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Peptide progress...


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Mar 28, 2013
This is where I was in December.. AKA 10 months ago.. Being on paper and all kinda limits my options so no tren, drol, dbol, deca nada.. I get 200mg cyp a week from my doc.. and nothing controlled period.. 110% legal or I wont touch it..


Recently went on a crazy ass run of peptides.. started at 4mg dac then went to 8mg then went to 15mg and at that point my IGF1 levels came back at 607..Also went thru about 10mg of folli and 5mg of ace 031 thru out this time period along with some ghrp6 and mk677..

I kept my cals high 6000ish and ate alot of shit because with work and fam it was hard to get that many good macros.. peanut butter pop tarts became my best friend.. ice cream in every shake, cake after every meal you name it..

I went from 220ish to 260 in about 3-4 months holding a shit ton of water although my waist stayed the same (34)

Oct 1 i cut out all junk and took some hctz to get the water off.. cut my cals in half to 3000 of good clean food.. so long story short i took this tonight and im around 245ish at a lower BF and more separation than before..

Anyone who says peptides do not work fall into two categories..

1. Never tried them.
2. Had bunk shit..

Big changes.
I agree on peptides had it not been for peps my progress would way further behind.
They most definitely make a difference and I know several other well respected guys who feel the same.
Nice work C!
i call horse shit.

your " medicine" cabinet is probably as big as a walkin closet.

I know for fact it isnt.

Its guys like you who get caught up in the dependent on AAS for gains dept. You project your thinking and attitude which is slamming gear most likely with no thought of diet or anything else, onto guys like C or myself who actually like to do things a bit differently.
Of course I cant convince you, and I dont care if you believe or not.
Last edited:
i call horse shit.

your " medicine" cabinet is probably as big as a walkin closet.

Fuck you TROLL..

You can read EVERY post I have made since I joined this board bro and they all say the same thing and thats WAAAYYYY before I was repping for anyone..
I know for fact it isnt.

Its guys like you who get caught up in the dependent on AAS for gains dept. You project your thinking and attitude which is slamming gear most likely with no thought of diet or anything else, onto guys like C or myself who actually like to do things a bit differently.
Of course I cant convince you, and I dont care if you believe or not.

Damn straight bro.. Maybe he will post up some pics??
Only thing other than peptides is a log I ran for pure-oils.. And once again..110% legal..
you can get off your cross bro:welcome:

your not better then anyone just because your 110% " legal ":rolleyes:

you probably have a micro cock, dickhead.
I never said I was better than anyone.. And what does the size of my penis have to do with my progress pics?
your hostile communication is hinting to deep seeded self hatred issues.

Post pics or STFU.:naughty:

Another guy whos probably been training all of 2 years and is now an expert.

Classic keyboard warrior.

Its always the same way with guys like you, just because YOU CANT DO IT- that means no one else should be able to either.

your hostile communication is hinting to deep seeded self hatred issues.

The irony lol.

Can't speak for much of the other peptides but jus adding mk677 in daily to TRT dose I've been making progress and not lost any size from last blast few months back. I'd imagine if I was eating to grow and utilising all the other peps too I could make some good gains.
i call horse shit.

your " medicine" cabinet is probably as big as a walkin closet.

Its frustrating aint it pal??? All that training and eating and trying to take every "new" cycle you can find - and STILL looking like shit..

If you could only find that "thing" that the big guys are doing - I mean you KNOW it aint your genetics. That cant be it!!! Those sons of bitchs just don't want you to get aww jacked up like they are - cause the know you would look better
Its frustrating aint it pal??? All that training and eating and trying to take every "new" cycle you can find - and STILL looking like shit..

If you could only find that "thing" that the big guys are doing - I mean you KNOW it aint your genetics. That cant be it!!! Those sons of bitchs just don't want you to get aww jacked up like they are - cause the know you would look better

Its frustrating aint it pal??? All that training and eating and trying to take every "new" cycle you can find - and STILL looking like shit..

If you could only find that "thing" that the big guys are doing - I mean you KNOW it aint your genetics. That cant be it!!! Those sons of bitchs just don't want you to get aww jacked up like they are - cause the know you would look better

I have special 'stuff' for beating genetics -email me at [email protected]

I'll fill you in on the details....:headbang:
I'd love to run peps but just don't know enough about them. Nice work for sure.
I have special 'stuff' for beating genetics -email me at [email protected]

I'll fill you in on the details....:headbang:

I'd love to run peps but just don't know enough about them. Nice work for sure.

People overthink peps.. You can keep it simple and run DAC 2x a week and MK677 every night at bed and get great results..
your hostile communication is hinting to deep seeded self hatred issues.

where do these idiots come from?

anyway thats impressive Cauthens very noticeable gains. you arms look much bigger with more separation. congrats bro you earned it.

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