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PK18's Post Show DC Inspired Log


New member
Mar 31, 2015
Hello everyone! I've been lurking here for a while now, and having finished my first classic physique show last month, I figured I should start posting my workouts publicly for adherence and for anyone to chime in with whatever they will please. All input is welcome and appreciated!

Age: 25
Height: 5'8"
Stage Weight: 181.4 depleted (Carb loaded after this)

Put on as much stage weight and size weight as I can over the next six plus months. I'm not afraid of getting sloppy. I have a background in competitive powerlifting (best lifts in meet of 570/391/630, gym 600/???/650) at 198 and 220 and might consider stepping back on that platform at the end of the year, but my primary focus isn't on that. I would like my next show to be in BB'ing instead of classic physique as I don't think I have the build type for it and have always been fascinated with the idea of being larger anyway.

With a background in powerlifting, I like my heavy compound movements. I ruptured the muscle belly of my left pec two years ago though, so I have been restricted when it comes to bench pressing and upper body development. During my show prep, I finally gave machines + BPC 157 and TB500 a try and I have been able to get away with those despite some limitations. I am hoping calories helps improve upon that.

As the title states, my workouts are also heavily inspired by Dante Trudel. Ideally, my workouts will be frequent and short with an emphasis on beating the logbook each and every time I step into the gym. I've never been a high protein guy, so I am giving this a shot this time around. Macros may change, especially if bodyfat creeps too high, but it's currently set at 450p, 600c and 50-60f. Though I am skeptical about it, carb sources are relatively low glycemic and high fiber at all times other than post workout. I switch carb sources, but my personal favorite are old-fashioned oats.

Supplements of Note
-- 200 test cyp/week
-- 25 mg mk-677/day
-- 4 iu meditrope/day split into 1 iu doses (first time using gh)
-- 20 iu latnus (to keep FBG under check as mk-677 elevates it on me)
-- 5 iu novalin-r pre
-- 5 iu novorapid post
-- GDAs with meals (Berberine, R-ALA, Metformin, etc)


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Bicep/Forearms/Abs Focused

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Free Motion Dual Cable Cross Curl ("Getting Weird with It")

Hammer Strength MTS Bicep Curl

Seated (No Angle) DB Hammer Curls

Reverse EZ-Bar Curls

EZ-Bar Preacher Forearm Curl

DC Bicep Stretch

Standing Calf Raise Machine
225x11-4RP-4RP + 1 min stretch w/ 90 lbs

45 Degree Donkey Calf Raise Machine

Rear Delt Machine Fly

Notes: Workout took exactly an hour to finish. I go through my warm-ups quickly and then take 3-4 minutes before my working sets. The cable and hammer curls were performed with a motion where you drive the elbow back and curl toward your armpit. I find it significantly harder this way and it prevents the anterior delts from taking over the movement.

Back Emphasis

DC Style Lifefitness Low Cable Row

Hammer Strength Iso Lateral High Row

Fixed Pulldown Lifefitness

MTS Abdominal Crunch

Max Time Single Arm Static Hangs
2 Sets

10 Second Isometric Bench Squeezes
2 sets


This is one of my two back workouts performed during the course of the week, with this one being more focused on opening up and stretching the back. All back exercises were held at the top for a few seconds between each and every rep to really get a stretch on the lats. I followed this with static stretches on each exercises for as long as I could hold.

The DC Style Lifefitness Low Cable row is a seated low cable row with a neutral handle where you lean forward at the hips, almost as if doing a sit and reach. From there, you maintain that position, flare your lats and row to mid knee. At least that's my understanding of this exercise after reading Dante's description of such.

I added a bit of grip work this day as my grip isn't what it used to be. I just started deadlifting again for the first time in over a year and my grip was giving me issues, even with straps. I will probably add a static hold at the end of my top set of deadlifts on Saturday as well.

