adding a local is a poor choice. Try cutting your gear with another oil first. That has worked for me everytime. If issue still persists then try heating the oil or adding some ba.
the problem is I have seen him on here suffering for a while and I know what it's like when u arrive to the point where u want to use a local anesthesic, it means that ur stuff have a HIGH BA content ... and in this case nothing helped me, even when I cut the oils with cootonseed or whatever else
a local anesthesic wil help with injection pain but when the effect goes away, the pain will remain here
there is nothing u can do but switch to non painful stuff
just my .02.
well, I am having a hard time to fine cottonseed oil that is both sterile and filtered. at 400mg of test e/ml, I am sure it is the BA.
I may just toss it and go back to stealth.
Mike is correct. The local will only dull the pain for the shot. The pain you are feeling is the muscle being irritated from the solvent. BA is usually the one that hurts the most. In high dose gear 300 and up mg/ml they use ba to suspend the compound at higher concetrations or it will crash. This irritates the muscle making it very sore. Not a lot you can do!
no such luck for anyone to ship sterile and filtered to a google search for USP grade oils and see what comes up if you're looking for oil to cut your gear with. I get tons of results that way. Some people will tell you food grade is good enough but for an extra couple bucks why worry about it. i mean, its going into your muscle so, by my standards, this isn't a good place to start getting cheap.
no such luck for anyone to ship sterile and filtered to APO.
i tried one other thing, injecting .25cc. so far 15 hours later no pain, is it that big of a difference between .5 and .25?