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question about coconut oil


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 20, 2009
I bought some vigin coconut oil to cook with from a walmart super center (spectrum). I had it sitting on the counter for 2 days and it went from looking solid (like a paste) to a liquid. Was I supposed to keep it in the fridge? I never opened it, not sure what happened. Is it still any good?

And how much do you guys use for your eggs, and do you count all of that toward your macros for fat?
It does not need refrigeration. Coconut melts near room temp, or slightly warmer. I use 1 TBS for my morning eggs. I think a table spoon is around 12-15g of fat. So use as needed
BTW The Spectrum is great stuff
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its fine in its liquid state...it is a function of the coconut oil's MP...which is quite low. Paradoxically, the smoke point of the coconut oil is quite high...making it a good oil to cook with.

It is also a great sex lubricant.
its fine in its liquid state...it is a function of the coconut oil's MP...which is quite low. Paradoxically, the smoke point of the coconut oil is quite high...making it a good oil to cook with.

It is also a great sex lubricant.

With the added bonus you can have a fresh coconut smell in your drawers all day :)
It is also a great sex lubricant.

Actually, that is very true. :) But use organic, extra virgin oil. No pun intended.

its fine in its liquid state...it is a function of the coconut oil's MP...which is quite low. Paradoxically, the smoke point of the coconut oil is quite high...making it a good oil to cook with.

It is also a great sex lubricant.

Actually, that is very true. :) But use organic, extra virgin oil. No pun intended.

Yes, I second that.
Bahaha scam.... I think u will see its not, both milk and oil are good but from what i have seen try telling Phil H. coconut oil is a trendy scam
coconut milk good... oil a trendy scam. You will see time will show you.
Can you back this claim of scam up? have you got research to prove what you say? There is plenty of research to the contrary though!.
coconut milk good... oil a trendy scam. You will see time will show you.

How can somthing that is 100% natural and have an extremley high smoke point be a trendy scam? Have you ever heard of mct's? Dude where are you from? I know there are some pretty backward people where I am that think if you drink protein powder your dick will drop off, please dont tell me your in the same catogry......
coconut milk good... oil a trendy scam. You will see time will show you.

Congrats - you have qualified for idiot of the month with that comment. You obviously have no clue what lauric acid...ahhh why bother..

On the Mayo health site, they articulate how coconut oil should be used like any saturated fat - sparingly. They cited a study how after eating coconut oil, the arteries constricted for a time just like they do after you eat animal saturated fat, or fast food, etc.

I rarely eat saturated fat or red meat to begin with, so I figure the tablespoon or two a day of coconut oil I use for cooking won't be harmful compared to the average diet anyway, and if there are health benefits then I can benefit from them. If not, I don't ingest any more fat than the bodybuilder who is eating red meat all day.
On the Mayo health site, they articulate how coconut oil should be used like any saturated fat - sparingly. They cited a study how after eating coconut oil, the arteries constricted for a time just like they do after you eat animal saturated fat, or fast food, etc.

I rarely eat saturated fat or red meat to begin with, so I figure the tablespoon or two a day of coconut oil I use for cooking won't be harmful compared to the average diet anyway, and if there are health benefits then I can benefit from them. If not, I don't ingest any more fat than the bodybuilder who is eating red meat all day.

there are some flaws with the study you're referring to I believe...read this article by Chris Masterjohn

Myth: "One High-Saturated Fat Meal Can Be Bad"
On the Mayo health site, they articulate how coconut oil should be used like any saturated fat - sparingly. They cited a study how after eating coconut oil, the arteries constricted for a time just like they do after you eat animal saturated fat, or fast food, etc.

I rarely eat saturated fat or red meat to begin with, so I figure the tablespoon or two a day of coconut oil I use for cooking won't be harmful compared to the average diet anyway, and if there are health benefits then I can benefit from them. If not, I don't ingest any more fat than the bodybuilder who is eating red meat all day.

There is a misconception spread among many people that coconut oil is not good for the heart. This is because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. However, coconut oil is beneficial for the heart. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. The saturated fats present in coconut oil are not harmful as it happens in case of other vegetables oils. It does not lead to increase in LDL levels. It also reduces the incidence of injury in arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis.

There is a misconception spread among many people that coconut oil is not good for the heart. This is because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. However, coconut oil is beneficial for the heart. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. The saturated fats present in coconut oil are not harmful as it happens in case of other vegetables oils. It does not lead to increase in LDL levels. It also reduces the incidence of injury in arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis.


Yes, I've read up on the benefits of coconut oil in the past, so that's why I consume it. But I like to believe everything in moderation. Whenever something becomes as "religious" (and if you search the web, clearly there are some people acting like that when it comes to coconut oil), I get a little skeptical. I don't think it is a trend by any means as another poster said. But of course, I always love to see more studies. Even when negatives ones come out, it doesn't kill off the upside, unless it states, "this stuff kills you". Everything in life has a positive/negative side to it. So far, it appears the positives of coconut outweigh the negatives by a good margin.

Another oil I've been wondering about recently is using grape seed oil (yes, I know its mostly linoleic), which many people don't know can be used for cooking. Seems to be another oil with devoted following. I think between coconut, grape, and fish oil caplets, one can get a nice spectrum of benefits.

Anyway, thanks Pack and Shredded for the links.
Congrats - you have qualified for idiot of the month with that comment. You obviously have no clue what lauric acid...ahhh why bother..


John-How many times to you read posts like that and just want to explode, beat you head against your desk, start to relpy and then just go fuck it, its not worth my effort? LOL Take a deep breath John... LOL

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