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Prolactin Gyno On test+primo+GH????

You come off as struggling everywhere. Not interested in your trolling. Don't recall copying anything, are you alright?
He is a VET here who can back up his physique and knowledge.

Post pictures and will acknowledge you newbie.
Now I will address the OP. First, your coach is total Dumbass. He has no business telling a 20 year to get on gear, especially one who isn't in shape yet.

My gym is full of stupid kids who take steroids. They all look like crap. They don't eat good or train hard enough. At 20, I was training my ass off with the big boys at the gym. I also down many calories to grow. This is what you need, hard work and a good solid nutrition plan at that age.
I am sorry, but why the fuck would a kid need GH? Your metabolism is best at your age. You got to eat good to lose BF.

I hate these so called coaches who throw every kid on drugs, because at the end of day, he is substituted what you really need and isn'treally knowledgeable. .
Now I will address the OP. First, your coach is total Dumbass. He has no business telling a 20 year to get on gear, especially one who isn't in shape yet.

My gym is full of stupid kids who take steroids. They all look like crap. They don't eat good or train hard enough. At 20, I was training my ass off with the big boys at the gym. I also down many calories to grow. This is what you need, hard work and a good solid nutrition plan at that age.
I am sorry, but why the fuck would a kid need GH? Your metabolism is best at your age. You got to eat good to lose BF.

I hate these so called coaches who throw every kid on drugs, because at the end of day, he is substituted what you really need and isn'treally knowledgeable. .
My first cycle at 24 was 250mg test e for 8 weeks and then a pct, ppl now really just blast away with the whole kitchen sink at a young age.
My friend had this issue and he doesn't know much, also had a crazy breakdown at the same time. Which has me guessing if it was tren or something else because he never had gyno from test alone before
Now I will address the OP. First, your coach is total Dumbass. He has no business telling a 20 year to get on gear, especially one who isn't in shape yet.

My gym is full of stupid kids who take steroids. They all look like crap. They don't eat good or train hard enough. At 20, I was training my ass off with the big boys at the gym. I also down many calories to grow. This is what you need, hard work and a good solid nutrition plan at that age.
I am sorry, but why the fuck would a kid need GH? Your metabolism is best at your age. You got to eat good to lose BF.

I hate these so called coaches who throw every kid on drugs, because at the end of day, he is substituted what you really need and isn'treally knowledgeable. .
I was on gear when I came to him lol. Thank you for not answering my question at all and if you knew my coach I believe you would retract your statement about him, I dont look like crap and am in shape but he wants me in near contest shape to rebound out of to push to grow. I never lose my abs lmfao. Dont tell me what you did with the "big boys" at 20 lmfaoooo you know nothing about my diet or training so stop assuming and get off ur high horse gramps
My first cycle at 24 was 250mg test e for 8 weeks and then a pct, ppl now really just blast away with the whole kitchen sink at a young age.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand another idiot. Did a test only 450 cycle and pctd then came off then got on test and primo and contacted a coach. To take me to the next level not because i was not already doing well. Yall should rlly worry less about what other men are shooting into their ass lmfao. Trying to high horse me by saying you used a trt dose for ur first "blast" I can assure you no one respects you more for shutting down ur hpta for only 4 weeks of fully saturated trt. That is actually the most retarded thing I have ever read. 8 weeks of trt of a medium acting test so you get 4 weeks of it the rest is around 100-200mg. Why would you shut down ur natural 24 year old test for trt doses hahaha
I was on gear when I came to him lol. Thank you for not answering my question at all and if you knew my coach I believe you would retract your statement about him, I dont look like crap and am in shape but he wants me in near contest shape to rebound out of to push to grow. I never lose my abs lmfao. Dont tell me what you did with the "big boys" at 20 lmfaoooo you know nothing about my diet or training so stop assuming and get off ur high horse gramps
lets see it
I was on gear when I came to him lol. Thank you for not answering my question at all and if you knew my coach I believe you would retract your statement about him, I dont look like crap and am in shape but he wants me in near contest shape to rebound out of to push to grow. I never lose my abs lmfao. Dont tell me what you did with the "big boys" at 20 lmfaoooo you know nothing about my diet or training so stop assuming and get off ur high horse gramps
Here is a picture of gramps. I can afford to be on my high horse after 44 years paying dues in gym. You come on this board already with a coach, then ask us questions. Why not ask your coach if he is that good? You and a lot of young guys are on gear nowadays. Most won't make "gramps" age.. Now, I will let go calling me out, but when call another member idiot here that is respected, that I won't overlook.

I posted mine, now post a picture of you. Actually that is what we do around here anyways. It holds people accountable instead of shit talkers. We can also look to see if you have bad gyno or might be fat accumulated too. IMG-20231020-WA0000.jpg
Here is a picture of gramps. I can afford to be on my high horse after 44 years paying dues in gym. You come on this board already with a coach, then ask us questions. Why not ask your coach if he is that good? You and a lot of young guys are on gear nowadays. Most won't make "gramps" age.. Now, I will let go calling me out, but when call another member idiot here that is respected, that I won't overlook.

