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Liver King steroid use exposed

At my best if some one had offered me a larger 6+ figure salary, but i had to state i was natural. I would have been shouting it from the roof tops daily that i was natural. Especially since it was obvious that i was not. I would have only felt slightly dishonorable. But it seems that many on this board hold their self esteem higher then i would and would be happy not to make some really good money and would turn it down. As i side note i could feel i was actually helping the people that believe in me as they would not be using steroids and would living a most likely healthier life style. But i do have some honor. I have never had sex or even gone on a date with another girl while in a relationship i said i was committed to. I gues we all have out own boundaries.
Dave Chappele said basically the EXACT same thing, about someone who was conning others when they revealed the person was a bs artist.

This logic makes ZERO sense because the thing is, is that you're taking food / money off of the believers plate that actually put FAITH/TRUST in you, but instead you bullshit them and play the Charlatan, so it goes both ways. The guy was pedaling his own supplement line over and over, and asboltuely REFGUSED to acklowedge the assistance he was getting from the AAS/ PEDS. I work hard for my money and always have since I was a kid, using your logic I'd have more of a right to end him than he would me.

There's a difference between taking food off someones plate / messing with someones money when that person has integrity and runs an actual honest company compared to this type of scumbag, if you mess with the former than of course that person has a right to be upset and take action but the later has ZERO right.
I can see both sides

If a trainer juices and trains clients, and says he's natural for obvious reasons (to keep a job), should the guy who sells him his juice out him at the gym?

Then you have supplements companies. They could be all classified as scammers because we all know they promote their products as being important when in reality there are 20 things that matter more.

Then we have plain darwinism. Do we really owe it to prevent stupid people from spending money on worthless stuff? And how far should we go? If a newbie asks me what brand of bcaa he should use I laugh and say none focus on training right, how many calories per day? You don't know? That's a problem, you don't need to worry about aminos right now. But I also don't go around testing companies products and expose them if they are undeodosed.

Sometimes it's better to let people do stupid things and learn from their own mistakes. I can tell a kid his dad bod trainer who has him doing 30 sets not to failure won't get him anywhere. But if he thinks someone who looks like that can get him fit, that's on him. Eventually he will learn that training doesn't work and read up about it online or find a trainer that looks the part.

I can see both sides. But I wouldn't label anyone who gives liver queen money as a victim. They willingly saw a fool and idolized him and paid him. If they find out he is a fraud they will just move onto another fool most likely or learn how to differentiate between legitimate sources of information (John Meadows, DC training as examples) and some bearded distended guy who says he eats testicles and raw liver lol
The guy is very intelligent and thought out... I'd like to assume he spoke with his legal team on the risks, before making a video of that magnitude. Liver made a poor business decision, he should have inquired on services and had him sign a confidentiality agreement before putting that information in an email,imo.
The guy is very intelligent and thought out... I'd like to assume he spoke with his legal team on the risks, before making a video of that magnitude. Liver made a poor business decision, he should have inquired on services and had him sign a confidentiality agreement before putting that information in an email,imo.

If he's so intelligent he should have said "fake news" and at least half his followers would have believed him.
The guy is very intelligent and thought out... I'd like to assume he spoke with his legal team on the risks, before making a video of that magnitude. Liver made a poor business decision, he should have inquired on services and had him sign a confidentiality agreement before putting that information in an email,imo.
Why would he even reach out using his real name if he was well known? What exactly did the videos zhowy? And I realize I could click on the video but I can't stand these jokers to even give them a view. I assume he asked for AAS advice which is readily available online and by his lbm he already knows how to use, dont know why he would risk it. Not too bright. Probably rhe same type of guy who would text a co worker he's dating a dick pic not thinking when they break up he's fired. He trusted an online "guru/content creator" whatever they call them.
Dave Chappele said basically the EXACT same thing, about someone who was conning others when they revealed the person was a bs artist.

This logic makes ZERO sense because the thing is, is that you're taking food / money off of the believers plate that actually put FAITH/TRUST in you, but instead you bullshit them and play the Charlatan, so it goes both ways. The guy was pedaling his own supplement line over and over, and asboltuely REFGUSED to acklowedge the assistance he was getting from the AAS/ PEDS. I work hard for my money and always have since I was a kid, using your logic I'd have more of a right to end him than he would me.

There's a difference between taking food off someones plate / messing with someones money when that person has integrity and runs an actual honest company compared to this type of scumbag, if you mess with the former than of course that person has a right to be upset and take action but the later has ZERO right.
Muscle tech and every pro did this to you from the jump though.
Yes he's a POS con man, but his livelihood was just busted. That's gonna make him go crazy and maybe even crazy enough to retaliate. Several people are capable of terrible behavior when they're basically fired.
You must have come from the suburbs if you don't understand what I'm saying.
It's a tough situation to be in. I get it. I can see both sides of the argument.

