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Poor steroid knowledge and Infertility


Jan 21, 2007
My wife and I have been trying for kids for over a year and decided to go to the docs to get checked out. Wife's tests came back fine, but mine weren't as pleasing. Found out I have >1million sperm (no exact figure so it could be anything below that) and the normal is 20million. I was extremely shocked by this as I have just had DNA results to say im the father of a child from a one night stand I had 2 years ago. The whole thing has crushed me and strained our relationship, not extremely, but it's hard.
The only thing which has changed in that time other than alot of stress, which could have added was steroid use.
For about 8 months I used a variety of compounds, all underdosed underground gear which I found out was made by a bloke 10 miles away from me in his bath tub, but the price was cheap enough to intrest me. I never knew anything about PCT or AI's SERM's, HCG etc, etc or even the side effect I could face, other than 'roids shrink balls'. All my 'knowledge' was gained from the local gym owner who I bought them off. I started posting on a UK board, where I found out the info on the products i'd been using.Then I came to this board shortly after in january and got a huge shock when I started reading up and researching steroids, cycle's, sides, PCT and the true inportance on nutrition. Guess I just though you take gear for huge lengths of time, eat what you want and get bigger and lean.
I originally, like many I see, came here to buy legit gear nothing else but luckily started reading.
If been 'clean' for 8 months and am still effected by the compounds I took due to my stupidity and search for the quick fix.
Im 23 and am having these issues, have to go for many more test, having blood test to find my test levels and more importantly have caused my wife to have the most degrading tests possible to see if she ovulates and has nothing wrong and she still has more.
So guess everyone who comes here looking for the qiuck fix and an easy source should do some research and realise what you are doing to your body and make sure you take all the precations available. I thankfully still have some sperm production but only 5% of what it should be. It's made me depressed, strained my relationship with my wife, and those are just the effect I know of.

If anyone can help me out and give me some info or advice on how to get things back to normal it would be really helpfull and I hope none of you are having the same problems.But i strongly recomend to the all the new guys and first timers to research long and hard and weight up all the consequenses to add some muscle and look better on the outside and think about whats happening inside your body.
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That sucks bro, sorry to hear it...would HCG help now? Just a thought.
My wife and I have been trying for kids for over a year and decided to go to the docs to get checked out. Wife's tests came back fine, but mine weren't as pleasing. Found out I have >1million sperm (no exact figure so it could be anything below that) and the normal is 20million. I was extremely shocked by this as I have just had DNA results to say im the father of a child from a one night stand I had 2 years ago. The whole thing has crushed me and strained our relationship, not extremely, but it's hard.
The only thing which has changed in that time other than alot of stress, which could have added was steroid use.
For about 8 months I used a variety of compounds, all underdosed underground gear which I found out was made by a bloke 10 miles away from me in his bath tub, but the price was cheap enough to intrest me. I never knew anything about PCT or AI's SERM's, HCG etc, etc or even the side effect I could face, other than 'roids shrink balls'. All my 'knowledge' was gained from the local gym owner who I bought them off. I started posting on a UK board, where I found out the info on the products i'd been using.Then I came to this board shortly after in january and got a huge shock when I started reading up and researching steroids, cycle's, sides, PCT and the true inportance on nutrition. Guess I just though you take gear for huge lengths of time, eat what you want and get bigger and lean.
I originally, like many I see, came here to buy legit gear nothing else but luckily started reading.
If been 'clean' for 8 months and am still effected by the compounds I took due to my stupidity and search for the quick fix.
Im 23 and am having these issues, have to go for many more test, having blood test to find my test levels and more importantly have caused my wife to have the most degrading tests possible to see if she ovulates and has nothing wrong and she still has more.
So guess everyone who comes here looking for the qiuck fix and an easy source should do some research and realise what you are doing to your body and make sure you take all the precations available. I thankfully still have some sperm production but only 5% of what it should be. It's made me depressed, strained my relationship with my wife, and those are just the effect I know of.

If anyone can help me out and give me some info or advice on how to get things back to normal it would be really helpfull and I hope none of you are having the same problems.But i strongly recomend to the all the new guys and first timers to research long and hard and weight up all the consequenses to add some muscle and look better on the outside and think about whats happening inside your body.

