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Liver King steroid use exposed

One thing I find odd in all the discussion about how people care so much that a person lies, bashes steroids, or even a steroid user bashes steroids.

Sure they are a hypocrite, bur does this actually bother or anger people? If I'm in the gym lifting and I hear someone say "fuck roid heads they all have a tiny penis and acne" I don't care. If I hear the biggest juicer in the gym bashing steroids, I don't care. He isn't on the equipment I need, he isn't trying to chat me up while I'm lifting and waste my time, so I don't care.

Ronnie could post a video saying everyone who takes steroids is an idiot and he was all natural, I couldn't care less. I'm more worried about the score on the football game than what anyone thinis about me, if others lie, if others deceive gullabpe people, etc

Nothing against anyone for caring, but I couldn't care less if this guy goes on a crusade against AAS, jumps off a cliff, or kisses his sister. He's just some old ugly distended dude with the mentality of a middle schooler who is mentally ill I feel sorry for him he's a laughing stock.
The irony is, qbkilla, you make threads caring about instagram influencers / teen night and rpe rants etc. when I read those thread I have the same exact thoughts, like why does this bother this guy enough to go make a thread on an online forum.
One thing I find odd in all the discussion about how people care so much that a person lies, bashes steroids, or even a steroid user bashes steroids.

Sure they are a hypocrite, bur does this actually bother or anger people? If I'm in the gym lifting and I hear someone say "fuck roid heads they all have a tiny penis and acne" I don't care. If I hear the biggest juicer in the gym bashing steroids, I don't care. He isn't on the equipment I need, he isn't trying to chat me up while I'm lifting and waste my time, so I don't care.

Ronnie could post a video saying everyone who takes steroids is an idiot and he was all natural, I couldn't care less. I'm more worried about the score on the football game than what anyone thinis about me, if others lie, if others deceive gullabpe people, etc

Nothing against anyone for caring, but I couldn't care less if this guy goes on a crusade against AAS, jumps off a cliff, or kisses his sister. He's just some old ugly distended dude with the mentality of a middle schooler who is mentally ill I feel sorry for him he's a laughing stock.
Because it's not just the lie, but the fraud. A lie in a vacuum hurts no one.
It is about the intentional deceit for profit. There is a reason that fraud is a crime (not saying this meets the legal definition).

Many people say this is on the consumer, but I don't think that is fair.
The average consumer doesn't have the ability to effectively check his claims, and he was vigorously exploiting the weaknesses of people, knowing that they could not know the truth.
Personal responsibility is only valid if the consumer (or mark) has equal availability of information.

This is the reason we have organizations like the FDA and the EPA, as the ordinary person does not have the ability to test their own food, air, or water - and without being able to hold offenders legally accountable history has demonstrated that many will not act ethically. Companies once sold medicated syrups to "soothe" colic babies - syrups loaded with cocaine or opium. People died.
A consumer should not be simply labeled gullible if they have nothing beyond marketing to rely on as the source of truth, especially when the truth is hidden by active deception.

Con artists use this mechanism every day; key into perceived concerns, insecurities, and grievances, then identify with the crowd and offer them a solution - while laughing all the way to the bank.
The irony is, qbkilla, you make threads caring about instagram influencers / teen night and rpe rants etc. when I read those thread I have the same exact thoughts, like why does this bother this guy enough to go make a thread on an online forum.
I feel like we're talking about apples and oranges

Teenies using the gym directly impact's my ability to get a workout in. rpe+ high volume vs low volume to failure are legitimate opposite approaches to training, an actual discussion about how we should train.

This guy or whoever going on an anti steroid rant to make a few $ or get clicks has no impact on anyone. Laws won't be changed, people won't judge us better or for worse because some crazy guy makes videos on YouTube.

I just don't think people should take it personally if a natural or fake natural bashes steroids. Who cares what they think? It's just one of those things you roll your eyes at, but I don't wish any I'll will on him, he's just a goof. Lance Armstrong didn't bother me either or Barry bonds. They are different because they are legitimate public figures.
Because it's not just the lie, but the fraud. A lie in a vacuum hurts no one.
It is about the intentional deceit for profit. There is a reason that fraud is a crime (not saying this meets the legal definition).

Many people say this is on the consumer, but I don't think that is fair.
The average consumer doesn't have the ability to effectively check his claims, and he was vigorously exploiting the weaknesses of people, knowing that they could not know the truth.
Personal responsibility is only valid if the consumer (or mark) has equal availability of information.

This is the reason we have organizations like the FDA and the EPA, as the ordinary person does not have the ability to test their own food, air, or water - and without being able to hold offenders legally accountable history has demonstrated that many will not act ethically. Companies once sold medicated syrups to "soothe" colic babies - syrups loaded with cocaine or opium. People died.
A consumer should not be simply labeled gullible if they have nothing beyond marketing to rely on as the source of truth, especially when the truth is hidden by active deception.

