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Numb Hands?


Apr 2, 2007
The past couple nights ive been wakiing up with my hands numb and tingling?

ive heard of this happening to people using GH but im not currently using anything?

anyone have any ideas?
i was having a similar problem, not on anything. Had to see a chiropractor, after one adjustment numbness went away
numb hands

had same problem last night after viewing recent thread another beauty to ease your pain. Seriously if it is a couplke of fingers on your hand, it could be a pinched nerve which a chiropractor could probably help with. If if is your whole hand, you may want to have your BP checked.
are you on any other medications?

or have a history of blood pressure issues?

im not taking any other meds...theres a chiropractor who goes to my gym....i guess i ask him about it...

thanks for the help everyone
Happens to me all the time. I have a habit of sleeping with my hands above my head, well long story short I wake up sometime not able to move my arms because they are asleep. I do not have high blood pressure either. I always chalked it up for bad circulation.
One night, when littlemack was a teenager, I remember waking up in a panic and I turned around real quick to hit the lights and something hit me in the face! Yep. My numb hands. hahahahaha... True story.
it might be bad circulation....

one time in highschool i woke up to get out of bed....and my legs were numb i guess and i just fell strait to the floor....

true story i thought i was paralyzed i had to lay on the ground for a few mins til i got the feeling back...

but back to the hands i do sleep with my hands above my head....

That is the funniest shit ever especialy in the dark. lol. man thats some good stuff. I used to have the same problem before gh and it was a pinched nerve on my side. the doc said i put on to much size to quick and the nerves didn't get a chance to adjust. it went away when i dieted and started using gh. i still get the midnight numbness in the arms and hands but thats the way i sleep. It used to get so bad i couldn't hold things for a long time or my hands would go numb....quick. sucked in the winter.
I sleep with my arms above my head and I always end up cutting circulation adn I wake up with numb hands.
I am not on GH and my BP is constantly 120/80 or less. I had a heartcheck test last week, and my circulation is perfect everywhere.
I sleep with my arms above my head and I always end up cutting circulation adn I wake up with numb hands.
I am not on GH and my BP is constantly 120/80 or less. I had a heartcheck test last week, and my circulation is perfect everywhere.

happened to me too, when i was on vacations the bed where i lived was a bit dome shaped :D so i had my hand above my head and for 3 days constantly i woke up with complete numb hands and then i had to sit there and wait for it to be active again, at first i was very scared :D
Yeah...that was a funny story. Lol. Scared the living SHIT out of me! hahaha. I thought someone was attacking me. hahahahaha

I think my hands go numb when I sleep and I sleep on my sides. More annoying than anything. lol.
My hands do this all the time too. Especially after a good bi or tri workout where I've really got a good pump. Over the years I've asked several trainers, and other experienced bodybuilders and never got a good answer. It seems to come back to bad circulation.

LOL... littlemack, that's hysterical! :)

I flop around like a fish at night because of my hands falling asleep all the time. One night I flip over and something hitting the floor wakes me up. I had kick my cat off the bed. She just shook it off and hops back on the bed. She must of thought she fell off. She just snuggled up to me in the small of my back and went back to sleep.
Look, to me those things happening especially when my body fat is very low. The veins are all out so it is obvious that you will strangulate them when sleeping.
I've had this problem lately, every night.............. my entire arms fall asleep numerous times. It's pretty annoying.

I have a problem with crossing my arms while sleeping so I'm thinking that's why it happens.
Same here...

This tends to happen to me quite a bit - especially when I drop my bodyfat down such as for the summer. Sometimes I can't even turn off my alarm clock which really sucks because it keeps getting louder and louder until you shut it. I sometimes have to swing my arms over to hit the damn button! :eek:
Maybe your sleeping on your arms. The good news is that if you ever have to use your Cyote Ugly Arm it wont hurt when you chew it off!

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