I posted mine, now post a picture of you. Actually that is what we do around here anyways. It holds people accountable instead of shit talkers. We can also look to see if you have bad gyno or might be fat accumulated too. View attachment 193724
Looking great Pesty! 💪
Here is a picture of gramps. I can afford to be on my high horse after 44 years paying dues in gym. You come on this board already with a coach, then ask us questions. Why not ask your coach if he is that good? You and a lot of young guys are on gear nowadays. Most won't make "gramps" age.. Now, I will let go calling me out, but when call another member idiot here that is respected, that I won't overlook.

I posted mine, now post a picture of you. Actually that is what we do around here anyways. It holds people accountable instead of shit talkers. We can also look to see if you have bad gyno or might be fat accumulated too. View attachment 193724
I did ask him and he told me to get bloods which I am lol ill grab a pic for all my boyfriends on here tomo
Here is a picture of gramps. I can afford to be on my high horse after 44 years paying dues in gym. You come on this board already with a coach, then ask us questions. Why not ask your coach if he is that good? You and a lot of young guys are on gear nowadays. Most won't make "gramps" age.. Now, I will let go calling me out, but when call another member idiot here that is respected, that I won't overlook.

I posted mine, now post a picture of you. Actually that is what we do around here anyways. It holds people accountable instead of shit talkers. We can also look to see if you have bad gyno or might be fat accumulated too. View attachment 193724

Superb 👏
Doing gear "prematurely" is no new trend. Back in the day like the 80s docs put 15 year old kids on gear for sports. Deca and Dbol and a b-12 shot for good measure. Basically none of the champs we all know waited until they had "maxed out" naturally. Good or bad, anyone can decide for themselves, but that's the reality. It's easier to pick the ones who did not start in their teens than the opposite. Personally, if I could do it again I would have done more, earlier and also done GH from the start, instead of training so "hard" and fucking up my body with injuries. Let the drugs do more of the work.

Blasfemy to many I'm sure. Just another viewpoint.

Of course, the young ones should be respectful.
Doing gear "prematurely" is no new trend. Back in the day like the 80s docs put 15 year old kids on gear for sports. Deca and Dbol and a b-12 shot for good measure. Basically none of the champs we all know waited until they had "maxed out" naturally. Good or bad, anyone can decide for themselves, but that's the reality. It's easier to pick the ones who did not start in their teens than the opposite. Personally, if I could do it again I would have done more, earlier and also done GH from the start, instead of training so "hard" and fucking up my body with injuries. Let the drugs do more of the work.

Blasfemy to many I'm sure. Just another viewpoint.

Of course, the young ones should be respectful.
I personally would rather take gear from 20-30 and bb hard and be done by then. But thats my reasoning. Its not like im one of these kids from jersey starting blasting @15, Never taken over 600mgs so I try to keep it reasonable. And ya as far as the GH I dont use it to up my metabolism its actually very helpful if someone young is trying to "max" themselves out.
Here is a picture of gramps. I can afford to be on my high horse after 44 years paying dues in gym. You come on this board already with a coach, then ask us questions. Why not ask your coach if he is that good? You and a lot of young guys are on gear nowadays. Most won't make "gramps" age.. Now, I will let go calling me out, but when call another member idiot here that is respected, that I won't overlook.

I posted mine, now post a picture of you. Actually that is what we do around here anyways. It holds people accountable instead of shit talkers. We can also look to see if you have bad gyno or might be fat accumulated too. View attachment 193724
Whats the deal with the gyno thing btw lol, so many kids have gyno from being obese in like middle school whats the obsession with nips
Doing gear "prematurely" is no new trend. Back in the day like the 80s docs put 15 year old kids on gear for sports. Deca and Dbol and a b-12 shot for good measure. Basically none of the champs we all know waited until they had "maxed out" naturally. Good or bad, anyone can decide for themselves, but that's the reality. It's easier to pick the ones who did not start in their teens than the opposite. Personally, if I could do it again I would have done more, earlier and also done GH from the start, instead of training so "hard" and fucking up my body with injuries. Let the drugs do more of the work.

Blasfemy to many I'm sure. Just another viewpoint.

Of course, the young ones should be respectful.
You must come from a different generation then me. I asked what test was one time at 21, and was told to STFU about it and train. The big guys wanted me to pay my dues a few years, to see how serious I really was. Guess that is what kept me in the shape at this age. I depend more on my diet and training then drugs. We all know steroids work, but I can't see a point without consistency with training and diet first.

I guess that is why young guys like Sam get glorified. Not for his training or diet, but they all want to know what he is taking to mimick it. That is the mentality of of our youth nowadays.
You must come from a different generation then me. I asked what test was one time at 21, and was told to STFU about it and train. The big guys wanted me to pay my dues a few years, to see how serious I really was. Guess that is what kept me in the shape at this age. I depend more on my diet and training then drugs. We all know steroids work, but I can't see a point without consistency with training and diet first.

I guess that is why young guys like Sam get glorified. Not for his training or diet, but they all want to know what he is taking to mimick it. That is the mentality of of our youth nowadays.
I agree same in my area but then u hear about the east where its the opposite and kids starting at 16 in highschool and its decently common. Different cultures in different areas for sure
I did ask him and he told me to get bloods which I am lol ill grab a pic for all my boyfriends on here tomo
Hate to say it but I don't think anybody will believe it's you, whether it is or not. Id recommend taking the picture with your username on a sheet of paper or pointing to PM on a PC or phone or whatever. Im not saying you're not in shape but they way you represented yourself and responded to members is going to give a lot of people pause in believing you. Just my .02

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