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Protective gear(while lifting;)


Active member
Dec 1, 2018
I assume a lot of guys use straps, but how many of you use elbow sleeves/knee sleeves/wristwraps etc.?

Some people purposely don´t use them so they can feel pains and niggles, others use them to blund pains.

Why do you use them(or not)?
I always use sleeves for my elbows and knees - they don't help me lift the weight a bit but they keep my joints warm which is extremely important to me, and if they are tight enough they improve stabilization.

I use the weight belt only for squats these days - I very rarely use Knee warps now unless my knee hurts then it slightly binds the warps, but it happens rarely
I always use sleeves for my elbows and knees - they don't help me lift the weight a bit but they keep my joints warm which is extremely important to me, and if they are tight enough they improve stabilization.

I use the weight belt only for squats these days - I very rarely use Knee warps now unless my knee hurts then it slightly binds the warps, but it happens rarely
And straps for back I suppose ;)
I don't use anything as I am not lifting really heavy due to a shoulder injury, but I am kinda getting to a point where I feel I can and need to use a heavier weight. I will use lifting straps for back and that's it, that's the only thing I have ever used.
I use sleeves for my knees and elbows. Straps on back day. Haven't used a belt in quite a while, usually I start using it during prep. And on my top set of hack squats sometimes Ill use knee wraps if I am going really heavy.
I don’t use wraps/sleeves every workout… Depends on how I feel that day. If I’m still achey after warming up then I’ll utilize sleeves and wraps. It’s probably 50% of the time for me… The older I get though, that percentage will definitely increase.

Donnie Thompson recommended years ago to squat in single ply loose briefs at times, not always. If you have never used them your hips would love you if you did. Enough to keep them happy but not enough to take the load away from your quads, hips, etc. I also use old knee sleeves if they are achy. 51 years old here.
If I didn’t use Gymreapers knee sleeves I would be even more of a cripple than I already am
I use it all - Versa Grips for back and shrugs, wrist wraps for heavy pressing, knee wraps for heavy squatting and leg pressing, Slingshot for heavy pressing.

I've used this stuff every week for years and at 37 I've had no injuries and have no nagging aches and pains - I can't imagine that's be the case if I didn't use supportive equipment.
I use straps for dead lifts and heavier rows and a belt for deads and squats. I had some trouble mentally beginning to using them. Felt like I wasn't actually lifting the weight because I needed them. The nerve issues in my left arm and bulging disks in my back eventually won. I wish I would have started using them earlier. I've never lifted particularly heavy in my opinion but my stubbornness has caused me some setbacks. Live and learn.
I use straps for very heavy lifts only. My hands barely go all the way around the bar. I used to use a belt a lot but quit years ago. Took me a couple months but had all my lifts back to where they were. And ended up with less back pain. I found a tight belt didn't let the core muscles work in conjunction with each other from the tourniquet around my waist. The only use i found for knee wraps was to tie another bar to the top of the leg press.
I use straps for very heavy lifts only. My hands barely go all the way around the bar. I used to use a belt a lot but quit years ago. Took me a couple months but had all my lifts back to where they were. And ended up with less back pain. I found a tight belt didn't let the core muscles work in conjunction with each other from the tourniquet around my waist. The only use i found for knee wraps was to tie another bar to the top of the leg press.
I too stopped using a belt years ago.

I heard Ben Pakulski say he was having lower back issues so he stopped wearing his belt for workouts on the premise it would strengthen the lower back. I did the same and never looked back. It definitely made my lower back stronger. It's probably been 7 years since I've used a belt.
Figure 8 straps
Adidas powerlifter 2’s

End of list

As smashed up as I am I kinda just rather hold back then be able to push through
Only use straps for back but sometimes I go without. Have a belt that I used prob 3 sessions total. If in going to do 405lb squat or higher I think the belt is wise but haven't been going that heavy and my back is fine. Once the squats hit my lower back I do hacks or leg presses. I use knee sleeves if I'm having bad knee clicking or pain. Haven't used knee sleeves in a year and knees are doing great. Never used knee wraps before. Wrist wraps are great but haven't felt the need to use them in a long time
Donnie Thompson recommended years ago to squat in single ply loose briefs at times, not always. If you have never used them your hips would love you if you did. Enough to keep them happy but not enough to take the load away from your quads, hips, etc. I also use old knee sleeves if they are achy. 51 years old here.

Most will not go for this but if hips are an issue these might "save" them. I have cut off old squat suits people gave me for briefs. The trick is to get the right size, I imagine if going on some size chart from a powerlifting supply site they might be way too tight, hard to even get on. They feel amazing if you have achy hips, and even if you don't lol, I use them mainly on deads.

Real PL wraps are too tight for most bodybuilders but I rather use wraps than sleeves, can adjust the tightness set to set, maybe buy loose wraps made for "fitness enthusiasts"
I use versa grips for back and trap work.

Back when I used to barbell bench press I used to use wrist wraps but I don’t use them anymore.

I don’t use a belt or elbow or knee sleeves.
I have been using the Gym Reapers wrist wraps on chest workouts. definitely helps with stabilization especially with dumbbells! I also use this upper arm padded strap to compress the tendons some when the tennis elbow acts up a little.

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