Legs Emphasis

Seated Leg Curl Machine

210x15-5RP-5RP (205x13RP-5RP-3RP)

Lying Leg Curl w/ DB

45x15-3RP-3RP (45x11-4RP-3RP)

DC Hamstring Stretch

Reverse Band (Monster Mini) Smith Machine Back Squat

410x10 (380x15)

Leg Press

1080x24-10RP-5RP (990x20-10RP-4RP)

Lifefitness Seated Hip Adduction

260x12-5RP-2RP (255x13-4RP-3RP)

Seated Calf Raise Machine

250x16-7RP-4RP (230x16-6RP-5RP)

Standing Calf Raise Machine

160x11 (160x11)

Calf Stretch off Seated Calf Raise after


Numbers in red and parenthesis were from the week before. Strength was pretty good today, probably could have gotten a few more reps on the squats but I wasn't mentally there and my back has been bothering me on squat variations for the past two months. I tried to make up my lack of effort on the leg press after. I will probably do 410 again next week on squats and aim for 12-15 reps. If I fail to improve my standing calf raise again on this day, I will need to supplement it with some other calf exercise. I normally do kneeling leg curls on this day as well, but the machine was broken, so I am going to make that up on another day at a different gym.
Here are some pictures after training legs. As you can see, I have already accumulated a fair bit of fat. I was 235 this morning. Hopefully, we will see some more quality tissue once it comes time to strip it away! I also have a bad knack of leaning forward too much on my side chest pose. I need to break that habit.


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Holy crap. 182 a month ago for your show and you're up almost 55 pounds....
Holy crap. 182 a month ago for your show and you're up almost 55 pounds....

Oh yeah. Holding tons of water from estrogen rebound, MK-677 and the GH, but the MK-677 (and maybe the GH?) definitely makes it a little too easy to pound those calories in.

Shoulder/Tricep Emphasis

Seated Smith Machine OHP

185x12-1RP-0RP (180x12-3RP-1RP)

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press

200x12 (190x14)

MTS Hammer Strength Shoulder Press


Lifefitness Lateral Raise

170x13-4RP-2RP (170x11RP-4RP-2RP)

DC Shoulder Stretch

Close Grip BB BP

225x7-2RP-1RP (225x8-2RP-1RP)

Slow Eccentric Paused Reverse Grip BP


Deadstop Floor DB Skullcrushers

35'sx11-3RP-2RP (35'sx11RP-3RP-1RP)


I'm content with the shoulder press work and lateral db machine, but for the life of me, I can't get my close grip bench press to improve. This was my fourth week with a reintroduction of benching after a long break, and I was hoping for the gains to return, but that has yet to happen.
well the good thing is, you have the drive to compete and succeed....

the bad thing is.....genetics WILL BE fighting you the entire way...
making things incredibly hard for you.....

good luck.

well the good thing is, you have the drive to compete and succeed....

the bad thing is.....genetics WILL BE fighting you the entire way...
making things incredibly hard for you.....

good luck.


Thanks for chiming in! It looks like you're a prep coach. Are there things in particular that you see which I will be fighting from a genetic standpoint? I appreciate the input!

Back Emphasis

Sumo Deadlift

455x2 (455x5, 405x8)

Lat Flexor (Flex Fitness)

240x11-5RP-4RP (225x11-3RP-2RP) --> Normally do these after Iso-lateral Low Row

Iso-Lateral Low Row (Hammer Strength)

305x8-3RP-1RP (300x11-3RP-2RP) --> Normally do these before Lat Flexor

Iso-Lateral Front Lat Pulldown (Hammer Strength)

205x10-3RP-2RP (200x10-3RP-1RP)

Plate Loaded Seated Bicep (Hammer Strength)

90x11-3RP-1RP (90x9-2RP-1RP)

DC Bicep Stretch


Deadlifts were a no-go today with being sick. I managed to improve on lifts, though the Lat Flexor and Iso-Lateral low row were hard to tell because I had to switch their order because a guy wouldn't let me work in on the low row and told me he was going to be on in for a long time. I stretched my lats out after every back exercise and I really try to focus on slowing down the eccentric and stretching the back as much as possible on this day.