We all know Liver King looks the way that he does because of extra enhancement. Regardless if the email released is a true email from him or not.

Let's take away the steroid aspect and focus elsewhere. The guy built a super impressive brand and ultimately he has some good core ideas when it comes to the 9 tenants that he talks about. We all know how critical things like getting proper sleep, eating a focused and meaningful diet, and many other ideas about relationships and bonds that are important.

I get that most deny PED usage. I do all the time. Sure I am lying about it and lying to others. But I am not able to handle the stigma that is attached. Those that don't understand, which I argue is anyone that hasn't taken a PED will never truly understand. For example, I never want someone to say I have roid rage when I get pissed off. No its not roid rage, it is your an idiot and should be fired from your job because we have been over this 13 times. However anybody that know's you juice will discredit you.

Of course I want to be honest and open, but there are so many that think PED's are these miracles. While yes they are amazing. We make them amazing. I would get, "well I could look like you too if I took some D-ball." "I could do all the things you do too if I cheated like you."

NO you couldn't. People see the PED's are the reason for success. They aren't. It is the constant dedication of eating meals, not missing workouts, not partying, and working your ass off to make those gains. I remember I was consulting for a dietary supplement company and there was a giant window in my office. At 3pm every day I would eat my meal of 12oz of steak and veggies. People would walk by all the time and some would even tell me later that "bro, you look miserable eating that. Why do you do that?" "Because if you want to look like me, this is what you do. The difference between the freaks and the flock is the fork." They are like that's really what it takes? Many of these people worked out and trained. However I was known for eating at the exact same time every day, eating the same thing, looking miserable some times doing it, and people would ask me if I was juicing and how do I look the way you do?

My point is I get why individuals keep PED's a close secret. Once it comes out, you are instantly written off for what it takes to look the way you do. People think Lance Armstrong won all those Tour De Frances because he was juicing. Literally before he even took any PED he was the number 1 Sprint Triathlete in the world. I mean his entire team juiced and they still couldn't put out his power levels and cadence. However it is commonly thought that the reason why he won was because of PED's. PED's make good men great, and great men gods.
Lol. "Low self esteem". This is a modern thing and an appeal for sympathy. I remember a day when a man was supposed to be confident, Strong. Now people project themselves as "vulnerable" "emotional" "low self esteem" to get sympathy look cool and get a higher social credit score
I’m 45 and low self esteem wasn’t a thing even when I was young.

Certainly doesn’t fit with the ‘Primal’ man image he tries to portray 🤣
I actually give props to anyone for figuring out a way to make money/fame and do without hurting anyone, as far as influencing people to eat organ meat, buy his supps, live his lifestyle is all harmless and if your willing to listen its all on you, were all responsible for our own research, health, decisions and goals and more. its just crazy how he blew up so much over it. not like hes the only person to claim not being into something illegal publicly.
Cant talk about integrity as he admitted his lies after he fucked up and got caught out. If it wasn't for this email leak he would be peddling the same bullshit "never used steroids" line like Mike O Hearn.
It's a tough situation to be in. I get it. I can see both sides of the argument.

We all know Liver King looks the way that he does because of extra enhancement. Regardless if the email released is a true email from him or not.

Let's take away the steroid aspect and focus elsewhere. The guy built a super impressive brand and ultimately he has some good core ideas when it comes to the 9 tenants that he talks about. We all know how critical things like getting proper sleep, eating a focused and meaningful diet, and many other ideas about relationships and bonds that are important.

I get that most deny PED usage. I do all the time. Sure I am lying about it and lying to others. But I am not able to handle the stigma that is attached. Those that don't understand, which I argue is anyone that hasn't taken a PED will never truly understand. For example, I never want someone to say I have roid rage when I get pissed off. No its not roid rage, it is your an idiot and should be fired from your job because we have been over this 13 times. However anybody that know's you juice will discredit you.

Of course I want to be honest and open, but there are so many that think PED's are these miracles. While yes they are amazing. We make them amazing. I would get, "well I could look like you too if I took some D-ball." "I could do all the things you do too if I cheated like you."

NO you couldn't. People see the PED's are the reason for success. They aren't. It is the constant dedication of eating meals, not missing workouts, not partying, and working your ass off to make those gains. I remember I was consulting for a dietary supplement company and there was a giant window in my office. At 3pm every day I would eat my meal of 12oz of steak and veggies. People would walk by all the time and some would even tell me later that "bro, you look miserable eating that. Why do you do that?" "Because if you want to look like me, this is what you do. The difference between the freaks and the flock is the fork." They are like that's really what it takes? Many of these people worked out and trained. However I was known for eating at the exact same time every day, eating the same thing, looking miserable some times doing it, and people would ask me if I was juicing and how do I look the way you do?

