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Re-Using Empty Vials


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Would it be safe to re-use a used vial , if there was always a clean/sterile pin pushed thru it each time and then was stored in a New clean Plastic bag?
I couldnt find any other post about this , so thought i would ask, Im thinking its going to be 1 of those things where people are going to say just get new sterile bottles, but Im throwing the question out there anyway....
Thanks !
Last edited:
Would it be safe to re-use a used vial , if there was always a clean/sterile pin pushed thru it each time and then was stored in a New clean Plastic bag?
I couldnt find any other post about this , so thought i would ask, Im thinking its going to be 1 of those things where people are going to say just get new sterile bottles, but Im throwing the question out there anyway....
Thanks !
Probably but everytime you stick that vile you increase the risk of bacterial growth. may not be a problem if you're using ug gear loaded with alcohol though, but if you're doing something silly like cracking open amps to load a vile, you might run into problems.
And sterile vials are readily available for $1.50 and under. I probably can't post links though, so just do a quick search. you'll find them.
they r cheap...

but i wouldn't think that it would be too bad for u ... using the old vials ...
I have used them a few times before on refills with no problems.
Probably but everytime you stick that vile you increase the risk of bacterial growth. may not be a problem if you're using ug gear loaded with alcohol though, but if you're doing something silly like cracking open amps to load a vile, you might run into problems.

yeah just taking from a container and putting it in a vial. Not amps.. But may just get new 1s
Just get new ones bro... not worth the risk of infection...

$1.50 v.s Abscess you do the math....
Would it be safe to re-use a used vial , if there was always a clean/sterile pin pushed thru it each time and then was stored in a New clean Plastic bag?
I couldnt find any other post about this , so thought i would ask, Im thinking its going to be 1 of those things where people are going to say just get new sterile bottles, but Im throwing the question out there anyway....
Thanks !

didnt look hard enough ;)
The only time I have ever had an injection site problem in 25yrs+aas
was from shooting 50 rediject susts into a vial that was an emptied (other than a few drops) b-12 vial. F--- that! don't be cheap be smart.
I had to be a dumbass once so you don't have to!
The only time I have ever had an injection site problem in 25yrs+aas
was from shooting 50 rediject susts into a vial that was an emptied (other than a few drops) b-12 vial. F--- that! don't be cheap be smart.
I had to be a dumbass once so you don't have to!

thats 50 - 18 G holes made into an already old vial, which already had numerous pokes. (plus if this was a 50 ml vial, a guess since you said 50 redijects, thats a huge vial that would have had a TON of pokes already) all those factors combined could have easily been the cause of contamination, not the fact you reused a vial.. but the fact that you put 50 new holes from a huge gauged pin in the stopper.. just saying.. im not discrediting you, i know how much infections can suck.
Yeah bro, I'd say get new ones too.

I've gone the route of filtering stuff into vials, and you are just better off getting new sterile vials.

A certain website named after a river was where I got mine from:):), very reasonably priced....

I've always been told to go no more than 20ml vials, for reasons stated above. The more you allow air to get into the vial and what not the more risk for problem.

Just my 2 cents, minimize the risk factors get new ones.


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