There's still hope, it took a while to have the damage done and takes a while to fix it. Do a good search on HCG, HMG and herbs that stimulate test and sperm production. Also, have a conversation with at least 3 doctors and see what they have to say.

Good luck,

my doc is real helpful actually and I have asked him about hmg and hcg, but he wants me to have a few more tests first, then we'll go from there. He said not to worry at least I do produce and even if I didn't they could aspirate from your balls...scary thought, lol

I was actually wondering about natural test boosters, never used them before tho.
Big dog......it can take up 2 yrs to fully recover

Body building myth....u never recover once u abuse, so use HRT
Doc myth....it takes 8 weeks for the HPTA to recover

Truth......up to 2 yrs......I know a ton of guys that abused and did finally recover....but it is a long fucking road!
I am pretty sure your doctor should be able check you luteinizing hormone (lh) and your follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels to be sure that you are stimulating your leydig cells to produce enough testosterone. If you are deficient the doctor will prescribe the proper pharmaceuticals.

You can have a go at it yourself with hCG and Nolvadex, but you would be best to work with your doctor's supervision.

Good luck.

In men, FSH enhances the production of androgen-binding protein by the Sertoli cells of the testes, and is critical for spermatogenesis.

In the male, where LH had also been called Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH), it stimulates Leydig cell production of testosterone.
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You are very young too and that increases your chances for an eventual recovery. You just need more time.
Dante Doggcrapp said he knows several guys who were able to impregnate their girls after using HMG. It was successful in every case. Maybe he will chime in.
now dont do anything to you until you've proper knowledge of what you are doing, i would say when your doc prescribe you something use it after researching on it.
Dont do anything until you think you've all knowledge to make you fine again and throw away your tension because its dangerous to sperm production.
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Thanks dante for the links backs up the other articles i've been looking at in regards to HCG & HMG and also everyone else for your kind help.

Going back to the docs on tuesday for bloods...fasting, testosterone and cholestorol. Should I ask for LH & FSH test also or do you think these will be already included by my doc seeing as though the blood test are to do with fertility issues?
Just remind our doctor to check. Doctors are human too, sometimes they forget. ALso, if your doctor is just a general or family doctor he may be ignorant of some information in regards to male infertility.
i have a similar problem. an herbalist can suggest a protocol of extracts for you that may speed your recovery. i've been off 6 weeks (compounds were fast clearing) and using these herbal products. i feel really good, mood, pumps, strength are all hanging in there. the best pct i've tried- by a long shot.
My doc rang me today briefly asking me to have another blood test in a couple of days, saying there was amnormality with my previous bloods. Have to have my test before 10am so im guessing that means it's my testosterone theirs an issue with as they'll want to check when it's at it's highest. I'll keep you all updated to people can see what to expect and what happens if you have the same problem, and hopefully how easily it's sorted:p
my doc is real helpful actually and I have asked him about hmg and hcg, but he wants me to have a few more tests first, then we'll go from there. He said not to worry at least I do produce and even if I didn't they could aspirate from your balls...scary thought, lol

I was actually wondering about natural test boosters, never used them before tho.

Have you tried IGF? Me and my girlfriend were together for 5 years, I was juicing off and on the whole time and new the fishies were minimal at best. I had 1 kit of IGF and just tried it. I ran 50mcg morning and night for 10 days, my son's date of conception was around the 8th day of this. I'm no Doc and don't know how medically this works. I know that sperm went from clear almost gel like to milky white. Sorry to be graphic but hope that helps.
I really think at ur age you will re-coup. I did at least 3 cycles when I was early twenties and 2 of them were without pct in which I suffered very low Test lvls. The morale of the story I can be in a room with a woman and get her Pregnant! I have 5 Kids..Keep your head up bro.
I was worried about this as well. Does your test levels necessarily need to be recovered to have high sperm count? I know of someone who was on for 5 years HEAVY at one point and still had a kid with HCG and i believe HMG (supposed to increase FSH?)
The Study: Two hypogonadal former anabolic steroid users were studied. Normal levels of LH are >3.6 IU/L and Testosterone are 300—1000 ng/dl. Former anabolic steroid users often have suppressed levels of both.

The Results: Subject #1 is a 6', 206lb former user of 500—2000+ grams per week of anabolics. His baseline numbers were: LH<1IU/L, Test=191ng/dl. This suject underwent a 32 day treatment of 2500 IU of HCG every 4 days, 50 mg of Clomid 2 times per day, and 10 mg Nolvadex per day. 15 days after treatment his numbers were: LH=5.2IU/L, Test=1072 ng/dl.

