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Sleep apnea.


Aug 15, 2005
I have sleep apnea ,been diagnosed 6 years ago.
Cannot use a cpap machine-neither ever wanted to but had the surgery (had everything removable in my throat removed).

Do you think that using GH or IGF would be a bad idea and could make those soft throat tissues grow back.I'm talking about using 2-4 ius a day,nothing really extreme,just for better recovery and even for hormone replacement therapy since my natural sleep/rem/gh cycle is pretty much destroyed for over a decade now.

What do you think,any experiences ? (like apnea first appearing on you or getting worse by GH/igf ).
Thanks for any help.
Fastandfurious said:
I have sleep apnea ,been diagnosed 6 years ago.
Cannot use a cpap machine-neither ever wanted to but had the surgery (had everything removable in my throat removed).

Do you think that using GH or IGF would be a bad idea and could make those soft throat tissues grow back.I'm talking about using 2-4 ius a day,nothing really extreme,just for better recovery and even for hormone replacement therapy since my natural sleep/rem/gh cycle is pretty much destroyed for over a decade now.

What do you think,any experiences ? (like apnea first appearing on you or getting worse by GH/igf ).
Thanks for any help.

Interesting post.

I know, without a doubt that my sleep apnea (self diagnosed) worsens when I am on cycle. In fact. I snored so hard last night that I woke up my 1 1/2 year old son at 2:30 a.m. He in turn woke me up by belly laughing at my snooring. I eventually got back to sleep, but woke up this morning with a sore throat from sawing logs.

I know alot of guys complain of worsening apnea when they go on AAS.

I am going to see my doc about getting the Cpap machine. And maybe some provigil for my drowsiness;)

As far as GH causing the soft tissue to grow back.... I could only speculate.

Did the surgery help you? Did insurance pay for it? Painful?
palehorse51 said:
Interesting post.

I know, without a doubt that my sleep apnea (self diagnosed) worsens when I am on cycle. In fact. I snored so hard last night that I woke up my 1 1/2 year old son at 2:30 a.m. He in turn woke me up by belly laughing at my snooring. I eventually got back to sleep, but woke up this morning with a sore throat from sawing logs.

I know alot of guys complain of worsening apnea when they go on AAS.

I am going to see my doc about getting the Cpap machine. And maybe some provigil for my drowsiness;)

As far as GH causing the soft tissue to grow back.... I could only speculate.

Did the surgery help you? Did insurance pay for it? Painful?

The surgery helped me.It made my apnea from unbearable (no sleep at all) to a point that i can get 4-5 hours of sleep per night (at once if i'm lucky or in 2-3 doses if not).
The insurance paid.
It wasn't painful but it was 2 weeks of agony until the swelling in my nose (had nose cauterized too) subsided and i could breath from the nose again.The pain was gone in 2 days,and i have to admit the winstrol i took (20mg ed) made me heal a lot quicker than my doctor had ever seen before.Not to recommend to anyone(it would be irresponsible,much more when talking about a health subject) ,but this is why anabolics were made in the first place.

Test always makes my apnea worse.It was during a cycle of test that it became from just heavy snoring to no sleep at all.And after the surgery when i decide to add it to a cycle for just a bit (i don't like it at all as a drug) it makes my apnea much worse within days.Only test,nothing else.

It's because i think i do have a gh deficiency and that it would help me a lot (not in lifting but in quality of life) that i want to try GH,but if anyone has personal experience it makes apnea worse ,i'll probably think twice about it.
Gaining weight is what makes apnea worse, the only real cure is to lose weight or use the c pap. My Dr told me that surgery only has a 30% success rate
Big Ben said:
Gaining weight is what makes apnea worse, the only real cure is to lose weight or use the c pap. My Dr told me that surgery only has a 30% success rate
It's a bitch.
Fastandfurious said:
The surgery helped me.It made my apnea from unbearable (no sleep at all) to a point that i can get 4-5 hours of sleep per night (at once if i'm lucky or in 2-3 doses if not).
The insurance paid.
It wasn't painful but it was 2 weeks of agony until the swelling in my nose (had nose cauterized too) subsided and i could breath from the nose again.The pain was gone in 2 days,and i have to admit the winstrol i took (20mg ed) made me heal a lot quicker than my doctor had ever seen before.Not to recommend to anyone(it would be irresponsible,much more when talking about a health subject) ,but this is why anabolics were made in the first place.