My point is I get why individuals keep PED's a close secret. Once it comes out, you are instantly written off for what it takes to look the way you do. People think Lance Armstrong won all those Tour De Frances because he was juicing. Literally before he even took any PED he was the number 1 Sprint Triathlete in the world. I mean his entire team juiced and they still couldn't put out his power levels and cadence. However it is commonly thought that the reason why he won was because of PED's. PED's make good men great, and great men gods.
It’s not that he denied ped usage, but that he tried to convince people that he looked that way and had fixed all these things in his life by following the “ancestral tenets”, but now we find out that he had low confidence and sex drive and energy……and AAS are what fixed it
Cant talk about integrity as he admitted his lies after he fucked up and got caught out. If it wasn't for this email leak he would be peddling the same bullshit "never used steroids" line like Mike O Hearn.
Yep. Integrity was one of his main talking points as he lied to everyone
Cant talk about integrity as he admitted his lies after he fucked up and got caught out. If it wasn't for this email leak he would be peddling the same bullshit "never used steroids" line like Mike O Hearn.
And whoever got into his emails was just as bad but at least it exposed how fraudulent Liver King was. O'Tren was just as bad. In due time all these YT fitness frauds will be rooted out and shamed which should start scaring people straight and honest.
He's generated 9+ pages so far here, haha.

I think there are a bunch of good points brought up in the thread.

I think he shot himself in the foot though. If he would have just said "no" to not taking them, it would have helped him, instead of vilifying them, and people who use them. He sounds like a douchebag now. I mean, the whole point of the 9-Tren-nants is to produce 'natural' hormone production so you do not need exogenous hormones......BUT, that is all out the window now. He can't claim that it does what he claimed now because it didn't, and he had to use exogenous hormones. I mean, if the 9 Tren-nants produced it naturally, then there shouldn't be any reason to use test/HGH, etc. How can he claim the lifestyle works in this fashion when it clearly doesn't?

I think everybody here, or others with a 10-year-old brain knew he was on and making crap up. There are some really ignorant, naive and gullible people out there though, so who knows.

It will be interesting to see how he goes forward with all this....noit that i'll go out of my way to research and keep up with it, lol. I know somebody here will report on it though....HAHAhaha. Once it is up, i'll update myself:)

I will say one thing though. I am kind of 50/50 on how it was released. On one hand, I want people exposed. However, on the other hand, I think there has to be some client confidentiality. I'm kind of on the fence with this one, but not really losing any sleep over it either.

I don't really have issues with drug users denying use, due to legality and careers, but keep it simple and real. Don't go on a bash tour for those who use it.....when you are too. It's like, just say nothing, or just enough to keep you afloat, which is just a no answer, or maybe something like, "I don't use them, but I can understand people doing them for longevity and health." Just something simple of that nature goes a long way.
Muscle tech and every pro did this to you from the jump though.
Yes he's a POS con man, but his livelihood was just busted. That's gonna make him go crazy and maybe even crazy enough to retaliate. Several people are capable of terrible behavior when they're basically fired.
You must have come from the suburbs if you don't understand what I'm saying.
Muscle Tech is a brand and while they did market their products a certain way they never said that their athletes don't take steroids, they never flat out admitted to NEVER taking steroids, they never claimed for their products to be better or as effective as steroids etc. Any of their athletes that lied/denied steroids are insecure pos for doing so, if you're in a position where you have to lie to keep your sponsorship to survive than you're doing something wrong. There's ways to word things where you don't completely out yourself or lie to your fan base, like a politician, and lots of their athletes would do this which is a hell of a lot better than repetitively lying and saying no you're a lifetime natural.

A man is as good as his word, and there was several times he had the opportunity to admit his use and instead he doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on his natty status, for financial gains and self esteem issues. He even had fun with it and made a video where he had syringes filled with maple syrup and put them in meat and made a mockery.
Any man that lies like this and especially when he was doing it behind the scenes to another mans face FULLY deserves to have his livelihood taken from it, if you have no honor nor integrity than you should have no business having a business lol.

I'm not the biggest Rich P fan but at least he didn't shill his supplement line and try to act like that's what got him to where he was, he would constantly talk about what he does as far as super supps go, and always say that eating real foods was better than taking supplements and they weren't necessary at all.

Same with John Meadows, Evan Centopani, Tony Huge, Mark Lobliner, Greg Doucette etc these guys all have some honor and integrity and never shilled their supps and admitted to achieving their physique through their products nor stated they're lifetime nattys.

Suburbs eh? Try the 818 and not the good areas of the 818 either, if the plug was selling fake drugs or undercutting there's no silly logic of what you're talking about, in fact I don't know many bad areas where you get caught selling fakes or duping people out of money and lasting very long. The latino gangs wont tolerate any sort of funny business like that at all, doesn't matter if it's drugs, gambling, motorcycles ( long story ) , guns, etc they truly live by fuck around and find out. I can't imagine trying to make an excuse up and use your logic for any type of scumbag that is purposely lying to peoples faces with zero accountability and integrity and not deserve to be outed.

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