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Randy visits Brock

Thanks for posting this...im a huge Brock fan and hope he wins his fight coming up
Holy shit did you see those dumbells that he threw up like nothing. What were those 150's or 200's? :eek:
Thanks for sharing this bro.

I'm not a huge Brock fan, but I respect the guy.

Shit.. He's such a big dude for a fighter.

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Thanks for the post of the video bro!! Nice he picked those ropes up just like king kong lol!! I hope he does well .... Thanks again.
I wonder what brock's cycle looks like, lol:D
Thanks for posting.
Wow Brock looks like he has dropped quite a bit of body fat. Physically the guy is in a class by himself. ?Regardless of height and weight, Brock just seems bigger, stronger and faster than his opponents. I am really looking forward to this next fight.
Another thing, Brock seems like a reasonably humble guy in this video. He gets fired-up when opponents and naysayers talk shit about him. But I have yet to see anyone back up their bullshit in the cage. I expect Brock will continue rubbing their faces in it...
I'm a huge Couture fan (my favorite fighter) and it broke my heart seeing him lose to the title to Lesnar and hated Lesnar before and after that fight..However, I came to find out that Lesnar said the only fighter he trully respects in Randy and I was suprised that during the after fight interview, he showed Randy tons of respect..

It's amazing how two top class fighters fight for the belt, and end up becoming good friends afterward and hunting/fishing and training together..It was also good to see that Brock was at the Noguiera-Couture fight and was shown cheering on Randy...
Randy and Lesnar could be a dangerous combo... presonally i think Brocks gonna wipe the floor with carwin.

The last guy I saw match Brock's strength and agility was Stephen Neal. Neal beat Brock for the HWT NCAA wrestling title and then tried out for the Patriots afterwards and he is or was their starting left guard. Brock looks closer to the weight he wrestled in college but he probably will not get that lean anymore. J. Robinsons practices are fucking brutal at times.
he's a savage, gotta love him.
what about that new rule where a fighter cant gain more than 8lbs from his weigh in weight at the time of the fight? Seems like it was made for guys like Lesnar who make weight then weigh 20lbs more by the time of the fight.
Brock looked a bit smaller then he usually does....gonna be a great fight regardless
Win or lose, Brock is gonna come into this fight prepared and in shape. You'll never see him gas, his work ethic is exceptional.

I know he juiced in the past, but he doesn't now because the extra muscle does him no good in the octagon. He's just a big, thick dude with exceptional quickness, and he's got a good, learning attitude.

Carwin has the ability to knock anybody out. It'll be interesting to see how good Lesnar's chin is. My guess is, that as soon as he's hit by Carwin, he'll shoot, since that's his natural instinct and where he feels the most comfortable.
Carwin is a regular on another board I visit. Nicest guy in the world! Answers questions for fans, does charity events on his own dime, the guy still has a full time job as a mechanical engineer. I don't have anything against Brock but Shane is a class act!

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