I am glad you are posting again.
I enjoy your posts and I always thought you had an outstanding physique and look. You look big, full, vascular, and lean in your photos. I also think you would do very well as a super heavy.
You look great Quefer! I can tell that you work those calves hard from all the vascularity. It's good to see some shots of you. You look as if your about ready to step on stage, any plans?
I see Phil is on here right now...Maybe he could describe how to do the front bi shot better than how I wrote it out...
I actully didnt know you havent competed yet ... I suprised you have a big body and could do well in the superheavyweights in most regional level shows...I'd say go for it bro, nothing to lose and everything to gain...Best wishes
Queefer, good to see you around again. You are looking huge and not sacraficing a lean body, well done!
Thanks man. When I saw how good Tflexin was looking(he's my height) it got me really motivated to start hitn it hard again. How's your training been coming lately?
looking big queefer
Hey Big Q,
Whats up ? Havnt talked to you in awhile ... Hows life treating ya ?
As for the pics, your looking very lean and big...Only thing I dont like is your front bi shot doesnt show your lats very well (your back is bigger than that) ...Your rear bi shot looks great, thick back, good detail, width is good... but from the front shot, your lats look like there behind the rest of ya...I think its more of how you did the pose than having weak lats...Try to squeze your lats out more, maybe bring your arms down a touch..Its hard to tell you without being there to position you in the right way...But overall your looking really good...
You think this one's any better. I tried to do what you said