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Post surgery update


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
Well I his has taken a lot longer than I had thought
The initial surgery was need up being alot more involved than then anticipated. The "fix" that the did back in 2019 was basically a modified Roux-en-Y of the duodenum had several major adhesions and restrictions as well as a couple more further down where they had done a small bowel resection.
So the fix was to basically scrap all that shit and salvage as much of the duodenum as possible to keep the pancreatic and Bile ducts in place and do another resection (another 18"). All in all everything went good , there was a lot more bleeding than they expected and I went in slightly dehydrated so there was some issues with very low blood pressure for a while and very elevated kidney values. After a couple days things balance out a bit and was moved to a regular room , catheter and drain was removed but feeding port remained. 3 more days and I was sent home.
Once I got home my abdomen was still really destended and there was a lot of pain , after 3 days the pain got worse so called the Dr and he said to come in for a 1pm appointment but get a CT with contrast at 8am. 15 minutes after the CT the nurse comes in with a wheelchair and says "there is a problem the Dr is gonna meet us in the ER" get rushed into radiology for an ultrasound so they can put in another drain. 1600+cc of blood and fluid later I had major relief.!! Got shipped back upstairs for a night stay with observation of the drain , only about 5cc more drain out. Apparently they removed the drain a little to early and i was still producing fluid and blood.
So now , I'm all closed back up no more drain or feeding tube. Eating whatever I want and on limited pain meds. I'm down 27 lbs have basically zero apatite and a little bit of atelectasis in the right lung some how (which is surprisingly painful)
The plan now is to just eat what I can and have a couple shakes a day including 10g hydrolyzed collagen each , maintain my TRT and 2iu HGH
My whole body kinda hurts and all my joints fuckin hurt which I suspect is from lack of nutrition.
So hopefully in a couple weeks the weight will start to come back and I'll be able to train , right now my exercise is limited to walking around the property for half an hr a few times a day and using this fuckin incentive spirometer all the time.

I hope everyone here is doing well and having a good new year so far.
Glad to see you on the upside of this. You'll be back better than ever soon. Keep your head up old-timer!
You had some work done for sure. I'm glad to hear you are on the other end of it now. I wish you a speedy recovery. Take your time getting back into things as you will be back to your old self before you know it.
Hopefully everything will continue to go up rom here. Take care.
Good to see the rough shit is behind you. Surgery blows, man.

You’ll get back to full action quick. Took me just a couple months, the gh will help loads
Dammit! That would be a shitty f’n feeling to have them all of a sudden rushing you out saying there’s a problem. Glad to hear it worked out and now just gotta ride out the healing process.

Not gonna toss in any peptides for healing up?

I'm glad you are ok, I hope this doesn't sound bad, I would suggest you don't worry too much about eating or gaining weight, just try to heal up and the rest will come in time

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