I'm getting ready to start a round of pgcl and I'm looking for some info on it. I've heard that it causes some serious diarrhea but when you take the crap, you're actually crapping out pure fat. I forget where I read this but someone said that they took an extremely high dose and their crap came out straight yellow and it was most likely adipose tissue. If anyone knows anything about this then please post up. Thanks
I'm getting ready to start a round of pgcl and I'm looking for some info on it. I've heard that it causes some serious diarrhea but when you take the crap, you're actually crapping out pure fat. I forget where I read this but someone said that they took an extremely high dose and their crap came out straight yellow and it was most likely adipose tissue. If anyone knows anything about this then please post up. Thanks
I'm not sure whether to be scared or intrigued. I honestly don't see how you can actually shit fat, it's not like it can just dissolve from your gut straight to your ass. It still has to be processed, at which point it (in theory) should change to actual waste. I am afraid I have to call BS on the aspect of actually shitting fat.
I could just be dumb though, in which case I wanna get some of that stuff that makes you shit your gut away.
it prolly has to do with shitting the fat that u eat and is not absorbed. it increases the amount of fat that is not absorbed so u shit it out which causes a reduction in calories absorbed and hence a weight loss. KInd of like how "allo" or "alle" the new drug in USA works.
No way r u shitting out fat from inside ur body.. lol.. tht would require adipocytes to dissolve into bloddstream, that blood to go to the GI and cross the GI tract in the opposite direction and then mix with the stool there. lol.
it prolly has to do with shitting the fat that u eat and is not absorbed. it increases the amount of fat that is not absorbed so u shit it out which causes a reduction in calories absorbed and hence a weight loss. KInd of like how "allo" or "alle" the new drug in USA works.
No way r u shitting out fat from inside ur body.. lol.. tht would require adipocytes to dissolve into bloddstream, that blood to go to the GI and cross the GI tract in the opposite direction and then mix with the stool there. lol.
Drugs like Xenical (orlistat) that are fat blockers do essentially make you shit fat. They block the absorbtion of fats in the digestive tract and your body send it out throught the obvious- bowel movement. While I don't know if PGCL actually carries this trait, it IS possible that you could pass nasty fat strait through to the throne. Hope this helps......
Yes, I guess this helps somewhat. I mean I don't really how you can shit your subq fat either but who knows, this stuff is supposed to be pretty crazy.
PGCL is the synthetic version of Prostaglandin PGF2a. It causes strong & involuntary contractions of smooth muscle tissue - including the intestines and stomach. What you get is the ATOMIC SHITZ! One idiot at the gym was experimenting and ended up doing "sets" of projectile shitz whilst riding the porcelain pontiac. Of course; being an idiot, he wanted to find the max dose he could tolerate. Sometimes he made it to the back door of the gym to projectile vomit. Not pretty. After a modicum of sense entered his thick skull, he told me that most of the weight he lost was due to dehydration - and the rest was from not being able to absorb nutrients as they moved at warp speed through his gut.
If you want a fat loss miracle - try cardio & diet... The only fat you will shit will be the fat you ate 30 minutes prior to administration of this INSANE compound.