Question. I'm leaning up pretty good at this point but the puffiness around my chest area is still there. Could be fat, a little water retention. I'm on25mg ED Aromasin. Cycle: test e 300mg, winny 50mg ed, t3 nd clen.
Would adding Nolvadex at 10-20 or something help to dry that out a little? I heard some adectodal accounts of how using that combo (25arom + Novla) is good. However, it doesn't seem to make common sense to me that a SERM would do a thing if the aromatase enzyme is being addressed with the AI.
Would adding Nolvadex at 10-20 or something help to dry that out a little? I heard some adectodal accounts of how using that combo (25arom + Novla) is good. However, it doesn't seem to make common sense to me that a SERM would do a thing if the aromatase enzyme is being addressed with the AI.