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Sexual Dysfunction


New member
Aug 11, 2010
I have been off cycle about 5 weeks. I was running about 500-700mg of test for about 9 months.

I used exemastane and clomid Ed for the last 5 weeks. I have kept all my gains and most of my strength even though my motivation is way down.

My problem is sexual dysfunction. I’m sure this is due to low test levels and I will bounce back (I’m only 25) BUT IT’S DRIVING ME CRAZY.

I have an appointment scheduled with an Endo but its 2 weeks out.
Can I get some feedback from anyone who has dealt with this before? Would Viagra or Cialis be any help? I want to stay off cycle long enough to let my body recoup.
How much exemestane are you taking, and are you still taking it?

IMO you shouldnt take exemestane in pct, well at least not for 5 weeks, your estrogen levels may be too low.

Remember that estrogen, in the right amounts, is necessary for proper sexual funtion too.
Good point.

I am off both the exemastane and clomid now for about a week. Other than a little t-3 I am completely natural.:(
Probably just need some time then.

Try another round of the clomid (leave out the exemestane this time) if things dont start to get better.
If it were me, I'd just run a bit of test and a sexual enhancement thing like viagra while keeping an eye on BP....But that's just me.
Cialis or Viagra would help. If you want to go all out, throw in some Prami.
C and/or V for wood, Prami for desire/libido.

That sucks, mate. Good luck!
You ran test too long IMO, now it will take time for recovery. Try taking 100-200 of test and 100-200mg of masteron and then taper off, slowly, 20mg of Cialis EOD works great with this.
Yea I want to go back on a low dose of test and I agree that I probably over did it with the time frame. Im trying to hold out on getting back on cycle until I get my blood work done on the 22 of next month but another month like this and Im not sure Ill make it:confused::confused::confused:
my example

high total test, low free test

thanks to SERM and increased SHBG

thats from blood work

until then dont stress,,,,you expect to rebound in a month after 9months of suppression?

endo will help you, goodluck bro, stress will make everything worse, be cool. if your girl doesnt understand, dump her lol.
When I have these issues, honestly, Cialis and Melanotan II is your friend. These 2 compounds will make it seem as if u didnt even come off.... Please take my advice and pick up these 2 products, and you will be a new man.
my example

high total test, low free test

thanks to SERM and increased SHBG

thats from blood work

until then dont stress,,,,you expect to rebound in a month after 9months of suppression?

endo will help you, goodluck bro, stress will make everything worse, be cool. if your girl doesnt understand, dump her lol.

I hear you man. I know its gonna take time I just had no idea how bad it would be.
My wife understands its more of an ego thing with me being 25 and having ED :rolleyes:
When I have these issues, honestly, Cialis and Melanotan II is your friend. These 2 compounds will make it seem as if u didnt even come off.... Please take my advice and pick up these 2 products, and you will be a new man.

Melonotan? really never heard that helped. Interesting. My doc just called in a script for cialis so I will have that tonight. Thanks.:lightbulb:
Yea I want to go back on a low dose of test and I agree that I probably over did it with the time frame. Im trying to hold out on getting back on cycle until I get my blood work done on the 22 of next month but another month like this and Im not sure Ill make it:confused::confused::confused:
Try doing some research next time :naughty:
Melonotan? really never heard that helped. Interesting. My doc just called in a script for cialis so I will have that tonight. Thanks.:lightbulb:

Melanotan II, research it. MT2 is 3x stronger than Cialis at giving u drive and giving u wood...
start hcg clomid for a month and you will be ok. and stock up some cialis just in case
i had the same problem a year ago but everything went to normal after that
takes sometime

whenever your now on the off part your friend will pay the price for it. Should take around 90 days to start feeling hard more often then not. No quick solution to this process as adding other supps just messes around with the balance the body is trying to get back. But again each person is a bit different on recovery though shoot just remembered you are coming off of 9 months... wow-a long time to be on- Shoot maybe even 6 months by the time your feeling more right downstairs...
When I have these issues, honestly, Cialis and Melanotan II is your friend. These 2 compounds will make it seem as if u didnt even come off.... Please take my advice and pick up these 2 products, and you will be a new man.

This is a serious combo.....just tried it this weekend and the hard-ons are so hard actually feel somewhat painful. You fuck like a raging bull. Make sure you have someone to give you a lot of attention downstaIrs when you try this.
I have an appointment scheduled with an Endo but its 2 weeks out.

Lots of good ideas in the thread, but if I were you, I'd hold off and not confuse things with the endo.

If you start taking test, proviron, or whatever, you will have no idea what the baseline is.

As a stop gap, you could try the non-hormonal stuff ... cialis or yohimbe.

I think time will probably sort this out anyway.

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