Arimidex didn't exist in the World Anabolic Review of 1996. The pros always walked the stages ripped to the bone. They were using proviron/nolvadex before that time too. My question here, is if Arimidex is inhibiting aromatazation from test (or even endogenous androgens), wouldn't this mean it inhibits conversion from test to DHT? i would think that explains the decrease in libido some people get when they add it to their cycles. I think it is true because last cycle and before, I didn't lose any hair. I think DHT is important but if Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor and it is inhibiting conversion from androgens to estrogens, then it is also doing the same from androgens to DHT. Wouldn't this mean your gains are limited when you use it. What about using 20mg nolvadex and 50mg proviron daily? How did the bodybuilders cycle it years ago when come contest time? I'm asking because wylde helped me alot with my diet and cycle planning as well, and arimidex wasnt there so i started to ponder..for a long time.