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pumped prisoners


New member
Jun 23, 2007
just thought of something....how do inmates build up muscle tissue without a steady supply of quality protein ????
anabolic steroids smuggled in by corrections officers.
Oh man

you can eat eggs, milk, tuna all day long if you wish.........even have protein sent in from the company of your choice.......dont believe the TV shows
prison muscle

never thought about the daily protein enemas !!!!!!!! I think you're onto something !!!!!!
Inmates have all day to train, and all day to rest from that training. And zero of the responsibilities that occupy our time out here in the real world. Here in Arizona inmates cannot buy protein powder but of course it can be obtained as contraband.

Furthermore in Arizona there are no weights on the yards anymore. Inmates have access to pull-up bars, dip bars, decline sit-up bench, and a track. On some yards inmates make (contraband) "water-weights", which are crude weights made out of garbage bags filled with water and tied onto broomsticks etc...
And how do they get the syringes? Where would they dispose of them?

You must be referring to orals?

The investigation began in November 1995 when OIG learned through informant information that various MDC correction officers were being bribed to smuggle contraband, including marijuana, clothing, vitamins and food, into the institution. Over the next 18 months, OIG conducted an undercover investigation in which MDC correction officers were recorded and videotaped receiving bribe money ranging from $100 to $1,000 to violate BOP regulations and to smuggle various contraband, including sham heroin and steroids, large quantities of Italian food, vodka and wine, clothing, radios and other electronic equipment into MDC.

i'm sure sryinges would not be a problem considering some of these items mentioned in the article....
family and friends are allowed to bring them stuff
The investigation began in November 1995 when OIG learned through informant information that various MDC correction officers were being bribed to smuggle contraband, including marijuana, clothing, vitamins and food, into the institution. Over the next 18 months, OIG conducted an undercover investigation in which MDC correction officers were recorded and videotaped receiving bribe money ranging from $100 to $1,000 to violate BOP regulations and to smuggle various contraband, including sham heroin and steroids, large quantities of Italian food, vodka and wine, clothing, radios and other electronic equipment into MDC.

i'm sure sryinges would not be a problem considering some of these items mentioned in the article....

Geez...I guess anything is available if you have connections, eh?

I never wish to find out, personally.
goes to show there is something to be said for good ol push ups pull ups dips and walking lunges. Basics. and genetics!
I run a prison ministry in my town, and many of my friends have been to prison, if you know someone in the kitchen they can give you extra chicken/tuna. They trade out food for say extra laundry detergent
my question.....we all know that in order to build muscle you need progression in weights (example if i bench 250 x 10 now, and i do in 6 months, i probably didnt get bigger). so if they are only doing BW exercises, how do they progress and actually gain muscle?
And how do they get the syringes? Where would they dispose of them?

You must be referring to orals?

Haha.. AAS are not very popular in Prison, if any at all. 3/4 of the inmates are rec drug addicts, and that is what they want to use and more importantly, sell. It's hard enough as it is for a regular person outside prison to obtain gear, let alone then smuggle it into prison. If prisoners are going to take that risk, it going to be with something that gets them HIGH. Plus, a bag of dope could be gone within a day or two. You gotta hide your 12 week cycle.. for 12 weeks! Plus anything stacked with it, pct pills, pins.

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