hCG 250-500IUS on the day previous or the morning of your shot every week (thats all Swale and he should be noted for that) 1x to 2x a week
when you are ready to have kids... (im going to be vague below)
hcg and repronex back and forth alternated since repronex is used 3x a week usually
a little bit of clom (and maybe something else)
an apple a day
call me in the morning (What? sorry got carried away)
and since your an enhanced bodybuilder, trust me on this....most bodybuilders will have girls.....I am willing to bet any money if you took a widespread poll of enhanced bodybuilders having kids the majority of them (especially longtime and larger dosage users) will have mostly girls. Are there exceptions? Yea...but take it to the bank on that one. Specifics why? I havent looked into it too deeply yet...but have just taken a large mental note of everyone Ive come across in the last 20 years in the bodybuilding world and know its not a simple coincedence anymore. Can just about everyone have kids that has gone over to the darkside? Yep if you take care of your HPTA (which alot of people never even give a second thought about like idiots, those will be the ones not being able to have kids)...the thought process is always "how can i get as big as hell right now?" instead of "how can i get big as hell and but keep my HPTA as normalized as possible so I dont disenegrate physically, hormonally and fertility wise in the future?"......Ive always recommended something in this regard and caught shit about it for a freaking decade now with people saying "that wont freaking work!"......ahhh well it did work didnt it? Who got the last laugh? do you see any of my former trainees complaining they cant have kids? Because I was very adamant about something....very adamant. Now if it upsets you that you might be having girls instead of boys (in my mind I could care less I just want 10 fingers 10 toes and healthy kids/non cerebral palsy/non birth defects etc) but if the % of having a girl over a boy bugs you......and I say this tongue in cheek----> quit having the mirror as your best friend, quit being so self absorbed/selfish and get off the friggin juice then