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Verified Customer / Kilo Klub Member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 6, 2010
I remember reading a few months bcak where you said that it was funny that the only people not doing full ROM squats were either newbies or pros, do you remember this? I believe it was because everyone was giving a guy some guff for not going ass to grass on a video. Are you an advocate of partials reps for growth?

I remember reading a few months bcak where you said that it was funny that the only people not doing full ROM squats were either newbies or pros, do you remember this? I believe it was because everyone was giving a guy some guff for not going ass to grass on a video. Are you an advocate of partials reps for growth?

You mean regarding squats? Well, it depends upon what is considered partial. You mean 1/2 of the way to parallel? 1/4 of the way to parallel? Past parallel? The deeper the squat the diffferent muscles that come into play, so much so that it becomes a different exerscise. I would consider a squat to parallel a full squat.....partials would be 1/4 reps............but to answer your question, yes, of course.
You mean regarding squats? Well, it depends upon what is considered partial. You mean 1/2 of the way to parallel? 1/4 of the way to parallel? Past parallel? The deeper the squat the diffferent muscles that come into play, so much so that it becomes a different exerscise. I would consider a squat to parallel a full squat.....partials would be 1/4 reps............but to answer your question, yes, of course.

Thanks Phil, and yes I was referring to squats.
so phil is a noob since he does half squats?

i don't think Phil said he does half squats. it depends on the goal.
the range of motion on a squat emphasizes different muscles along the range.
sorry to speak for you phil but just clarifying.
i don't think Phil said he does half squats. it depends on the goal.
the range of motion on a squat emphasizes different muscles along the range.
sorry to speak for you phil but just clarifying.

Phil will chime in im sure, but im pretty sure i read an got he huge leg growth from half way down squats.
Phil will chime in im sure, but im pretty sure i read an got he huge leg growth from half way down squats.

yup, he did.
but what i gathered from the post on this thread is that range of motion changes emphasis on muscles involved in the squat and he is right. depending on your goals and frame the range of motion can vary.
yep. He has me doing 1/2 rep squats because if i dont all i feel are glutes or hammies. I bet its funny though because im the biggest guy at my gym doing half squats which are typically viewed as "bad form" hahahaha i wonder what people think :)

so when you (PHIL) say 80% ROM on all exercises; on the squat, the 80% is figured from a squat to parallel? SO, 10% shy of parallel on the way down then 10% shy of lock on the way up would 80% ROM?

Good. That's what I've been doing!

But please keep out personal training stuff to ourselves.......you are correct
actually that middle range is the best for most compound exercises from bench to squats.. everytime i hear people talk about ass to lockout on squats i cringe.. not needed..
I've noticed how much ROM changes everything, particularly with long arms.

I'm 5'10 1/2 but a 6'5 wingspan so benching, rowing, etc. effects different parts of the area I'm working. When I do a full ROM row, I feel it in my back upper/middle back and lower trap area. If I do like 75% ROM I get it on my lats. Significantly different feeling.

From seeing some of the youtube videos of Phil posing, I would say whatever he does for legs works. His legs are friggen huge in those vids!

Phil, were you genetically blessed with huge legs even before you started lifting or are those all from years of hard work?

I see some fellas with huge calves and thick quads that don't even lift... I have to work my ass off for ever inch of mine!

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