Subject #2 is a 5'10", 184lb male who used 400 mg per week of nandrolone. His baseline numbers were: LH<1IU/L, Test=45ng/dl. This subject's 32 day treatment consisted of 2500 IU of HCG every 4 days, 50 mg of Clomid 2 times per day, and 10 mg Nolvadex per day. There was no change. He underwent another treatment consisting of 60 days of 5000 IU of HCG every 4 days for 4 injections, then 2500 IU every 4 days for 4 injections, 50 mg of Clomid 2 times per day, and 10 mg Nolvadex per day. Still, no change. For the next 32 days, this subject received 5000 IU of HCG every other day for 6 injections, then 2500 IU every other day for 6 injections given with 150 IU of menotropins, 50 mg of Clomid 2 times per day, and 10 mg Nolvadex 2 times per day. 15 days after treatment his numbers were: LH=9.8IU/L, Test=507 ng/dl.(20)

Thats alot of HCG to be using daily....and I would think Dr Swale wouldnt agree with that at all...but i thought this was interesting regardless
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I was worried about this as well. Does your test levels necessarily need to be recovered to have high sperm count? I know of someone who was on for 5 years HEAVY at one point and still had a kid with HCG and i believe HMG (supposed to increase FSH?)

Trying to find a direct link between the two. This site shows that GnRH is sent into the bloodstream trigering the pituitary glands to release both LH and FSH. So maybe if you have unnatural amounts of testosterone in your body then the GnRH wont be sent and therefor no FSH to begin sperm production. As it looks as though both hormones are released at the same time and not singularly. Also shows it takes 2-3 months for sperm to mature before it can be 'released'. So if you did stop sperm production whilst on cycle it's gonna take at least that length of time to 'work correctly' again.But the more damage you do then the longer it could take i guess.
Medications for Male Infertility

Men who have either a low sperm count or a sperm motility problem may benefit from medications, if they have hormonal dysfunction (hormonal problems). They should consult their urologist about a few drugs approved by the FDA for the treatment of male infertility. Generally speaking, the medications listed below work by a series of complex interactions that regulate specific biochemical’s that are ultimately responsible for the production of both male and female hormones and sperm maturation.

Clomid, Serophene
Clomiphene citrate is commonly used to treat ovulatory problems in women, however it has been shown to be effective in some men. Clomiphene belongs to class of medications known as anti-estrogens. As an anti-estrogen, clomiphene citrate interferes with a biochemical process called feedback that regulates the amount of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRh) that is released from the hypothalamus. Clomiphene citrate’s affect upon the hypothalamus leads to an increase in GnRH output. The pituitary gland responds to the GnRH by increasing the amount of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are responsible for stimulating testosterone and sperm production. In theory the net result is an increased sperm count. Clomiphene citrate is available in pill form and is taken for up to 6 months to see an improvement. A daily dose of 25 to 50 mg is the current recommended dose.

Pergonal, Metrodin, Humegon, Repronex, Gonal-F, Fertinex
Human menopausal gonadotropins are commonly used in the treatment of both male and female infertility. They consist of gonadotropins (hormones that stimulate gonadal function) that are obtained from urine of menopausal women after undergoing a purification process. Also, these drugs are currently produced by a technique called recombinant technology, which does not require using human urine as the source. The dosages are more precise. These medications are available only in an injectable form. Injections are usually administered 2 to three times per week for men, but daily in women. They work differently than clomiphene citrate by acting directly on the cells in the testes. A functioning central nervous system is required for clomiphene citrate to work, but only a testicle for the gonadotropins to work. The net result is an increase in testosterone and sperm production. Today, with the great pregnancy rates from in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), many couples would rather go directly to these new modalities instead of waiting to see if the injectable medications will work. It could take months to see any benefit.

In certain instances men with low sperm counts due to endocrine (hormonal) abnormalities because of pituitary problems, can benefit from treatment with hCG. hCG is often used a to treat men who have undergone surgery for removal of the pituitary gland. hCG is a hormone mainly known for its role in stimulating progesterone production in women. It has been shown that spermatogenesis (production of sperm) can be restored in men suffering from low sperm production by administration of hCG.

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