MMA is going going to have a whole host of problems in the future.Believe me I was around a whos who in the sport 11- 12 yrs ago when the sport first was coming together. I can tell you back then ,the guys into back then where just in it to compete ,stay out of trouble , and test their limits. Now with money starting to be made and all of the exposure that it is getting. You are going to see a whole host of problems arrise in this sport.
This sport gives every 150-200 lb white guy with balls a chance to be a bad ass[plus maybe make a few bucks ,get loads of attention,and roll sum ass being a bad boy].You have a whole host of insecure wanna be bad asses being attracted to the sport and that is not good[just like in bbing ironically]. You will have murders , drugs issues , and lots of failed drug tests in the future [more than any sport I am afraid]. Mark my words . And I love the sport ,just maybe not the market it has attracted. When you can roll for 6 months , get a bunch of tatoos' , wear a tap out beanie ,and recieve attention. This is not good and has got away from the whole reason the sport took off in the first place. It used to be about testing your skills against another , now it is about entertainment.[ for some ,it is about the MMA a lifestyle ....being a tough guy ...hanging out at bars ,chasing strippers [I so know this one well], and chilling at the dojo talking shit ...... And yes ,I do know there there are still many honest family guys in the sport and some real competitors as well.....but they are the minority now.....and in the future it will be come even more rare ]
Gear has always been used in boxing and was in MMA since the very begining. I could go into detail here , but I won't . I have seen it at the highest levels up close and personal .Combat sports are just too hard to recover for most without them. In my days playing football [15 yrs ago], I would say 40-60 % of the TE's , FBs, O and D lineman , and Linebackers were either on or had used gear . I would say now ,that it would be less .I would say baseball was higher than football at one time before the scandle ,because the guys wanted the power and to look better in their uniforms......and yes ,I heard this straight from the mouth of a big time major leaguer....] Hocky was bad too ...........but MMA , is probably 75 % right now. When a guy like Royce Gracie ,that barely even weight trains is caught using gear ,that should tell you how bad it really is .......The sad thing is very few have in any knowledge of gear and get poor advice. So the positive tests where continue ,until it attracts some gurus to help like what occurs in track[as they money grows the will even a guy from this board]........
I see nothing wrong with drugs in sport . But I believe if the rules say no ,then play by the rules. If someone doesn't . Then that is on them. And if you play by rules ,don't cry if someone chooses not to .People will always want to be the best they can be. And I think we will all agree drugs used intelligently will make us preform better......So why don't all sports just legalize preformance enhancers ? Simple ,because society still has people in power that have religious based agendas .[ what happened to the seperation of chruch and state? It never happened ] Same reason rec drugs will never be legal[I hate them by the way] ,and abortion will always be under fire. We don't govern ourselves with rational and logic . We gorvern ourselves based on whatever agendas can generate our public servants the most money to continue to stay in or advance in power .[ So don't expect any changes to this stupidity any time soon]
I am sad for Mr Sherk and his family .He is one of the few good hard working family guys in the sport. And his career was just destroyed by someone getting him bad advice. I however believe ,if you play , you pay .He took a chance and got caught .And he won't be the last I am afraid.In the end ,we all know this whole anti drugs in sports thing is bs .But in life ,there are lots of laws I think are bs .But if I choose to break one , I sure as hell know there is a price to pay if I get caught. I am sure Mr Sherk knew this as well ,but still took the chance anyway .......scarything ,he is a very skilled hard working guy ......were the drugs really worth the risk he took ? I bet now he would say No .......