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Insulin use ´haters´/lovers

Can you explain this please
Think of insulin like a super charger on a car. The body can only utilize so many carbs with its own insulin production. This could equate to 5-10 pounds in a progressive season without insulin.

Add insulin done correctly and you can double that to 15-20 given its anabolic abilities.
Think of insulin like a super charger on a car. The body can only utilize so many carbs with its own insulin production. This could equate to 5-10 pounds in a progressive season without insulin.

Add insulin done correctly and you can double that to 15-20 given its anabolic abilities.
this is the simplest way to explain it
@bbxtreme made a good thread regarding general insulin info etc.

I am curious what the experiences of people are here regarding insulin, and especially if there a people here that regret using it. I know for example @b-boy and @IFBBProDomCardone don´t really like insulin for their own reasons.

Few questions that come to mind:

- Was it a huge difference when you started insulin in recovery/look etc.?

- Do you like lantus, humalog/R and for what reason?

- Do you use it year round or periodically, or just on weak(er) bodypart days?

- Have you tried it and didn´t like it at all, why not?

- Would you do things differently if you could go back in time regarding insulin use? Or are you going to do things different for the coming future?

Or any other info, shoot!
- Was it a huge difference when you started insulin in recovery/look etc.? ***I barely used it at all when competing. Used it during my carb up for nationals but that was really it lol. I feel its what kept my look fairly clean. When I was pushing for my comeback, all it really did was make me look more bubbly and full. Which "felt" great, but the look was weird on my physique. I use it don't use much insulin at all with my guys. If I do, its normally humalog in smaller amounts, for weak bodyparts for recovery purposes.

- Do you like lantus, humalog/R and for what reason?** I use lantus with my guys very far and few...As ive seen it can cause a very inflamed look and effect the waistline. I also know of pros who used it a lot, and ruined their physiques with it. I perfer to use humalog for the most part with my guys that I use it with.

- Do you use it year round or periodically, or just on weak(er) bodypart days?** Periodically for sure and with weak bodyparts. The ones that use it year round are asking for trouble. Elevated insulin around the clock is horrible for health reasons, nevermind physique purposes. John Meadows actually spoke quite a bit about this years back and it made total sense. Makes sense now more than ever now that I have the experience behind it.

- Would you do things differently if you could go back in time regarding insulin use? Or are you going to do things different for the coming future?**I wouldve used it with how I apply it to my athletes now. Small amounts of humalog, periodically, for weak bodyparts to fuel recovery and nutrient delivery.
- Was it a huge difference when you started insulin in recovery/look etc.? ***I barely used it at all when competing. Used it during my carb up for nationals but that was really it lol. I feel its what kept my look fairly clean. When I was pushing for my comeback, all it really did was make me look more bubbly and full. Which "felt" great, but the look was weird on my physique. I use it don't use much insulin at all with my guys. If I do, its normally humalog in smaller amounts, for weak bodyparts for recovery purposes.

- Do you like lantus, humalog/R and for what reason?** I use lantus with my guys very far and few...As ive seen it can cause a very inflamed look and effect the waistline. I also know of pros who used it a lot, and ruined their physiques with it. I perfer to use humalog for the most part with my guys that I use it with.

- Do you use it year round or periodically, or just on weak(er) bodypart days?** Periodically for sure and with weak bodyparts. The ones that use it year round are asking for trouble. Elevated insulin around the clock is horrible for health reasons, nevermind physique purposes. John Meadows actually spoke quite a bit about this years back and it made total sense. Makes sense now more than ever now that I have the experience behind it.

- Would you do things differently if you could go back in time regarding insulin use? Or are you going to do things different for the coming future?**I wouldve used it with how I apply it to my athletes now. Small amounts of humalog, periodically, for weak bodyparts to fuel recovery and nutrient delivery.
@bbxtreme made a good thread regarding general insulin info etc.

I am curious what the experiences of people are here regarding insulin, and especially if there a people here that regret using it. I know for example @b-boy and @IFBBProDomCardone don´t really like insulin for their own reasons.

Few questions that come to mind:

- Was it a huge difference when you started insulin in recovery/look etc.?

- Do you like lantus, humalog/R and for what reason?

- Do you use it year round or periodically, or just on weak(er) bodypart days?

- Have you tried it and didn´t like it at all, why not?

- Would you do things differently if you could go back in time regarding insulin use? Or are you going to do things different for the coming future?

