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Pete Rose Jr, GBL bust


New member
Jun 14, 2002
I didnt realize it was a steroid alternative???

Pete Rose Jr. Surrenders in Drug Case

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Pete Rose Jr., the son of baseball's all-time hits leader, surrendered to federal authorities Monday to face charges that he was distributing GBL, a drug sometimes sold as a steroid alternative.

The 35-year-old Rose could face a maximum of 20 years in prison. The Drug Enforcement Administration said his arrest was part of a larger investigation into a major GBL trafficking organization.

The indictment said Rose admitted he received GBL from a person in Tennessee while a member of the Chattanooga Lookouts, the Double-A affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds.

He also said he supplied half the players on that team with the drug. Rose said his teammates would take GBL to ``wind down'' after games, DEA spokesman Rusty Payne said.

GBL, or gamma butyrolactone, is sold under the counter at retailers and gyms with claims to build muscle, improve physical performance, enhance sex, reduce stress and induce sleep. When taken orally, GBL is converted to the ``date-rape'' drug GHB, or gamma hydroxybutyrate.

Lookouts assistant general manager John Maedel said Monday the team was aware of the story. ``We don't know anything about it and can't comment,'' he said.

Maedel said Rose was on the Chattanooga roster in 1997, 2001 and 2002.

Reds spokesman Rob Butcher said: ``We do not comment on active law enforcement investigations.''

Rose Jr. has not been involved with the Reds' organization since playing nine games in the minors in 2002.

Rose played most of his career in the minor leagues, but made it to the majors for 11 games with the Reds in 1997. Last season he played for the Long Island Ducks of the independent Atlantic League.

Pete Rose Sr. holds the major league record of 4,256 hits. He agreed to a lifetime ban from baseball in 1989 following an investigation that he bet on games; after 14 years of denying it, he admitted in his autobiography that he bet on Reds games while managing them in the late 1980s.

Rose Sr. served a five-month sentence in federal prison in 1990 and 1991 for filing false tax returns by not declaring income he received from signing autographs, memorabilia sales and gambling.

The GBL investigation began in 1999 and has included one of the largest seizures of GBL in U.S. history.

DEA agents seized about 280 gallons of GBL from a storage unit in Murfreesboro in January 2004. Further investigation revealed that Murfreesboro resident Bruce Michael Wayne was a nationwide distributor of the drug.

The DEA learned Wayne was supplying Rose Jr. with the drug and that Rose was distributing it to teammates, Payne said.

Wayne was arrested by DEA agents in January 2004 and pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute GBL and money laundering charges. But Wayne failed to appear for sentencing and is a fugitive.
Damn shame man. Damn shame.

This is actually used a lot in the minor leagues and was prevailant when I played, not that I ever used any through a whole season but I knew guys that did.......:D

Doesn't surprise me about a Pete Rose's son, I don't have a very high opinion of Pete Sr. and I see the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
Supposed to be a gh enhancer.
Fuck the shit-its basically a rec drug as most know-and addicting.
I may be incorrect here but I think back a while it was actually used to help with sleeping disorders?
Yeah it's a rec drug but has been proven to stimulate the release of HGH during sleep cycles.
I remember back in 2000 when I was managing a gym, a new company sent me 2 sample bottle of GHB...I was dumb and took both dosages for both bottles at one time...they had 2 different labels and looked like 2 different products...

I did not move from my bed for 14 hours the only time I woke was when my dog jumped on my bed and hit me in the nuts...I opened my eyes and closed them in about 10 secs.

