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Sep 1, 2022
Just wanted to say hi y’all from Arkansas. Looking for testosterone recommendations.
Welcome to PM. Read up on the rules of the forum here first. Asking for sources out in the open is breaking a rule. No need in getting banned for not following instructions.

Go to the sponsors forum. Plenty of solid suppliers will be found! Read up and educate yourself! There a treasure chest of information here all for free!

Thank you and sorry!!! I should of read the rules first. I’ll delete it
I’m 54 and quit 5 years ago after o popped my right bicep tendon. Sounded like a gun going off had it repaired to decide to convening hunting. 2 months ago I was diagnosed with diabetes after get up to 240lbs. Been back lifting for 6 weeks now and everything feels great! Lost 20 lbs pretty quickly. I’m wanting to see my abs for the first time ever. All advice is welcome!!
Brotha, post up your diet and all relevant a supplements and you’ll get some great advice. Can only help when we know what we’re dealing with! Welcome to the board bro.
Welcome to professional muscle! 💪
Thank you and sorry!!! I should of read the rules first. I’ll delete it
Welcome. Just a reminder when you make it over to the sponsor section no post at all till you have made 50 or more post.
Brotha, post up your diet and all relevant a supplements and you’ll get some great advice. Can only help when we know what we’re dealing with! Welcome to the board bro.
This is the stuff I’m on now. My doctor put me on TRT because my levels were low. Only put me on .5mls once a week. I’ve been told it’s better to do twice a week and I used .25mls on Tuesday and will be doing the other half tomorrow. Been trying to eat 2000 calories a day and keeping my carbs around 50ish to help lose fat faster. Lifting 6 days a week hitting every body part twice a week. Photos below is where I’m starting at after a 20lb weight loss.
Brotha, post up your diet and all relevant a supplements and you’ll get some great advice. Can only help when we know what we’re dealing with! Welcome to the board bro.


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This is the stuff I’m on now. My doctor put me on TRT because my levels were low. Only put me on .5mls once a week. I’ve been told it’s better to do twice a week and I used .25mls on Tuesday and will be doing the other half tomorrow. Been trying to eat 2000 calories a day and keeping my carbs around 50ish to help lose fat faster. Lifting 6 days a week hitting every body part twice a week. Photos below is where I’m starting at after a 20lb weight loss.

Besides being against the rules, what is the purpose of the initial question in your post if you are already on TRT? If your levels aren't close to 1,000+ at the dosage he's giving you then go to a different Dr. if he one won't get you to 1,000ish.

As previously asked, post your current diet set up- specifics per meal.
In the meantime, toss the HMB in the trash. With your diabetes, there are probably about 20 supplements you should be taking before HMB.

Also, what are you doing for cardio? You need to be doing some fasted cardio daily.
Besides being against the rules, what is the purpose of the initial question in your post if you are already on TRT? If your levels aren't close to 1,000+ at the dosage he's giving you then go to a different Dr. if he one won't get you to 1,000ish.

As previously asked, post your current diet set up- specifics per meal.
In the meantime, toss the HMB in the trash. With your diabetes, there are probably about 20 supplements you should be taking before HMB.

Also, what are you doing for cardio? You need to be doing some fasted cardio daily.
Breakfast: Atkins protein shake before gym. 3 eggs, 2 slices of Kraft American cheese. Another protein shake.
Lunch: broccoli crust pizza supreme. I eat half of a 10” pizza.
Dinner: I eat rest of pizza or more eggs with cheese. Dinner varies. Sometimes I’ll eat a steak instead or a half of baked chicken. Another protein shake.
Bedtime: Protein shake or protein bar.
No cardio. I only rest 30 seconds between sets and figured I was getting enough cardio that way.
Not sure if this is specific enough. Let me know what y’all think
Breakfast: Atkins protein shake before gym. 3 eggs, 2 slices of Kraft American cheese. Another protein shake.
Lunch: broccoli crust pizza supreme. I eat half of a 10” pizza.
Dinner: I eat rest of pizza or more eggs with cheese. Dinner varies. Sometimes I’ll eat a steak instead or a half of baked chicken. Another protein shake.
Bedtime: Protein shake or protein bar.
No cardio. I only rest 30 seconds between sets and figured I was getting enough cardio that way.
Not sure if this is specific enough. Let me know what y’all think

Your diet needs tons of work. Use the search bar to dig around for some information. You need to eat 5-6 MEALS a day with proper macro and micronutrients. Not a bunch of shakes, bars, and pre fabbed foods. You are really not going to make much headway in terms of transforming your physique eating the way you do.

Also, you should be doing 30 min fasted cardio 5-7x a week. Or if you train early then do your 30 min after you train.
Breakfast: Atkins protein shake before gym. 3 eggs, 2 slices of Kraft American cheese. Another protein shake.
Lunch: broccoli crust pizza supreme. I eat half of a 10” pizza.
Dinner: I eat rest of pizza or more eggs with cheese. Dinner varies. Sometimes I’ll eat a steak instead or a half of baked chicken. Another protein shake.
Bedtime: Protein shake or protein bar.
No cardio. I only rest 30 seconds between sets and figured I was getting enough cardio that way.
Not sure if this is specific enough. Let me know what y’all think

Do cardio. Don't try to turn a weight training session into a cardio session. You're just making training less effective.

The diet needs work as already mentioned. Meals need to be built around whole minimally processed foods. Not shakes, bars, pizza, etc.
Like others have said, eat Whole Foods. Chicken breast, lean beef, pork. Throw in a veggie and some rice. You can prep that for a whole week in a few hours on a Sunday night. It gets boring, but that’s why god made hot sauce and sugar free barbecue sauce.
Thanks for all the advice. How many carbs, fat and protein do I need daily. I’m 220 now.

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