Or any other info, shoot!

yes, immediately with insulin @ recovery/look. although its tough not to get fat with it if you are eating a ton of calories and not using GH , insulin makes me hungry af, even more so when gh is added, but I wouldtn run it without gh, although I have at microdoses and stayed lean.

I like fast acting insulin NOVORAPID but they accidently gave me a bottle of the long acting walmart version so i have been using that, its harder to gauge, i prefer faster acting pre workout

I use it on workout days ONLY, if I was on 5iu per day + of GH I would run it more frequent.

ask A50, i helped him get started and he's a fan and I'm sure can attest to the benefits

I would like to take metformin a few days per week perhaps on insulin offdays and bump gh dose while using slin.
- Was it a huge difference when you started insulin in recovery/look etc.? ***I barely used it at all when competing. Used it during my carb up for nationals but that was really it lol. I feel its what kept my look fairly clean. When I was pushing for my comeback, all it really did was make me look more bubbly and full. Which "felt" great, but the look was weird on my physique. I use it don't use much insulin at all with my guys. If I do, its normally humalog in smaller amounts, for weak bodyparts for recovery purposes.

- Do you like lantus, humalog/R and for what reason?** I use lantus with my guys very far and few...As ive seen it can cause a very inflamed look and effect the waistline. I also know of pros who used it a lot, and ruined their physiques with it. I perfer to use humalog for the most part with my guys that I use it with.

- Do you use it year round or periodically, or just on weak(er) bodypart days?** Periodically for sure and with weak bodyparts. The ones that use it year round are asking for trouble. Elevated insulin around the clock is horrible for health reasons, nevermind physique purposes. John Meadows actually spoke quite a bit about this years back and it made total sense. Makes sense now more than ever now that I have the experience behind it.

- Would you do things differently if you could go back in time regarding insulin use? Or are you going to do things different for the coming future?**I wouldve used it with how I apply it to my athletes now. Small amounts of humalog, periodically, for weak bodyparts to fuel recovery and nutrient delivery.
Great reply, thanks Dom!
yes, immediately with insulin @ recovery/look. although its tough not to get fat with it if you are eating a ton of calories and not using GH , insulin makes me hungry af, even more so when gh is added, but I wouldtn run it without gh, although I have at microdoses and stayed lean.

I like fast acting insulin NOVORAPID but they accidently gave me a bottle of the long acting walmart version so i have been using that, its harder to gauge, i prefer faster acting pre workout

I use it on workout days ONLY, if I was on 5iu per day + of GH I would run it more frequent.

ask A50, i helped him get started and he's a fan and I'm sure can attest to the benefits

I would like to take metformin a few days per week perhaps on insulin offdays and bump gh dose while using slin.
Thanks for your reply!

@A50# chime in please :D
I’ve used it in the past many times on and off. I would do stints of it that would last 4-8 wks. And I always used gh with it. I just made sure not to use my gh anywhere around the time window the insulin was active. I don’t touch it until I did at least about a 1.5-2 years of serious homework with it and all the types. I read and learned so much about it I actually was helping my girlfriend during her 2nd semister of R/N school and the subject of insulin and its effects both oisyine and negative. I know I can talk and talk forever about the subject b/c there’s so much science and self experimentation w/it. My best advice is don’t use it unless you first did your homework. Once you feel it’s time make sure that know matter what your are able to and goin to be consistent all day everyday while on it with your dosing, timing listening to your body . And I started off with Humalog pre and post workout b/c its fastest acting and I while it’s active I had to be strict/on top of my nutrition and it was easiest to time for me. The only time I used Lantus was towards the end of my insulin use because there was so much contradicting info out there and listening to people it seemed so many had such different advice. So I would use Lantus only on weak body part days and started low 30iu in the morning then did my fast acting around my workout. And kept my diet clean and carb loaded on those days. Days I didn’t workout I’d use Novlin-R or log and use it before my 2 biggest meals of that day.
Haney, Dorian, Kevin Levrone, Flex wheeler, all went pro without insulin. Each have amazing genetics. In his earlier pictures , when he was into punk stuff, Dorian appeared to have least genetics. His response to bodybuilding , in general, amazing. Nasser is said , by Milo's, that insulin is where he got his massive size from.

Someone compared it's anabolic effects to superdrol 10 mgs. I would think , maybe 10 ius could equal that.
Haney, Dorian, Kevin Levrone, Flex wheeler, all went pro without insulin. Each have amazing genetics. In his earlier pictures , when he was into punk stuff, Dorian appeared to have least genetics. His response to bodybuilding , in general, amazing. Nasser is said , by Milo's, that insulin is where he got his massive size from.