I did like the stuff...full nights sleep and woke up feeling good.

never thought is was a steroid...hmmmm
Steak Helmet said:
I did like the stuff...full nights sleep and woke up feeling good.

never thought is was a steroid...hmmmm

same here. I remember when it wasnt illegal, that I used it quite a bit to sleep. Got a good nights sleep and wasnt groggy the next day.
Damn, GHB was made illegal like in 1990 or something and its precurser gbl in like 2001. How are thes guys selling from behind the countersw like viatmins. You get caught with either thes days its considerd that your intent was to use it as a date rape drug regardless and you will be getting some time.

serentiy and blu nitro were gbl products that were being sold like crazy back in like 2000-2001 before they became illegal.
Last edited:
ok if you want to know the exact dates. Its funny i have old muscle mags from like 1988 with ghb ads.

Originally marketed in health food stores, the FDA issued an advisory declaring GHB unsafe and illicit, except under FDA-approved physician-supervised protocols in 1990. In 1997, FDA reissued its warning on GHB as an unapproved and potentially dangerous, illegal drug in the United States.
In January 1999 the FDA issued a request for a voluntary recall of all GBL-containing products sold in health food stores and warned the public of its abuse potential and danger to the public health. 1,4-butanediol , a chemical related to both GHB and GBL has also been declared a Class I Health Hazard. In 1999 the FDA issued another warning on 1,4-butanediol, GHB, and GBL stating that these pose a significant health hazard.
Control Status
The "Hillary Farias and Samantha Reed Date-Rape Prohibition Act of 1999" (Public Law 106-172) was signed on February 18, 2000. On that date, GBL became a List I chemical, subject to the criminal, civil and administrative sanctions of the Controlled Substances Act. On March 13, 2000, GHB was made a Schedule I controlled substance (65 FR 13235-13238). Therefore, effective on that date, GHB became subject to the regulatory controls and the criminal, civil and administrative sanctions of the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I controlled substance.
dragonfire101 said:
ok if you want to know the exact dates. Its funny i have old muscle mags from like 1988 with ghb ads.

Originally marketed in health food stores, the FDA issued an advisory declaring GHB unsafe and illicit, except under FDA-approved physician-supervised protocols in 1990. In 1997, FDA reissued its warning on GHB as an unapproved and potentially dangerous, illegal drug in the United States.
In January 1999 the FDA issued a request for a voluntary recall of all GBL-containing products sold in health food stores and warned the public of its abuse potential and danger to the public health. 1,4-butanediol , a chemical related to both GHB and GBL has also been declared a Class I Health Hazard. In 1999 the FDA issued another warning on 1,4-butanediol, GHB, and GBL stating that these pose a significant health hazard.
Control Status
The "Hillary Farias and Samantha Reed Date-Rape Prohibition Act of 1999" (Public Law 106-172) was signed on February 18, 2000. On that date, GBL became a List I chemical, subject to the criminal, civil and administrative sanctions of the Controlled Substances Act. On March 13, 2000, GHB was made a Schedule I controlled substance (65 FR 13235-13238). Therefore, effective on that date, GHB became subject to the regulatory controls and the criminal, civil and administrative sanctions of the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I controlled substance.

Damn dragonfire...you jsut took me back about 15 yrs...ghb/gbl is also known to store in fat cells and burn fat. It has had and still does have several medical sues but none accepted in teh US. I am not sure how it goes in europe now but for a while all ghb/gbl was coming in from euro suppliers...gnc used to seel ghb in tehir stores in teh mid to late 80's....Md-
Back in the mid-1990's down in Miami GHB was all over the place. It was sold in health food stores, deli's, and in clubs. Personally, I never tried it but I know tons of people who were saddened when it became illegal.

In my mind, it's the same scenario as Ephedra. Safe to use by people who know what they're doing, but dangerous in the hands of idiots! So, as most laws in our country do, the government caters to the lowest common denominator and declares something illegal because some fool hurts himself or someone else with a generally safe substance.
A long long time ago (yes I'm old LOL), I was in the USA and bought GHB at a local GNC, it was 100% legal, until some morons started spiking ladies' drinks with it and made it a rec. + date rape drug.

IMO, at this point messing with GBL or anything related is like any other rec. drug, it basically puts you on the radar, just not smart.


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