These were posted a while ago on others boards. Where are the other 10pics to go along with this set? You can see his lat is looking better, but still stands out. Buy you guys seriously don't see 1/4 of his left quad.. MISSING??
These were posted a while ago on others boards. Where are the other 10pics to go along with this set? You can see his lat is looking better, but still stands out. Buy you guys seriously don't see 1/4 of his left quad.. MISSING??
Yea I noticed the medialis first up. His left leg just above the knee. Looks like either a partial detachment or tear of some kind. Either way you can see why Ronnie is one of the greatest of all time. He is still huge!! Great condition for guest poses!! Looks really good but relaxed if ya know what I mean. No pressure anymore, just doin it for the love of it!! Oh And the mnoney aint to shabby either.
Wow, he looks great! In fact, younger and healthier than in years past. The man is an amazing athlete.
Out of curiosity, do you guys think he still has to use the same amounts as before to maintain that mass? Or are his freaky genes allowing him to hang on to more than us mere mortals?
I ask because I remember when I used to trian in Scott Wilson's gym in Cali, the guy was YEARS past retired and still huge. Not ripped, but not fat and still massive. He just trained mellow and ate what he wanted and muscle just seemed to stick to him.
Then you see pics of Gary Strydom off gear and he was like 198lbs.
Yeah, his left quad tear drop is f'ed up. Looks like a tear.
Also, he is likely using a decent amount of AAS to maintain that size. After years of juicing and then add in his age, he would very likely drop muscle very fast if he were to just stop. He would need TRT at the very least. And TRT would not hold that much muscle. RC obviously likes being big. He can still make some $ with guest appearances and sponsorships as long as he still looks like he could be a Mr O, even if he never gets into contest shape again.
another reason why ronnie may be able to hold onto so much mass is because he is so damn strong. I mean, back in the 'day,' there are videos of him leg pressing like 2000lbs for reps...front squatting like 800lbs...benching 5 plates for reps...the dude had crazy strength (those aren't exact numbers, but search it on youtube). even if he were to train with 'light' weights for him, he would still be training heavier than many of us will ever be able to train.