Post your best lifts and rep ranges with that weight in deadlift, squat, some kind of bench or chest press, and some shoulder movement along with height and weight.
Present day lifts only (or within the last 6 months)
Incline bench 275x5 (my bench sucks) - One year ago, about 245
Squats 635x6 - was not squatting
Rack Deads 675x3 - 545
Smith behind the Neck 270x5 (leaving out the bar weight) - 225
Bent Rows 335x6 - 275
Have a rather nasty bone spur limiting my pressing these days.
My very first deadlift in highschool gym class was 455 with nasty under a great P/L coach and when I graduated I was deadlifting 555 then years later with right coachs I was deadlifting 745 and was ranked by the time I was 26yo.
My best squat RAW was 710 and my bench well lets just say that is way I competed in deadlift bench raw wa like 405 maybe on a good day. Never could get that damn bench up