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Semaglutide combined with Sodium is Dangerous ?

But does a 180lb guy need 2g of tren? Does someone at 15 need an a powerful appetite suppressant or can he lose weight just by actually paying attention to his diet?

That's my take.
So your take is that semaglutide is comparable to 2g of tren? That’s a terrible take dude.

Not that I’m for these drugs, I don’t know enough about them. But I know enough to say that’s a wild analogy right there.
I take Tizepeptide 5mg every 10 days. I can diet and sleep like normal. Too much and I won't want to eat all the food I need to. I don't understand when people take drugs to grow but won't take anything beyond clen, thyroid and DNP to loose bodyfat. I don't follow that logic at all. The biggest issue I have with these drugs is finding that magic spot between I can eat all my food to I can't eat all my food. If you work or have to be somewhere in the.morning and be somewhat coherent and on time most days, the price is easy justified imo. Or if you just do
not want hunger pains. To each his own though I know some people like to suffer.
Personal observation from patients in the real world. If thyroid cancer is not enough risk add in the new one. ileus/intestinal blockage without cause

GOOGLE IT! Info everywhere on it

You are My Hero
I will use this exact line myself from now on. When confronted why I hold a certain position; I will say



You were asked my members about your comments regarding kidney issues, and now you are shifting gears and taking it in a completely new direction with intestinal blockage. Please answer the kidney issue.

The FDA and European Drug Agency data sheets outline even the absolutely smallest risks associated with these drugs, however minor the risks may be and even they are not bringing up anything about kidneys. Not in any literature have I seen Kidney issues
it is pretty simple:
every individual on his own has to weight up the benefits to the side effects and then draw the conclusion if it is useful or not.
For me the benefits of semaglutide/Tirzepatide outweight the risks by far.
and i am not just talking about benefits in regards to blood sugar.
You are My Hero
I will use this exact line myself from now on. When confronted why I hold a certain position; I will say



You were asked my members about your comments regarding kidney issues, and now you are shifting gears and taking it in a completely new direction with intestinal blockage. Please answer the kidney issue.

The FDA and European Drug Agency data sheets outline even the absolutely smallest risks associated with these drugs, however minor the risks may be and even they are not bringing up anything about kidneys. Not in any literature have I seen Kidney issues
God damn reading comprehension is low here! Read what I quoted. Someone asked if kidney issues were in the literature or my personal observation. I answered that. Intestinal blockage is just another known issue with the drug that is not related to a little sodium (you forget what this post is about). I`m not shifting gears at all.
Why do you wanna be so internet confrontational that I`m "holding a position"? Grow up.

GOOGLE IT!!... The guy asked about the black box warning label. Am I supposed to hand feed links?
God damn reading comprehension is low here! Read what I quoted. Someone asked if kidney issues were in the literature or my personal observation. I answered that. Intestinal blockage is just another known issue with the drug that is not related to a little sodium (you forget what this post is about). I`m not shifting gears at all.
Why do you wanna be so internet confrontational that I`m "holding a position"? Grow up.

GOOGLE IT!!... The guy asked about the black box warning label. Am I supposed to hand feed links?

I've posted below what you wrote and to me this reads like you have personally seen patients with kidney issues arising from semaglutide use.

That is what I wanted you to confirm and I'm still interested in the full story if you care to share.

If I've mistaken your words below then please let me know.

Not to mention kidney issues. I had a patient near kidney failure after taking the brand name prescribed by a doctor.
I've posted below what you wrote and to me this reads like you have personally seen patients with kidney issues arising from semaglutide use.

That is what I wanted you to confirm and I'm still interested in the full story if you care to share.

If I've mistaken your words below then please let me know.
You are correct. We have had patients being on semaglutide for type 2 (from other providers) and having their GFR crash from 80`s to the 40`s after a year.
You are correct. We have had patients being on semaglutide for type 2 (from other providers) and having their GFR crash from 80`s to the 40`s after a year.

Alright thanks.

Obviously you can see why people would want additional clarification on this.

Were there any other confounding factors involved? The one which comes to mind with eGFR and semaglutide would be dehydration.

Were there ever any follow up tests done, cystatin-c or kidney scans to confirm if there was damage done?
You are correct. We have had patients being on semaglutide for type 2 (from other providers) and having their GFR crash from 80`s to the 40`s after a year.
Damn it essentially doubled their creatinine? I'm also curious what other kidney markers may show significant damage. I can't see dehydration according for that large a difference.

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