Chest/Abs Emphasis

Flat Iso-Lateral Bench Press (Hammer Strength)

240x10-2RP-1RP (230x10-2RP-1RP)

Incline Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Hammer Strength)

240x10-1RP-1RP (230x12-2RP-1RP)

Nitro Incline Press

185x9 (170x11) --> Wanted to make a smaller jump, but pin was broken off and missing

Star Trac Pectoral Fly

160x12 (160x11) --> Added a two to three second stretch between each rep, not sure if this made it easier or harder

DC Chest Stretch

Lateral Raise (Life Fitness)

170x16-6RP-3RP (170x11-4RP-2RP)

Abdominal (Life Fitness)

205x20-7RP-4RP (205x16-7RP-4RP) --> Like this but might sub it out as i'm maxing the machine out with an isometric hold on each rep

Abdominal Crunch (Life Fitness)

105x12-7RP-2RP (100x13-5RP-3RP)

Impact Kneeling Curl

55x18 (50x14)


Not a bad workout for being sick. Only thing of concern was that I felt pec discomfort on everything I did. I blame this on the close grip benching I do on Friday, as I did all these same lifts throughout prep and had no pain whatsoever. I add in close grip, and I start feeling pain on those, and now on everything else too. The only reason I added close grips in after a two year hiatus from benching, was because I was considering a powerlifting meet in November since a lot of friends are doing it and would like me to compete. I will probably scrap the close grip, see how I feel with reverse grip, and then evaluate from there. Also of note, bodyweight was down to 226 today, a nine pound drop from last Thursday.
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Bicep/Forearms/Abs Focused

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
70x13-2RP-2RP (70x12-2RP-1RP)

Hammer Strength MTS Bicep Curl
35x19 (35x13) --> Normally do this as third exercise

Free Motion Dual Cable Cross Curl
27.5'sx13RP-2RP-2RP (25'sx12RP-4RP-2RP) --> Normally do this as second exercise

Seated (No Angle) DB Hammer Curls
35'sx13 (35'sx10)

Reverse EZ-Bar Curls
70x20 (70x17)

EZ-Bar Preacher Forearm Curl
60x20 (45x20)

DC Bicep Stretch

Rear Delt Machine Fly

160x14-5RP-3RP (150x14-5RP-3RP) --> Did before calf work as Standing Calf Raise Machine was taken

Standing Calf Raise Machine
225x12-4RP-4RP + 1 min stretch w/ 90 lbs (225x11-4RP-4RP)

45 Degree Donkey Calf Raise Machine
120x13 (120x13) --> Misloaded at beginning (did 210 instead of 120..., will try again next week)


Numbers improved a fair bit today, but not sure how much that had to do with time. The gym was really crowded so it took me longer to get stuff done which might have played a role. Regardless, it's better than stagnation or regression, and we will see how it goes next week. Calf work didn't improve as much as it has in previous weeks, but I have been killing it recently and I didn't reasonably expect that progress to last forever. I'm not really sold on the forearm exercises. They just don't feel all that natural or effective.

Overall, I really am enjoying this day and some of Dante Trudel's recommendations that I have read for training stubborn biceps which can be found by Google searching "Getting Weird With It Dante Trudel". No matter what I have done in the past, I have always had an impossible time progressing on your typical bicep variations (DB curls, BB curls, etc), but I seem to be doing well thus far with this.

I am also starting to think about what I would like to do with my next blast, though it will probably be quite some time from now -- probably another two months at least to give ample time in between each one.

Back Emphasis

DC Style Lifefitness Low Cable Row
50x11-5RP-3RP (42.5x14-6RP-5RP) --> Not really liking these and want to switch them out but don't want to be that guy who jumps from exercise to exercise all the time

Hammer Strength Iso Lateral High Row
245x12 (240x10)

Fixed Pulldown Lifefitness
160x14 (150x14)

DC Back Stretch

MTS Abdominal Crunch

80x14 (75x13)

Max Time Single Arm Static Hangs
2 Sets

10 Second Isometric Bench Squeezes
2 sets


It was one of those days where I didn't really feel like lifting, but this day only takes thirty minutes to complete, so it wasn't hard to trudge through. Still sick, though it's not severe by any means -- just a lot of congestion, sinus pressure and I seem to be sweating much more than usual. I'm happy with how the pulldown movements are progressing. They're one of my big focuses this off-season as I have never been very good at them and I am hoping they can do a lot to bring up my back. I would do pull-ups or chins, but I get elbow tendinitis or bicep tendinitis from each respectively. Tomorrow is leg day, which should be interesting if I am still congested and have sinus pressure! I'm hoping to go up on squats by ten pounds and improve upon the number of reps I did last week as I felt that I held myself back a bit.
I'm watching. I am not speaking for tenny but what I think he means and this is said because I see it too is your structure is not the best for this sport. Does not mean you can't build an amazing body it just means your natural shape and muscle flow will always leave you open to be beaten by the illusion type guys who may weigh the same but have super wide delts double peaked bicep aka Robert timms in your division.

