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Old Bolex owner popped....


Jun 5, 2003
August 23, 2003 -- Two former Columbia University fraternity brothers have
been busted for selling club drugs and bodybuilding steroids through a
Web-based business that used an Internet account issued by the Ivy League
school, court papers show.
Brian Raupp, 26, began taking orders at several of his personal e-mail
accounts for ketamine and anabolic steroids while a student at Columbia last
fall, and continued doing so until last May, according to a Manhattan
federal court complaint.

One of the accounts he allegedly used was [email protected] - which was
issued by the university - while the others used a pseudonym, the complaint

Last November, Raupp completed serving two years' probation after having
pleaded guilty in 2000 to conspiring to distribute steroids, court records

In that case, he told a Manhattan federal court judge he was an athlete who
had sold another athlete the muscle-enhancing drugs.

In the latest crime, Raupp allegedly told drug purchasers to send money to
an address he maintained at a Mailboxes Etc. outlet in Morningside Heights -
near Columbia's campus - and then he arranged for ketamine and steroids to
be sent to the buyers.

The drugs allegedly went to customers in the New York metropolitan area and

One of his alleged co-conspirators and drug shippers was 23-year-old David
Pruitt, another former Columbia student who, like his fraternity brother
Raupp, lives in southern California.

Both Raupp - who moved west after the alleged drug ring began operation -
and Pruitt were arrested at their homes Thursday.

Two 28-year-old Old Bridge, N.J., residents - Carlos Covian and Brandon
D'Amico - also were charged with conspiring with the Ivy Leaguers to
distribute the drugs.

If convicted, the men each face up to 20 years in prison and a possible $2
million fine.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration said the drug ring received
thousands of vials of ketamine and steroids each week from Mexico.
Again the culprit-REC DRUGS! You can bet your house thats where the initial heat came from! :(
No shit....

It usually boils down to REC drugs.... then adding the roids to make them look even better on the bust.

Now, who in the hell in there RIGHT mind would use there "personal" email account to sell ANY drug and expect to NOT get caught?
Not smart at all.

Old school JJ
David Pruit?

David Pruitt sounds so familier. On the newest BFO who is training with Chris Cook and Bob Chic? Wasn't his name Dave Pruitt or am I climbing the wrong tree? I havent watched the tape in a while and don't want to dig it up but, just curious if any of you know? Regardless, that fucking blows and it is easy bust so, that is why they go for them....I do agree though the K should have been left alone. Money clouds your brain and your ability to think.....God Bless, SR
Yeah, thats the kids name.....not sure if its the same one, but seems a bit coincidental. Met Brian R. years ago 98' maybe.
shit and all my frat friends are just fat ass beer drinkers maybe i joined the wrong frat
That name sounded familiar to me too and i looked it up and he trained with prince cicceriello and chris cook--theres a picture of the 4 together in muscle beach news issue 249 musclemag--definitely him because the age was the same and they said he was a transplant from NY

That fucking sux because that kid had lots of potential...I wonder who if any will fall from that or deal if he was that close to venice? Be Safe, SR

Good luck to him. IronMike

PS - MikeS is right, as always
Not too bright

While he is on probation for selling steroids he sells steroids and ketamine over the internet from a school account. I guess that's the Anabolex brain trust. - CH

i dont think it will affect bolex as he hasnt owned it for a while.
how is it that ownership of some boards passes hands like the common cold virus??

kind of makes me laugh too! well best of luck to those bros anyways, since the laws are just bending people over for crimes that don't fit the punishment... sounds rather unconstitutional.... but with Bush in office, what is constitutional anyways?
From Elite Fitness News..Monday September 08, 2003

Back in the mid 1990's, shortly after Elite Fitness created the first Bodybuilding and Anabolic Steroid discussion board, my friend Bill Llewellyn partnered with a Columbia University student, Brian Raupp, and the two of them started the web site anabolix.com. The partnership between Llewellyn and Raupp proved short lived, and they eventually split up. Bill Llewellyn got the name anabolix.com and he later went on to work for me and then he went on to author the book Anabolics 2000 and it's follow up's.

Brian Raupp, having lost the name anabolix.com to Bill, created the anabolex.com discussion board which is still around even today. While I have never tolerated source posting and drug sale solicitations on the EliteFitness.com boards, many other boards including anabolex.com have been more tolerant of this practice. And while EliteFitness.com has always been supported by our Platinum Members, Advertisers, and through the sale of supplements and eBooks, many of the other Steroid boards exist only as a means for their owners to find athletes that they can deal drugs to.

On August 21, Brian Raupp was formally charged in Manhattan federal court on accusations that he sold anabolic steroids and the club drug Ketamine. Papers filed by a federal drug prosecutor allege that Raupp conducted his business over e-mail using several different personal accounts including his Columbia University email address and the address [email protected]. Prosecutors said that Raupp instructed customers to send money to an address at the Mailboxes Etc. store at 2840 Broadway.

In an article appearing in the Columbia Daily Spectator, Raupp denied the charges.

Ketamine is an anesthetic used legally in dentistry and veterinary medicine. Sold as "Special K," its use is on the rise as a club drug popular at raves and parties. Raupp, along with a team of alleged conspirators, is accused of importing both anabolic steroids and this drug from Mexico at a rate of thousands of vials a week. One alleged co-conspirator in the drug ring is another former Columbia student, 23-year-old David Pruitt, who was a fraternity brother of Raupp's while at Columbia, according to the court report.

If convicted, Raupp could face up to 20 years in prison and two million dollars in fines.

Anabolex.com is currently hosted by Interserver in Secaucus, NJ. It is unknown at this time if Interserver has been subpoenaed by federal drug prosecutors. A whois search of anabolex.com indicates that the registrar is currently "Web Design 2000." They have no phone number listed and their address is a PO Box in Canada.

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