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Nolva = dangerous?


New member
Jun 23, 2006
I have been scouring this forum and the net about Nolva for pct. the conensus seems to be its pretty good and more effective than clomid on a mg per mg basis. plus clomid can cause the emotional sides and the possible vision issues. but now i am reading that nolva can be a carcinogen on the liver???? anyone have any thoughts about the safety of nolva?
I like Aromison and Nolvadex. You can take Milk Thistle to cut down on liver problems.
I take liquid nolva 20,20,10,10 for PCT, which is half of the recommended dose, which is yet to be proven as less effective (all broscience), and also take 10mg EOD on occasion just for fun, LOL.
copy bro science lol so the liquid tammox is just as effective

Yes, if from a reputable place. Plenty here. My liver values have never been bad and I used Nolva on cycle ED for years before arimidex and exemastane came out.
someone on another board stated "nolva rates a 1 on a scale of 1 to jaundice". I guess jaundice would be a 10 right? I tend to believe that.
Nolva makes you stupid. :confused:

You're better off staying away from Nolva and just using Clomid. If you get emotional sides then cut your dose in half. Clomid tends to build up in your blood because of it's ridiculously long half life (about a week). So most guys end up with much more of it in them than they need.
i didn't got any cons from nolva, even from clomid.
nolva is good to go. ;)
I hope not, ive eaten a TON of 20mg nova in my time, always keeps my tits in check! lol:)
With all the things bodybuilders put into their system via their liver, how do they know it is the Nolva causing the liver damage? Chances are, if they are using Nolva they just got done with a cycle... There are some real idiots running cycles that don't have a clue!

Examples: Superdrol for 6 weeks, tons of Winny or Dbol on top of several injectables, etc... Also throw in the Slin, GH, T3, clen, etc... You get my point!

I would say Nolva is the least of most guy's worries... Probably, it has gotten blamed due to an already beat up liver!
With all the things bodybuilders put into their system via their liver, how do they know it is the Nolva causing the liver damage? Chances are, if they are using Nolva they just got done with a cycle... There are some real idiots running cycles that don't have a clue!

Examples: Superdrol for 6 weeks, tons of Winny or Dbol on top of several injectables, etc... Also throw in the Slin, GH, T3, clen, etc... You get my point!

I would say Nolva is the least of most guy's worries... Probably, it has gotten blamed due to an already beat up liver!

Damn good post Emery!!!

Which is why I only do the not beat on my poor liver after methylated orals have had thier turn.....That and the vial lasts twice as long, LOL.
Exactly what I was thinking

Thanks for the common sense reply Emery, you are right on the money with that answer.
I was not joking about Nolva making you stupid BTW

Effects of Tamoxifen and Exemestane on Cognitive Functioning
J Clin Oneal 28. © 2010 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

After 1 year of adjuvant therapy, tamoxifen use is associated with statistically significant lower functioning in verbal memory and executive functioning, w hereas exemestane use is not associated with statistically significant lower cognitive functioning in postmenopausal patients with BC Our results accentuate the need to Include assessments of cognitive effects of adluvant endocrine treatment in long-term safety studies.
With all the things bodybuilders put into their system via their liver, how do they know it is the Nolva causing the liver damage?

lol that is ironic. "Bro I just ran like 5 grams of sust and 200mg of a bombs for 30 weeks, but I dont want to mess with this nolvadex sh*t. Some dude on pro muscle said it could mess my liver up."

I was not joking about Nolva making you stupid BTW

This is based off of a study of using it for a year straight in post menopausal cancer patients. I would be wierded out if messing with their hormones didnt make their brains a little loolie loolie. The same way lowered testosterone affects men as they age.
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lol that is ironic. "Bro I just ran like 5 grams of sust and 200mg of a bombs for 30 weeks, but I dont want to mess with this nolvadex sh*t. Some dude on pro muscle said it could mess my liver up."

This is based off of a study of using it for a year straight in post menopausal cancer patients. I would be wierded out if messing with their hormones didnt make their brains a little loolie loolie. The same way lowered testosterone affects men as they age.

No actually it shows what effect Nolva has on the brain by binding to the ER there. It's a SERM so it only binds in some tissue. Like the brain.
No actually it shows what effect Nolva has on the brain by binding to the ER there. It's a SERM so it only binds in some tissue. Like the brain.

Yes, I know. I think you misunderstood what I said. >>This is based off of a study of using it for a year straight in post menopausal cancer patients.<<

Yes it is affecting the estrogen receptor in the brain of postmenopausal female breast cancer patients in their 60's or older that use the drug for a year or more consistantly.

It does seem very true (from other studies also) that there is some cognitive affect on women that use the stuff. Im not disputing that with you. But also take into consideration that the effects seem to reverse once they stop usage. Cognitive Function Improves After Completion Of Both Femara And Tamoxifen Treatment - Food for Breast Cancer

Mens cognitive functioning declines when their testosterone is lowered, which seems to parallel the effects of estrogen deficiency in womens bodies.

So until it can be shown what the affects are of this type of drug on men, and that the side effect isnt actually from the lack of estrogen itself (instead of novladex). I cant agree with you yet.
Yes the study shows it not from lack of estrogen, as you said. It's the drug itself acting on the brain. There no difference in the brain cells and method of action in the brain (neurons responding to stimulus) between men and women. Your comparison of T to E2 is misplaced here. While there are minor differences between the things men and women think, the way we think is the same. But our endocrine systems are far apart.
If as this study shows this loss of brain function effect isn't present during exemestane treatment then it has to be the drug itself. Right? If that's true, and it is, then it wouldn't matter if you put the drug into a man or woman.
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Yes the study shows it not from lack of estrogen, as you said. It's the drug itself acting on the brain. There no difference in the brain cells and method of action in the brain between men and women. Your comparison of T to E2 is misplaced here. While there are minor differences between the things men and women think, the way we think is the same. But our endocrine systems are far apart.
If as this study shows this loss of brain function effect isn't present during exemestane treatment then it has to be the drug itself. Right? If that's true, and it is, then it wouldn't matter if you put the drug into a man or woman.

What? You must be reading something else entirely, all that article talked about was the cognitive affects.

And nowhere does it ever say there was no effect from exemestane. They only state that the effect from tamoxifen is more "statistically significant".

You contradict yourself, "our endocrine systems are far apart" yet "it wouldn't matter if you put the drug into a man or woman".

Are you sure that YOU know what the purpose of a SERMs agent really is? Our endocrine systems ARE very far apart. Thats the whole point.

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