That being said , you've put on a lot of weight ! Don't over do this or you will have a very hard time getting back into shape. My suggestion , and this is one I rarely make, is to use more androgens. Not a lot, but some to help partition nutrients so your resulting weight gain is a higher percentage of muscle
Thanks for chiming in! It looks like you're a prep coach. Are there things in particular that you see which I will be fighting from a genetic standpoint? I appreciate the input!

Ummm yea...

Genetics is going to be your kryptonite....
Just in general.....

To succeed further in the sport....i would recommend
Focusing on conditioning to be competitive..
I'm watching. I am not speaking for tenny but what I think he means and this is said because I see it too is your structure is not the best for this sport. Does not mean you can't build an amazing body it just means your natural shape and muscle flow will always leave you open to be beaten by the illusion type guys who may weigh the same but have super wide delts double peaked bicep aka Robert timms in your division.

That being said , you've put on a lot of weight ! Don't over do this or you will have a very hard time getting back into shape. My suggestion , and this is one I rarely make, is to use more androgens. Not a lot, but some to help partition nutrients so your resulting weight gain is a higher percentage of muscle

Thanks! What androgens would you suggest? Should I be cutting test back closer to true TRT levels (100-125) and adding something else in during this off-season cruise period?
Ummm yea...

Genetics is going to be your kryptonite....
Just in general.....

To succeed further in the sport....i would recommend
Focusing on conditioning to be competitive..

I'm hoping to improve my conditioning with each prep for sure. I didn't quite hit the conditioning I wanted on my first show and my abs seem to suck genetically (very shallow?), but I know I can bring a better result next time since it was my first show and self-prepped.
Thanks! What androgens would you suggest? Should I be cutting test back closer to true TRT levels (100-125) and adding something else in during this off-season cruise period?

looking at the insulin / gh /mk your hardly on a cruise. i would maximize the time to grow. test around 3-400, and some non toxic drug/s that favor body re composition like boldenone/ masteron / primobolan. The problem, in my opinion, with gaining so much size while not using much androgen is that its just not going to be muscle. then you have to work harder later to get it off. if your concerned about long term health, the other mitogens your using are much less forgiving then androgens. if your blasting grams of gear plus orals etc then yea expect toxicity but something like

300 test
400 bold
300 test
400 primo
is pretty light on the system . then when its time to prep again kick thing up from there. especially if your going into bodybuilding.. very few guys can get away with low dosing and still make it in competitive bodybuilding. its just not in the cards genetically for 90% of us. I am not in favor of mega dosing, i dont believe 4+ grams of hormones are necessary, but a medium exists that without i believe most will fail in this sport.
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Legs Emphasis

Seated Leg Curl Machine

220x15-5RP-3RP (210x15-5RP-5RP)

Lying Leg Curl w/ DB

45x17-6RP-4RP (45x15-3RP-3RP) --> Wanted to go up to 50 lbs, but couldn't find them.

DC Hamstring Stretch

Reverse Band (Monster Mini) Smith Machine Back Squat

430x10 (410x10)

Leg Press

1170x24-9RP-3RP (1080x24-10RP-5RP)

Seated Hip Adduction (LifeFitness)

265x13-2RP-2RP (260x12-5RP-2RP)

Seated Calf Raise Machine

270x12-5RP-4RP (250x16-7RP-4RP)

Calf Stretch off Seated Calf Raise after

Seated Calf Raise Machine (LifeFitness)



Still really congested but it didn't seem to hurt my workout. I'm thinking of adding the seated hip adduction on another day so I hit it 2x a week. I changed out Standing Calf Raises for the Seated Calf Raise Machine as it had stalled. Attached a post workout pic of my legs, though I think they look best cold. I really hope those seated hip adductions don't stall soon as I really would like to add some size to my inner thighs.


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