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Nimrod King

If I could look like that for just one day I could die the next and be complete
Assuming you are doing extreme volume like the guys in the Golden era (3hr training sessions) using this high rep sets to failure, do you think this training method would work for everyone or just genetic freaks
Your body adapts to stress and raising volume is a form of stress your increasing your work capacity and in return your muscles are forced to grow bigger . The past shows that high volume definitely works .
Assuming you are doing extreme volume like the guys in the Golden era (3hr training sessions) using this high rep sets to failure, do you think this training method would work for everyone or just genetic freaks
Here is my beef with the entire, "genetics" argument. Generally when someone posts a video of a huge guy using really light weights you get 1 of 2 arguments against his style of training.

1. He is a genetic freak and anything he does will get him huge
2. He might be training like that now, but he spent years building his physique on slag iron

But the fact is, ALL those pros (or guys close to it) ARE genetic freaks. Some much more so than others. And I am telling you first hand, though the years I have witnessed guys who were decent size become pro caliber using moderate loads. As a matter of fact, back in the day (80's) I would say MORE used moderate loads and the heavy slag iron was generally slung only by powerlifters. But for some reason whenever you bring up a name of a guy who trained with moderate weights, focused on mind/muscle connection etc. it looks something like this. But, what about Frank Zane? "freak based on his bone structure." What about Shawn Ray? "genetic freak." What about Nimrod King? "No way he always trained like that." What about Serge Nubret? "ummm genetics."

And even guys like Lee Haney, although he was strong even he didn't use more than 185 on bent rows. But nowadays I see guys (albeit bigger total mass if that is all you are chasing).... using 4+ plates on bent rows. No apparent mind/muscle connection, they are simply moving the bar from point A to point B. Is it effective? Sure. But at what cost? It is the same argument I saw on the "staying away from testosterone" thread. Does the other gear work? Yeah, but at what cost? Like I said, there is more than one way to skin a cat. And if I could look like Haney using much lighter weights and still be walking upright and enjoying life as I age, I would take that in a heartbeat over slanging heavy iron, getting huge and then being crippled at age 55.
Assuming you are doing extreme volume like the guys in the Golden era (3hr training sessions) using this high rep sets to failure, do you think this training method would work for everyone or just genetic freaks

I do

Day 1
Chest / back / delts / abs
20 set each muscle

Day 2
Legs/arms/ calfs/abs
20 set each muscle

I do this 6 days a week with sunday off with added cardio and i am no genetic freak i just love to train

Training 16 years never injury
I do

Day 1
Chest / back / delts / abs
20 set each muscle

Day 2
Legs/arms/ calfs/abs
20 set each muscle

I do this 6 days a week with sunday off with added cardio and i am no genetic freak i just love to train

Training 16 years never injury

How long does it take to complete each workout? And do you have the same volume of 20 sets for all muscles?
How long does it take to complete each workout? And do you have the same volume of 20 sets for all muscles?

60-90 min

Yes but for arms is 20 total so 10 bis 10 tris same for quads and hams

1 min rest , same weight all sets , failure at last one , 12-20 reps
That’s an awesome training style. Now with a style like that how is your diet structured? High carb to really get that pump?

Thank you my friend , its just what i enjoy and i am a believer that above all you must enjoy your training to be able to be consistent and advance

And yes , high carb ,mod prot ,low fat
It would stress me out spending so much time and so many days training, my body would not recover well.

See this is what i like , ppl thinking for themself

Dont it then brother , do what you enjoy

There is no right or wrong and through my years i have seen consistency is the name of this game and the “ secret “

And to be consistent you much first enjoy what you do

What training you like if you not mind me asking ?
See this is what i like , ppl thinking for themself

Dont it then brother , do what you enjoy

There is no right or wrong and through my years i have seen consistency is the name of this game and the “ secret “

And to be consistent you much first enjoy what you do

What training you like if you not mind me asking ?

I like one day train, one day rest, leg / chest-tri-lateral shoulders / back-rear shoulders-trapezius-bi.

No more than 45 minutes per training day.

One day I'll focus more on quads and the next on hams-glutes.

Oh, I train at home with a power rack and I'm natty.

The sets for big muscles will range from 6 to 10-12, for small muscles from 3 to 6. Reps ranges from 6 to 12-15
Bertil pressed huge weights for that chest. No squeezing or pumping for him. There are vids of him benching. Bertil had to be one of the densest bodybuilders of his time.
Bertil pressed huge weights for that chest. No squeezing or pumping for him. There are vids of him benching. Bertil had to be one of the densest bodybuilders of his time.
YES, there is an example of a guy who moved heavy iron. And, it is a great discussion because the debate is who had the best chest. Both these guys are in the discussion, and both trained dramatically differently.
I know different bodybuilders respond differently to high /low volume and weight...when I began training 30+ years ago I did the high volume and relatively heavy weight. When I backed way off on my volume(studied Dorian Yates training) I started making gains again after many years. I have never personally witnessed a guy who never trained very heavy and was impressively big but I also dont know any ifbb pros.
Everyone has to find the approach that works best for themselves. You can find plenty of examples of guys who are big and impressively strong, and plenty of guys who are big and didn't use huge weights. I've know IFBB pros who were from both methods. Time and experience and trial and error will show what works best for you, if you let experience and not ego be your teacher.

I always wanted to be as strong as I looked, and although I competed as a bodybuilder, I looked up to the powerlifters and strongmen at the gym. So I always strived to use big poundages in the deadlift, squat, bench press, press behind the neck, and other exercises, and I emulated the power bodybuilders from that era.

But when I first got a job training in a gym back in 1993, I was working for an IFBB pro who was managing the gym. He had won the light-heavy class and the overall at the USA's, so he was not the hugest pro, but still pro-bodybuilder big. But watching him train, he never used heavy weight, and mostly used dumbbells, cables, and machines. The highest I ever saw him go on the bench press was only 205, for slow and controlled and focused high reps. I couldn't figure out why I was moving so much more weight than this guy, yet he was so much bigger, muscular, cut, and defined than me.

Of course, the fact that he had been on testosterone and other steroids for the last 16 years was a big reason why LOL. Yet he had figured out the answer to what worked best for his body. My answer was different from his, but his approach worked best for him.
Another with probably the best pecs in bodybuilding Bertil fox

I think he was a very underrated bodybuilder in his time, he had the mass, hardness and round shapes that no one else had.

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