much in a week.

I've been lurking here for a while and read many post. There is great information here with solid members. I look forward to being here.

I do have one question before my brain craps out on me.
After taking my last shot of gh, how long would it take to get those symptoms I described back if my pituitary isn't functioning properly?

You likely have an underlying medical issue and I'll let those qualified address that, but I'm going to suggest something out of left field because it happened to me for a period of about a month when I young and renting a home by school.

I had all those symptoms,(not sure about basal temp.) Quick weight gain, bad headaches, sleeping constantly and waking up incredibly foggy, lack of coordination, sore throat, pale, also I had a pins and needles feeling in hands and feet at times.. Came totally out of the blue. Someone suggested having someone check my house for natural gas leak/co poisoning, and when the gas company came out their little machine went beserk, and they removed the stove that was leaking and I spent a few days at a friends place. A leak is often detected when there is a smell of rotten eggs, but no one smelled anything at my place.

Do you have a working natural gas detector ? Also do you feel a little better when you leave home ?

Very unlikely, but it sounded very similar to how I felt.
That's a dorn good answer and talk about underlying cause.
But no. We don't use gas nor anyone else in the household has any issues.
My gf has a form of MD, never took a step a day in her life, but she runs (electric wheelchair) circles around me. She'd be the first to go down if there was anything airborne or whatnot.
Thanks for the response. Glad you got you problem taken care of. That could have ended much worse. Natural gas while sleeping.... doesn't mix.
There's more I have to add to see if I can get peoples insight. I rather get answers from people that understand their bodies than a Dr. from a book.
The end of Feb. I started having a pain in the left side of my chest. Stabbing and constant it never went away. Not till May that it hurt bad enough for me to call a cardiologist. I was run through the mill which is what I wanted. The conclusion was Mitral Valve Prolapse. Common but he said I have it bad, not surgery severe, but bad enough it causes the pain. Ok, take meds for that. Kinda helps. Also helps blood pressure. I recover faster when exercising than before.
My question would be, whatever illness I first had, did that cause MVP? Or no matter what, I was eventually going to get MVP symptoms? Kinda makes me wonder.

From being off the GH for about 2 weeks and going downhill pretty quick, it feels as if I could be like a crack feme. It's one thing not getting something you want, but it's another not getting something you need.

Looking forward for some to say, you are just one F'd dude. lol:eek:
welcome aboard man!
Thanks man. Looking forward to being here. I trust the people here more than dr.'s.
Welcome to the fam bro
You are one f'd up dude! Lol. You never said what your TSH level was. Did you stop taking dessicated thyroid? Also how about an update of your test levels.
i think if you got your test levels checked again and they were still low then I would consider going on HRT. I know it sucks to decide to go on hormone replacement therapy permanently the rest of your life...but its way better than having that low testosterone the rest of your life! Honestly I bet your IGF levels would go up too if you got test stabilized in high-normal range.
You are one f'd up dude! Lol. You never said what your TSH level was. Did you stop taking dessicated thyroid? Also how about an update of your test levels.

LOL... tell me about it. And just 27 years old. Did one cycle of gear in my life when I was 21 so I know it wasn't from that being it was 6 years that I got low T. I pretty much replaced all of my hormones on my own. Dr. wanted to put me on methyltestosterone pills but I went my own route of 200mg of cypionate per week. I definitely feel much better now as I have energy and all symptoms gone.
I don't have an update on Test levels and don't even have an appointment for follow up blood work. I think the Dr was tired of seeing me. I still take the dessicated thyroid. Yeah, I might have not needed it and messed up my thyroids the rest of my life, but when you feel that bad you pretty much will do anything.

i think if you got your test levels checked again and they were still low then I would consider going on HRT. I know it sucks to decide to go on hormone replacement therapy permanently the rest of your life...but its way better than having that low testosterone the rest of your life! Honestly I bet your IGF levels would go up too if you got test stabilized in high-normal range.

After 3 months on Androgel at max dose my test level was 193 I believe. That's when she wanted me to take the Test pills. I filled them but take the cypionate instead. Haven't done blood work since and that was 2 months ago.
Yeah, low T sucks ass. What's worse was the Dr.'s, A. couldn't figure out the problem, B. Didn't want to give me medication when they did know the problem. Think it makes sense to have to see 3 different Dr's, 6 sets of blood work and a CT scan... I mean I am glad for the CT scan but give me a break. Like I said, I don't want my worst enemy to have to go through 6 months of that crap.
welcome bro, hope you get some good luck coming your way :)
welcome bro, hope you get some good luck coming your way :)
Thanks. All is pretty well now.

Sounds like the low test is what was giving you the trouble. I am curious to what your levels are now with 200mg of cyp a week.

Yeah, I believe so. I'll try to get an appointment in a month are so and post the results. I'd love to know where it is myself.
explain to me what Mitro valve prolapse is? if it is when the mitrol valve doesn't close completely then I don't see any reason why that would be the main problem. I have that condition and doin fine. Just my 2 cents homie. Good luck with everything and welcome
Welcome aboard Bro

Thank you

explain to me what Mitro valve prolapse is? if it is when the mitrol valve doesn't close completely then I don't see any reason why that would be the main problem. I have that condition and doin fine. Just my 2 cents homie. Good luck with everything and welcome

You are correct on Mitral Valve Prolapse. I have the brochure in my hand. MVP isn't my main issue, it was just one that occurred at the same time as all the other issues. My problem with MVP was that I had a constant chest pain for 5 months that would cripple me when I did cardio. MVP is very common, just most people it doesn't bother them. I also have a high heart rate that could easily get in the 220's+ with exercise.... been like that all my life. The medicine for my heart rate and MVP work as I just have a slight constant pain in the chest. Much more manageable.

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