Con artists use this mechanism every day; key into perceived concerns, insecurities, and grievances, then identify with the crowd and offer them a solution - while laughing all the way to the bank.
I see your point. At the same time, I personally think it does fall on the consumer. In today's age we have tools to research anything we want. Example the datbtrue peptide craze years ago. People spent hours on his board and dollars on his peptides. Me personally I'm a skeptic I never paid him any attention. During that time anyone who called him out likely would have had a mob on forums "correcting" them. Then you have something like bcaa. Some here swear by them, some like me have no use for them. But there is plenty of studies, information on forums, where kids considering buying them can see why some people think it's a waste of $ and others think it's an essential tool to optimize muscle building potential. There's always going to be con artists in this industry but imo there is enough information available for even the most gullabpe to make informed decisions without people intentionally posting personal emails etc as a way to "expose" them per se.
And how exactly, are you as the consumer, going to research your way past active fraud and deception? Sure, you can send a sample to jano. Sure, you can get bloodwork done. But theres only so much you can effectively do to keep the guy making the money honest.

This is why accountability, whether to a governing body (the boogeyman to you) or even a board owner, is necessary. There is so much fraud and cost cutting going on that every couple years we hear about peoples animals dying (I lost a dog to this), lead in baby formula (I might have made this one up), and an uncountable number of other frauds and scams. Profit above everything.

We are living in the golden age of fraud. If the consumer gets fucked by the seller, "...it does fall on the consumer." is as galaxy brained a take as you could have. The consumer gets hosed and the seller makes the money for providing nothing at best or active harm at worst? In what world do you live? It's your mindset of "weak and strong". The consumer, the one being actively frauded, looks weak, and by qbkilla logic, that makes them sheep and ultimately sheep are to be fleeced. Something like this right?

I see your point. At the same time, I personally think it does fall on the consumer. In today's age we have tools to research anything we want. Example the datbtrue peptide craze years ago. People spent hours on his board and dollars on his peptides. Me personally I'm a skeptic I never paid him any attention. During that time anyone who called him out likely would have had a mob on forums "correcting" them. Then you have something like bcaa. Some here swear by them, some like me have no use for them. But there is plenty of studies, information on forums, where kids considering buying them can see why some people think it's a waste of $ and others think it's an essential tool to optimize muscle building potential. There's always going to be con artists in this industry but imo there is enough information available for even the most gullabpe to make informed decisions without people intentionally posting personal emails etc as a way to "expose" them per se.
lead in baby formula (I might have made this one up)
This was actually a real problem in China for a while. For a while, it was impossible to buy baby formula, because Chinese Customers were buying everything they could abroad - because they did not trust their own manufacturers one bit. Has been a few years, but it still is a very common thing to see Chinese Tourists stock up in Baby Formula in countries they visit.

By the way, wasn't that Derek Guy also invovled in a Scam recently? I vaguely remember some supplement he was selling was underdosed. Like it contained like 1/100th of the proclaimed dosage on the label. Kinda amusing to now see him be the righteous defender of uninformed young customers getting scammed out of their money 😅.

I'm still convinced that @airman nailed it 100% with his take- this is all just some clever marketing scheme by all parties involved.
Muscle Tech is a brand and while they did market their products a certain way they never said that their athletes don't take steroids, they never flat out admitted to NEVER taking steroids, they never claimed for their products to be better or as effective as steroids etc. Any of their athletes that lied/denied steroids are insecure pos for doing so, if you're in a position where you have to lie to keep your sponsorship to survive than you're doing something wrong. There's ways to word things where you don't completely out yourself or lie to your fan base, like a politician, and lots of their athletes would do this which is a hell of a lot better than repetitively lying and saying no you're a lifetime natural.

A man is as good as his word, and there was several times he had the opportunity to admit his use and instead he doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on his natty status, for financial gains and self esteem issues. He even had fun with it and made a video where he had syringes filled with maple syrup and put them in meat and made a mockery.
Any man that lies like this and especially when he was doing it behind the scenes to another mans face FULLY deserves to have his livelihood taken from it, if you have no honor nor integrity than you should have no business having a business lol.

I'm not the biggest Rich P fan but at least he didn't shill his supplement line and try to act like that's what got him to where he was, he would constantly talk about what he does as far as super supps go, and always say that eating real foods was better than taking supplements and they weren't necessary at all.

Same with John Meadows, Evan Centopani, Tony Huge, Mark Lobliner, Greg Doucette etc these guys all have some honor and integrity and never shilled their supps and admitted to achieving their physique through their products nor stated they're lifetime nattys.

