Hello everyone! I've been lurking here for a while now, and having finished my first classic physique show last month, I figured I should start posting my workouts publicly for adherence and for anyone to chime in with whatever they will please. All input is welcome and appreciated!
Hey guys, just wanted to share my latest meet results with you all. Though I didn't hit the total I hoped for, I still managed a PR total and the #1 American ranking. Went 8 for 9.
840 raw squat w wraps
525 bench
840 deadlift, I locked out 885 but got 2 red lights for soft knees...
Hey ProM,
Just wanted to share my latest PR with you all. I hit 730x5 raw squat for yesterday's top set. Looking forward to seeing where this training cycle takes my 1rm.
Hey guys,
I competed on Saturday at an RPS meet and ended up totaling 2180, with an 805 squat, 520 bench and 855 deadlift. Check out the video.
Hey guys,
Just wanted to share this video with you guys. I am currently a little over 6 weeks out from my next powerlifting contest.
Week 6, day 2 of my prep for the Anaheim Fit Expo in August.
Coach wanted to push my limits and see what I could do, so here we have my last sets.
Squats went like..
309 5x5
315 2x3
325 2x3
Then accessory followed of course. Some lat pulldowns, shrugs, and some walking for 'cardio'. My...
Hey guys, I'm currently 4 weeks out from the Arnolds xpc finals pro raw class powerlifting meet. Here is some footage of my squat from last night. Worked up to 800 raw with wraps.
So I finally entered my first full meet, I usually did push pull or deadlift only because I am a taller bodybuilder.
Ended the day with a 750 squat, 505 bench and 845 RPS world record deadlift, at 275lbs.
It's my first post here so hopefully I don't get too much hate haha
Just a thought on this Sunday...
For powerlifting training methods, especially ones from those that are either open about juicing or it's just obvious that they do so, why is it that people are more accepting of their methods...
Huge sumo deadlift - YouTube
Been a while since i posted but steadily growing under Louie Simmons and feel like I'm on the verge of being able to put up the best geared total ever.
I have been honored to be filmed by the great Mike Pulcinella after one of the MHP NYBB blue bodybuilders, Ben White, came to my gym and called me out in the deadlift. Thought i would share the vid here..
NYBB Blue Episode 6 Life Beyond Bodybuilding - YouTube
Its been forever since I have got on here and posted anything. I know there is alot of controversy surrounding the Westside Pro Invitational, but I am very proud of my accomplishments at this meet feel free to judge my lifts I don't mind. I know my foot moved on my first bench and to clarify...
This is my latest meet. I weighed 290 competing this time and my face is a little bloated due to loading creatine. It does not contain my squat. So let me know what you think.
YouTube - Shane Hammock -2660 lbs. Total
WARNING this squat is high. I cut the depth because im having trouble falling forward. I actually was not going to post this but decided to so my trainer Joe Deverville could give me advice over the phone. So be easy and sorry for the bad quality. Also big thanks to high tech pharmaceuticals...
YouTube - Silas Peed - 1933lb Total
This is a training buddy of mine, He is all kinds of intense and will be blowing up the power scene in the near future.
This is a in training video and this was my 3rd rep of the day with this weight and also the 1st time ive ever had this in my hands. No it does not touch but that is only because i didnt want it to. Also i finally got sponsored by Hi-Tech pharmaceuticals and now i am able to take supplements...