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Pro's doesn't have many zits... Hgh?


Jun 6, 2002
I take only 750mg test a week and 35mg dianabol. But my face is full of zits... If you look at pictures off the pro's, even off-season... well they don't have many zits... How does it come?? Hgh?

I think if you give me a pic of you and some good digital software you too can be zit free. Ive been researching some anti DHT drugs that can help keep acne down on test cycles. Get some accutane post cycle and it will clear you up, the worst is bulking getting huge all winter then cutting it up and you have pizza face and pizza back.
Retin-A and some Antiboitics can be used. Some guys also use Vitamin B-5 in higher doses and say it helps. Accutane is the heavy hitter, but dont even think about taking it while on cycle.

Get 2-3 Super HOT showers per day. Use a body scrub and acne wash. Also use a astringent. (sp?)
shawnfreaks said:
Retin-A and some Antiboitics can be used. Some guys also use Vitamin B-5 in higher doses and say it helps. Accutane is the heavy hitter, but dont even think about taking it while on cycle.

Get 2-3 Super HOT showers per day. Use a body scrub and acne wash. Also use a astringent. (sp?)

You can take accutane during a cycle, just not with 17AA orals.
And I would use deca, because accutane really dries up your joints.
Just one 50mg doxycycline a day. No sides and keeps the acne away.
Big A where can you get doxycycline, is that a doc prescription or an over the counter?
I had the same problems on my back and shoulder area. Get some proactiv solution refining mask. Dont buy the whole kit its a waste just get the tube of cream. It has cleared me up alot. Just dont help the big boil type ones that hurt like a mofo without the squishy stuff. MM
My roomate used tetracycline and that helped just fine. But I'm sure Big A is on track with this one.
Big A said:
Just one 50mg doxycycline a day. No sides and keeps the acne away.

Big A --> doxycycline is the best shit against acne, but my trainer said that it is not good for your metabolism??
No negative effects with doxycline. Your interstinal flora can be affected so you just have a Yakult or something.

You get doxycicline on script from any doc. Just tell him you want it for acne. Simple as that and cheap.
i know, i'v been on doxy for 2 weeks and it helped a lot, but i didn't grow any more and i was on cycle?? after stopping the doxy i grew again :)

I use alot of Vitamin B5 these days and that also helps alot, it keep the big suckers away, and cleans up the skin fast.
Can you take the doxycline while on cycle? And where can we get the yakult.Is that a prescription drug?Thank you guys
Just one 50mg doxycycline a day. No sides and keeps the acne away.

i take doxy, it was givin to us will in afghanistan as an ainti-malaria pill. there are a few sides, dierra, and more sensitive to sunlight, but still well worth the clear face and the immunity to malaria :D
i take doxy, it was givin to us will in afghanistan as an ainti-malaria pill. there are a few sides, dierra, and more sensitive to sunlight, but still well worth the clear face and the immunity to malaria :D

how much of an increased sensitivity to sunlight? Still able to go tanning? A friend of mine was taking an acne med and his doc said he couldn't go tanning while on it.. I don't want acne, but I don't want to be pale either :confused:
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how much of an increased sensitivity to sunlight? Still able to go tanning? A friend of mine was taking an acne med and his doc said he couldn't go tanning while on it.. I don't want acne, but I don't want to be pale either :confused:

A little tanning won't hurt at all. If your really worried just use some low SPF sunscreen and don't over do it. All will be fine.
Just one 50mg doxycycline a day. No sides and keeps the acne away.

Also how long has this been working for you? Can't you build up a tolerance since its an antibiotic?

and one more thing.. anyone use accutane & MT2 together?
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From my experience, the body adjusts to supraphysiological doses of AAS, except when there are irregular spikes with peaks and valleys. So going from 500-1500mg/wk might create some acne until the body adjusts, however steadily increasing to 1,500mg might create less zits...ime.

The only compound that really gives me zit problems at times is nandrolones and sometimes trenbolones. Other than that, I could be on 2 grams of test and still have a clear back(ne).

Doxy can be bought from some of the on-line vet supply houses;)

Diet, especially greasy foods and fast foods, give me more break-out problems than anything though.

Aromatase inhibitors help me if I have excessive estrogen levels too.

My Backne

I work in Pharma for a Dermatology company. I agree with all of the above posts. My acne comes when i don't keep my e in check. Change in dose of DVDs, switching AIs. Tanning helps, Doxy helps, I just ordered Acne Anihilator (so far so good)

Lots of guys suggest the Accutane solution and it definitely works, but I sincerely suggest you try everything else and really research the accutane before you try it. Best yet let a MD help you. Accutane has some really ugly sides.

Check your Estro levels first. My experience.
Acne isnt caused by the hormone itself, but rather fluctuations in the hormone levels. Keep in mind that most pro's never come off and you have your answer.

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