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Jun 5, 2002
originaly posted by Iron Addict over at animals board, he knows his shit well, ill post some more stuff of his soon over the course of a few days

This board is frequented by people from all across the country, and in fact, all across the globe. Every day many, many people show up here to learn about how to build a better body or meet their strength goals. What amazes me is the fact that the VAST majority of those posting, and viewing posts are posting and viewing about AS usage while the training question get very little traffic. Lets get one thing strait, until your training is in order, gear usage should be the least of ones concerns. Gear usage will NOT make up for faulty training techniques. YOU CAN AND WILL STILL OVERTRAIN WHILE ON GEAR IF YOU DO TOO MUCH, AND MOST PEOPLE DO! I know many folks are absolutely fascinated by the intricacies of gear usage........but.......it, like training should be basic. Here is all the average guy will need to know to get big and strong doing gear:

1. ALWAYS use a base of test.
2. Stack one other item on the test.
3. Best results for MOST people will be with another androgen like tren or d-ball.
4. Have arimdex on hand and use if needed while on to keep est related sides at bay.
5. No one can tell you what you will gain or what the sides will be, you need to find out for yourself.
6. Longer cycles tend to allow one to keep more muscle when you come off.
7. ALWAYS use clomid post cycle.
8. Modify your training post cycle to ensure you retain as much gains as possible.
9. If your diet and supp intake isn't optimized FORGET ALL OF IT!

There! While this is hardly a comprehensive analysis of everything needed, it really is all the average guy looking to add mass needs to know. The REAL key is training. THAT is where it's all at, so one would assume that would be where the real interest should lie.

Iron Addict
IA know his stuff! He actually lives within driving distance of me. I've been meaning to try and get together with him. He's also VERY knowledgable about making injectible gear :)

very true but ill stick to animal, mr t and kaotik for that
i read that one before and meant to print it out. glad you brought it forth. i always laugh when i hear guys complain about this gear being fake and that gearing fake...then you read their training and nutrition....you get the idea. i can not tell new comers often enough about roids and protein assimulation. to keep your diet the same as when you were natural is the biggest mistake and waste of gear you can find. remember money goes to food and supplements first..no excuses. training is second. gear is third. yes, gear is last. also, my biggest pet peeve, if you do not have your post cycle products in front of you DO NOT DO A CYCLE! i get so ticked off when a newbie comes into my gym and wants to discuss his cycle..i always cut him off and ask the same question " do you have clomid??" they usually answer with "clo what" i then have to resist the temptation to not strangle their ass right then and there. what ever happened to doing your homework first?? i had a little cocky college student back on break last month tell me when i asked that question "dont worry about me. i have it under control. i just taper down... ya know?? i told him tapering does not work and is a sure way to kill all the gains and make you a eunich in the process. he just looked at me like i was a idiot and went back to benching his 225 lbs.. :confused:
seriously i feel at least a year of serious research through whateva means u find appropiate i feel should be a pre- requisite to posting, i fucking seriosuly read all i fuckin could from so many different sites and what forth over a 4 year period b4 i even once posted

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