Someone compared it's anabolic effects to superdrol 10 mgs. I would think , maybe 10 ius could equal that.
I think guys use too much insulin too early on and that is what ruins their physique.

@IFBBProDomCardone said everything I was trying to say in my insulin thread so much better than I did in one simple post. 👏🏼 awesome!

That’s why I am so adamant on maximizing gear first and even when you do add insulin I suggest all follow John Meadow’s program.

You could even baby step before his program and only use fast acting on weaker body part days pre workout IMO at lighter ratios.

Example 4 units of humalog to 55g of carbs pre workout on legs and back. That is plenty to start for someone new or early.
I've been using it preworkout for like 3 years now. I like it. I had never gotten above 260 before using it so there's that. I don't know how to gauge how it has effected my "look" per se as I feel like I look like shit often and even when I don't it doesn't translate to pics.

I'll take time off of it when prepping and/or dieting in general. And DNP for a week will forcibly reset your insulin sensitivity so you don't have to really be off it long.

I've mostly just used Fiasp at this point, haven't been able to get Lantus, and the other long insulins I have easy access to don't (to my understanding) have the same affect.
I’ve used it in the past many times on and off. I would do stints of it that would last 4-8 wks. And I always used gh with it. I just made sure not to use my gh anywhere around the time window the insulin was active. I don’t touch it until I did at least about a 1.5-2 years of serious homework with it and all the types. I read and learned so much about it I actually was helping my girlfriend during her 2nd semister of R/N school and the subject of insulin and its effects both oisyine and negative. I know I can talk and talk forever about the subject b/c there’s so much science and self experimentation w/it. My best advice is don’t use it unless you first did your homework. Once you feel it’s time make sure that know matter what your are able to and goin to be consistent all day everyday while on it with your dosing, timing listening to your body . And I started off with Humalog pre and post workout b/c its fastest acting and I while it’s active I had to be strict/on top of my nutrition and it was easiest to time for me. The only time I used Lantus was towards the end of my insulin use because there was so much contradicting info out there and listening to people it seemed so many had such different advice. So I would use Lantus only on weak body part days and started low 30iu in the morning then did my fast acting around my workout. And kept my diet clean and carb loaded on those days. Days I didn’t workout I’d use Novlin-R or log and use it before my 2 biggest meals of that day.
Why no GH around the working insulin window?
Was curious on that too. I thought most slin/gh growth protocols had them in the same “window”
To my knowledge the synergy between slin and GH is raising IGF-1. So they would profit from being in the same window so idk.
Haney, Dorian, Kevin Levrone, Flex wheeler, all went pro without insulin. Each have amazing genetics. In his earlier pictures , when he was into punk stuff, Dorian appeared to have least genetics. His response to bodybuilding , in general, amazing. Nasser is said , by Milo's, that insulin is where he got his massive size from.

Someone compared it's anabolic effects to superdrol 10 mgs. I would think , maybe 10 ius could equal that.

more like 20mg of superdrol if you execute your insulin protocol correctly, lots of variables to be included no cutting corners with slin! + you don't feel like shit like most of us do with Superdrol, superdrol almost feels like a compromise because of that one aspect
If you use insulin to match your diet you will benefit and like it. If you adjust your diet to use large doses of insulin, likely you will get fat and regret it.

For me insulin (log) pre/post has been a game changer as far as recovery. I use it every workout day and wouldn’t change.
For me it's the same experience Humalog/Novolog with prewo and postwo is great, got stronger, better recovery, more pumps and even more motivation.

The only "minus" is that after wo meal (for me it's at 21:00-22:00), I eat then shoot slin and 90% of times I end up sleeping on the sofa until midnight. 🤣
A pretty recent addition for me is simply 3 to 5iu fast acting slin with my preworkout meal. GH is at roughly 3.5iu every morning.

Not been doing this for long so hard to say what adjustments I'll have to make long term. However even a small amount like this makes a noticeable difference in pump and vascularity.

The hope is this will positively impact nutrient partitioning over time. Not looking for anything dramatic here but we'll see how it goes.
Someone compared it's anabolic effects to superdrol 10 mgs. I would think , maybe 10 ius could equal that.
this is quite possibly the worst comparison I’ve heard.

Let’s compare the Kansas City Chiefs to the New York City Ballet. 0 sense at all.

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