i'm in the same boat.. on the legs being the weak point. though i've been working them pretty seriously for the past few months.... seeeeems like results are slower than shit...
i am starting to notice some separation lines and i've got these kick ass veins that run down my thighs and calves but i need to put on more muscle.. plain n simple
leg workout includes this: 1x a week
hack squat 3 sets heavy as i can
lying hamstring curls 3 sets 10
leg extensions 3 sets of 10
seated calf raises 3 sets 10
i need to probably try good ole squats... and stick with them
though i fucked my neck up... a year ago... and have pussed out on doing them since
If you are able to squat, you should squat. I mean real squats. I've gotten good results from split training legs.. quads/calves one day of the week, hams/calves another day.
take a look through the articles forum. there's a thread that Big A wrote for beginners. it describes a workout, i've made great gains using this style of workout in the last year...check out my pics in the member forum for proof. here's the link...http://www.professionalmuscle.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1158
My advise is to train legs only once but very intense with about 12 sets total for the quads. Stick to squats,lunges and extensions. Do four sets of each and see how it goes. 8 to 15 reps should suffice..