I quit smoking a year ago after smoking a pack per day for just about 8 years. I tried many times unsuccessfully to quit and it got pretty frustrating. One day it dawned on me, if I can go for months at a time without cheating on my diet or skipping a workout, obviously I can quit smoking. And I did, cold turkey. So as btech said, she has to want to quit and believe she can quit before she will quit. Explain to her the health benefits and reassure her that you'll be there to support her. If she absolutely must resort to drugs, I would have her look into Chantix rather than using nicotine gum, lozenges, etc. Nicotine gum is like methadone for smokers. Chantix on the other hand actually works to block the effects of nicotine in the brain. A couple of friends have had good luck with it.