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question for Big A / Pros


New member
Jun 23, 2002
ok , ive been on a cut cycle for some recent contests. i saw what big a was saying about doing a mini bulk cycle after contest dieting /cycle to catch the rebound, so im doing a 6 weeks bulk cycle now. this cycle will end in 2 weeks. i want to get into another show to try and qualify for national level competition. i will have been on for 16 weeks, and if i want to hit the next show im gonna have to go off for seven and star again, so ill pretty much be ending my clomid therapy and starting again, in your opinions would this be to stressful on my body? and how should i approach the contest as far as diet? just maintain some sort of good eating habits now until the cycle? should i go off a little? and lastly, big A if you dont mind i would like to PM you about the cycle i should use for this upcoming contest.

thank you guys, DOK

Im no pro or expert, and I havent done long cycles so I can only repeat things IVe read, and or heard that make sense to me, so on that point, I would love to point you to the doggcrap thread, basiclly what it talks about cycling long is to go hard and heavy for 4 weeks, then take a maintence dose of say 300mgs a week with a ton of clomid, this wont totaly upregulate HPTA but it should help, then you go back on full time with the juice, this 2 week lets you relax, take off some training time, forget eating protein ever 1 1/2 hours etc,

Hope that makes sense.

Again Im not a pro or expert either but do compete. Unfortunately anytime you do a show it's very stressful on the body and lets face it competing is in no way healthy. If you've been on for 16 weeks I would say bridge with light test as stated above and go ahead with clomid therapy, eat clean but give you're system a little break for the diet ahead.
I know what your talking about though. I competed twice (last one in May) and my goal was to qualify nationally. Unfortunately I picked tough shows, and just fell short. I've been thinking of doing another show in Oct. and cant decide if I want to gain for next year or meet my goal and qualify this year. Either way hope this helps some and good luck.
If you taken all your accessories (hcg, nolva, liver stuff, etc) and looked after your body throughout this whole time, you will be fine. Do a blood test before you start again, for peace of mind and act according to that test.
big a is correct!

Once you have done a show if you run a short cycle(4weeks) with an anabolic/androgen ration of fast acting AS accompanied with fast acting insulin humulin-r you can expect to gain an honest 10lbs of l.b.m. as BIG A stated you have put so much stress on your body for the last 12-16 weeks with a calorie restricted diet and excess activity level(i.e. posing,training,cardio,ect...) that when you bump your caloric intake back up and flood your system with a high dosage of androgens and anabolics you have no choice but to grow. I reccomend that you use this cycle for advance men!
75mg tren e.o.d/100mg test suspension or test prop. e.o.d./50mg d-bol or 50mg of anadrol per day/1000mg deca/400mg e.q./6iu humulin-r post workout
this is a very effective cycle and you will want to run 5000iu HCG(2500IU EVERY 3 DAYS) the last two weeks of the cycle to jump start your leutizing hormone and get you HPTA axcess in order as well as take 750-1000mg of tribistan brand bulgarian tribulus every day! please keep in mind you will be full of a ton of water due to the rebound effect therefore arimadex and proviron are necessary. Once again this cycle isn't for the week of heart but it does work VERY effectively if followed as i have outlined above. best wishes wyldeone.
Re: big a is correct!

wyldeone said:
Once you have done a show if you run a short cycle(4weeks) with an anabolic/androgen ration of fast acting AS accompanied with fast acting insulin humulin-r you can expect to gain an honest 10lbs of l.b.m. as BIG A stated you have put so much stress on your body for the last 12-16 weeks with a calorie restricted diet and excess activity level(i.e. posing,training,cardio,ect...) that when you bump your caloric intake back up and flood your system with a high dosage of androgens and anabolics you have no choice but to grow. I reccomend that you use this cycle for advance men!
75mg tren e.o.d/100mg test suspension or test prop. e.o.d./50mg d-bol or 50mg of anadrol per day/1000mg deca/400mg e.q./6iu humulin-r post workout
this is a very effective cycle and you will want to run 5000iu HCG(2500IU EVERY 3 DAYS) the last two weeks of the cycle to jump start your leutizing hormone and get you HPTA axcess in order as well as take 750-1000mg of tribistan brand bulgarian tribulus every day! please keep in mind you will be full of a ton of water due to the rebound effect therefore arimadex and proviron are necessary. Once again this cycle isn't for the week of heart but it does work VERY effectively if followed as i have outlined above. best wishes wyldeone.

I love it how we agree on everything - I guess there won't be any cat fights during my next comp prep :D

thanks guys for your responses, definetly the most informative site ive been to as well as the friendliest, oh and Big A if you get a chance i sent ya a pm could ya look it over for me? id appreciate it.

thanks again, DOK

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