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PitBull owners/ dog lovers....

Crimson Ghost

NPC Judge
Dec 3, 2002
Colorado legislature is trying to pass more laws making the ownership of all Pitbulls, AmStaff's, etc... illegal in most areas. Those of us with Pit's will be required to get them out of said counties or face arrest and the destruction of the dogs.

If you could, please stop by **broken link removed** and sign the petition. It only takes 1 minute and could possibly help all of us out immensely.

that is ridicules..I cant believe the way people stereotype pits..I have 2 (well had 2 I had to give them to my sister when I left for school) and they are the best dogs I have ever been around..It is not in the dogs blood to be killers..It is in the owner...to many jackasses out there want to real hard ass and get pits and make them fighters..I am disgusted by it..Fucking pussies..
i agree that is total bullshit... another way the gov if over steping their bounderies.

but weight77 pitbulls where in fact orignally bred to be "killers" or "fighter" hence the name "pit" refering to pit fighter.... at least that what I read in an article in a magizene recently.
i apologize ahead of time if i'm mistaken on this.
No bro that is not accurate.They were first bought about in ITALY and they were used to heard cows and bulls..But that is typical of a mag to bring out something like that just to slam pits..My sister has a brand new kitten (3 months old) and the kitten and the dogs love playing together..It is very funny to see these huge dogs play with a tiny kitten but they do..My two dogs are the biggest babies..they grew up sleeping in a bed and eating only hamburger meat..No dog food for my dogs..People just try to get theses dogs a bad brand...it is wrong..
weight77 said:
They were first bought about in ITALY and they were used to heard cows and bulls..

bull baiting... some kind of game where the dog will bite the bull by the nose and get it to lie down....

the dogs would beat up pretty bad sometimes.... so they bread them to be strong, athletic, agile, ect aka "gameness"
I use Netscape as my home page and like MSN it has the news etc. I think it was yesterday i saw an article titled "Pack of Pitbulls kill woman" It was somewhere in colorado i think. It was one of 'farm' type towns. The pits had been a problem before and let to roam free. They attack a 40 year old woman and mauled her to death. A neighbor tried to help but they turned and went after him. They did some damage before he got in the bed of his truck. His son came out with a shotgun and blinded one and wounded another allowing the guy time to get inside his truck. He got away and retreated to his house and they came after him. Even while he was blasting them with his shotgun they kept coming. They wouldn't give up until they were killed. Stories like that won't help your cause. Its sad because i want a Pit myself but I can't even get renters insurance owning one.
I really like dogs.

Pits get the same bad rap as Rotts do.......it's all how you socialize or train the animal. Most Rotts I have been big lazy friendly bastards........Just like me. :p
Yeah, I'm from CO...that's where all of this came from.
The lady who raised these three Pitbulls was major trash. Of course, she bred them and had "too many pitbulls".

I've got a 10 month old Red Nose and he's the biggest baby. He won't sleep on the floor, only on the couch or in a bed. He's a great dog and does weel around kids...he licks them to death.

These laws are total bullshit. Instead of banning all "people aggressive" dogs, the ban Pit's. The only dogs that have ever attacked me or bit me were Chihuahuas and a poodle. All the big, "mean" dogs have always been nice.
Well I have a 20lb white Poodle named STAR. My wife paints her tail pink when grooming. She will kick any pit bulls ass! So she sezz! Maybe we should ban Poodles! Before you guys start, I know that is not a very macho dog for a body builder. But you should see the attention i get when walking her. Its like wheeling a baby thru the mall. A real chick magnet! HAHA
I have a 160lb Male Rotti...

...and that fucker doesn't even bark at people. He would never think to bite someone and is the biggest pussy ever. It is all on how people train them and since a lot of assholes like to get Pitts and make them mean that ain't the dogs fault. This is fucking the dumbest thing ever.

Bad Breeding

Two problem bad breeding meaning bad temperments sometimes and bad owners. Of course there will be problems if someone is letting their dogs roam, espeically a protective breed. And bull dog or Akitia or similar breeds are not poodles and should not be roaming. (no dog should). Ppl need to be responalble for thier pets.
good point eye candy...these are domestic animals and raised that way. I have a West Highland White Terrier named "Winny" again, not a very macho dog for a bodybuilder, but I prefer small dogs. She has been around german shepherds and other large "mean" dogs and they were all gentle as can be. It is definitely the way the dogs are raised. Any dog can be mean. My parents have a toy poodle, they got her when I was 11. My older brother and his friends used to bowl her down the stairs and torment her. She was also loving with the family, but any young male that came around her, she would get rabid. That sort of behavior is a conditioned response, not their nature.
very sad.. many time when a person is attacked, the media will call the dog a pitt when it is not so.. many are mixed breeds but, pitt sounds better.. pitts are great dogs.. if you do not train them to attack.. they will not attack..at least no more than any other dog...
Lats, you are exactly right. The media stamps "PITTBULL" on just about anytype of dog that is small muscular and hurts someone. Its very sad the media does this, they are looking for the story not the truth, same with steroids.

If everyone knew the truth they would all have an APBT and be taking a small cycle of test.

Here is my baby. Rescued him from some DMX wannabes. about 80lbs of pure muscle and poor guy is scared of the faintest breeze and he cant sleep on the floor because he needs to sleep ON a pillow with a blanket over him.


  • duke 001.jpg
    duke 001.jpg
    87.6 KB · Views: 1,375
I signd it too here is my PIT (shamrock)


  • mvc-017f.jpg
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Here's my baby....Ralphy. This is on old picture of him when he was only 6 months old. He's 10 months old now and about 70 pounds...still growing.

**broken link removed**
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Here is my baby, Daisy, anyone who hasn't owned an APBT will never understand how loyal and caring these dogs really are.


  • daisy.jpg
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There trying to do that shit here in NZ, I've got a 7 year old APBT and he's the biggest "pussy" of a dog I've ever had. It's the 1 or 2 people that own them and bring them up wrong that gives the whole breed a bad name!!

I signed it bro I was the 2818 signer!!

I hate laws especially stupid ones
Crimson Ghost said:
Yeah, I'm from CO...that's where all of this came from.
The lady who raised these three Pitbulls was major trash. Of course, she bred them and had "too many pitbulls".

She's being charged with a major crime but I forget what it is at
the moment. Most news sites have worthless search features
so I could not get more information. Anyone who would let
a known dangerous animal roam free should be held criminally
responsible for the actions of the animal, no exceptions.
Banning a certain breed of dogs makes no sense. I hope that women never gets out of jail. :mad:

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