Suburbs eh? Try the 818 and not the good areas of the 818 either, if the plug was selling fake drugs or undercutting there's no silly logic of what you're talking about, in fact I don't know many bad areas where you get caught selling fakes or duping people out of money and lasting very long. The latino gangs wont tolerate any sort of funny business like that at all, doesn't matter if it's drugs, gambling, motorcycles ( long story ) , guns, etc they truly live by fuck around and find out. I can't imagine trying to make an excuse up and use your logic for any type of scumbag that is purposely lying to peoples faces with zero accountability and integrity and not deserve to be outed.
For one the athletes resold most of their Muscletech products. They knew they were blah and yet them and the company made claims of 10 pounds in weeks from using their products.
That is bullshit no matter what.
And the same athletes now are claiming they took small dosages. Everyone says they believe it till Big A steps in and says they're lying.
And my point stands...when you mess with someone's lively hood (it doesn't matter if they're the scammer) you're risking your own life. They're bound to come for you.
I feel like we're talking about apples and oranges

Teenies using the gym directly impact's my ability to get a workout in. rpe+ high volume vs low volume to failure are legitimate opposite approaches to training, an actual discussion about how we should train.

This guy or whoever going on an anti steroid rant to make a few $ or get clicks has no impact on anyone. Laws won't be changed, people won't judge us better or for worse because some crazy guy makes videos on YouTube.

I just don't think people should take it personally if a natural or fake natural bashes steroids. Who cares what they think? It's just one of those things you roll your eyes at, but I don't wish any I'll will on him, he's just a goof. Lance Armstrong didn't bother me either or Barry bonds. They are different because they are legitimate public figures.
This is an online forum where we exchange views and ideas. I doubt the person making the thread is sitting at home with liver king on his mind 24/7 but it does make for a good discussion.

Personally I wonder how can you eat raw liver? Do not animals in the wild just eat whatever. What if they have a parasite, and parasites like amoeba like to reside in liver. You eat this liver and now you get sick. He clearly has shown that if it goes against his brand he wont be forthcoming with it.. So i dont see him coming out and saying hey guys got really sick this weekend eating raw liver.. Now i am cooking my meats.

someone said it right he reminds me more of a wwe character than someone you can take seriously for widsom.
This was actually a real problem in China for a while. For a while, it was impossible to buy baby formula, because Chinese Customers were buying everything they could abroad - because they did not trust their own manufacturers one bit. Has been a few years, but it still is a very common thing to see Chinese Tourists stock up in Baby Formula in countries they visit.

By the way, wasn't that Derek Guy also invovled in a Scam recently? I vaguely remember some supplement he was selling was underdosed. Like it contained like 1/100th of the proclaimed dosage on the label. Kinda amusing to now see him be the righteous defender of uninformed young customers getting scammed out of their money 😅.

I'm still convinced that @airman nailed it 100% with his take- this is all just some clever marketing scheme by all parties involved.
Not so much lead, but melamine. The ceo of the corporation responsible was put to death in China
This is an online forum where we exchange views and ideas. I doubt the person making the thread is sitting at home with liver king on his mind 24/7 but it does make for a good discussion.

Personally I wonder how can you eat raw liver? Do not animals in the wild just eat whatever. What if they have a parasite, and parasites like amoeba like to reside in liver. You eat this liver and now you get sick. He clearly has shown that if it goes against his brand he wont be forthcoming with it.. So i dont see him coming out and saying hey guys got really sick this weekend eating raw liver.. Now i am cooking my meats.

someone said it right he reminds me more of a wwe character than someone you can take seriously for widsom.
Exactly. He's more of a clown. I don't know if he is dumb enough to where he thinks people are dumb enough to idolize him, or his goal is just to be Goofy or entertain. Never watched him but have no idea. But if a kid looks at him, his looks, his persona, the things he says and says "I want to be like him" then they are probably already lost and idolizing/mimicking much worse "role models.".
Do people actually have an issue with him lying? Everyone freely admitting their drug use with their face attached to it realizes they're one govy rollup from jail right? I'll remain as anonymous as possible thank you, and to 98% of the people I interact with...completely natty.
We’ll if you’re just on no one is kicking in your door, every cop I know is on shit. If you have extra we’ll that’s diff…..The point is that he lies and takes quite a bit of GH and then profits from saying he’s natty. He coulda said he was on trt and this wouldn’t matter. I watched a video where someone put a syringe on a plate and he tried to act like he didn’t know what it was, that’s the issue. If the govy was rolling up every user tge IFBB, nhl, nfl and all of mlb woukd be in jail. There’s a difference between encouraging and flat out lying with an “I’m better than those cheaters” on top
Add Joe Rogan too...he's a loudmouth as well.
Joe is a good guy he’s just a little “misinformed” about a lot of the PED stuff he talks about and he associates with one of the BIGGEST tools to ever come across the industry Mark Bell. Guy might be the fakest person I’ve EVER known.
Joe is a good guy he’s just a little “misinformed” about a lot of the PED stuff he talks about and he associates with one of the BIGGEST tools to ever come across the industry Mark Bell. Guy might be the fakest person I’ve EVER known.
True but he sure has a loud trumpet lol.
anyone want to attempt to explain how his IGF levels on the blood work were so low, while being on 10IU of pharm gh and all those peptides?..that's the only interesting thing about the whole story.

TREN. is nobody talking about all the TREN hes on?

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