Test always makes my apnea worse.It was during a cycle of test that it became from just heavy snoring to no sleep at all.And after the surgery when i decide to add it to a cycle for just a bit (i don't like it at all as a drug) it makes my apnea much worse within days.Only test,nothing else.

It's because i think i do have a gh deficiency and that it would help me a lot (not in lifting but in quality of life) that i want to try GH,but if anyone has personal experience it makes apnea worse ,i'll probably think twice about it.

I am about 5' 9" 212lb at about 10% bf .ive always been a loud snorer and my wife says i stop breathing in my sleep so i may have sleep apnea as well .funny thing is i started my gh blast 18iu ed for a week 2 weeks ago and ever since my wife says my snoring is twice as bad and she even started sleeping in the guest room.after reading this thread im wondering if the gh has made it worse .also i do mma and ive noticed my cardio has went to shit .i think im going to get it checked out soon.did the surgery help your cardio ?
Big Ben said:
Gaining weight is what makes apnea worse, the only real cure is to lose weight or use the c pap. My Dr told me that surgery only has a 30% success rate

Are you talking about loosing fat or weight? Because in my case when I am lean, I am snoore free.
Big Danny said:
Are you talking about loosing fat or weight? Because in my case when I am lean, I am snoore free.

No its just weight in general, wheatehr it be fat or muscle, Im lean also and I have it, alot has to do also with the size of your neck
Diesel250 said:
It made mine worse

Me too.........But started to get better when I stoped taking GH before bed.
The apnea and the snoring are generally unrelated. After three sleep surveys (which are no fun at all!), and a CPAP for 4 months (which I hated too) my only option was surgery. I made some lifestyle changes and my apnea (which was moderate/severe) and my snoring (which was moderate) have both become much better.

Stop GH, stop eating for at least 4 hours before bedtime (a protein shake is okay), and do cardio daily even if it's just for 12 minutes. This practically relieved all of my apnea and snoring symptoms.
I'm a powerlifter,i do no cardio.But, Tap, it's very interesting to me that your sleep and snoring has gotten worse since your gh blasts.
Also,reducing my weight didn't help at all.I have ups and downs regardless of weight or bodyfat levels.
Things that make it worse is water retention and test.
i had the surgery and am fully cured. you could say i'm pretty heavy for my height. cpap sucked i couldnt do it and the dr. said i was to young to have to sleep on a machine the rest of my life. if it came down to losing weight/getting smaller or having apnea again, i would loose all the weight i had to, that is no way to live. funny thing is the dr. knew i trained very hard and never once asked me to loose weight or in this case muscle. he said the thickness of my neck had alot to do with the apnea. they did both my nose and throat, i can no longer physically snore, its not possible, the air just goes right in.
Big Ben said:
Gaining weight is what makes apnea worse, the only real cure is to lose weight or use the c pap. My Dr told me that surgery only has a 30% success rate

I agree with you Big Ben. I have gained about 15 lbs of mass (bf the same) over the past year and my apnea has gotten worse. Now i try to wear my CPAP for most of the night and by using it, it at least gives me alot more strength when I work out and I really think by wearing it and getting better sleep i have grown more muscle. And, i don't fall asleep driving now :)

Not too long ago they showed a simple procedure that could be done at the dental office for about 2k to stop your tongue from going back into your throat which what causes sleep apnea. They said the procedure takes about 5minutes and you're awake the whole time.

Dont know what it's called, just saw it on TV about a year ago.
Sleep apnea sucks, i have to sleep with a mask for the rest of my life. There are some masks that are defiantly more comfortable then others though I had to switch masks once and it made a world of a difference. I feel alot better now though. I can fall asleep and wake up 5 hours later, where as before I would wake up at least every hour. When they ran the tests on me I was waking up 20 times an hour. I used to snore so bad that my roommate across the hall with my door and his door closed had to use ear plugs
Yes, it's a shame to do to do everything right, eat , train and sleep enough like 8-9h , but your sleep to be worth in reality just 3 h, because of the apnea. Hmm, the most important think for growth...:mad:
been usinh the cpap since 2003 ,, cant live without it.. Doc says the surgery will not help me.. I have is bad,. I even dieted down from 306 to 220 for a show last year and apnea was only a little better so the weight loss meant shit to my body..

Who thought I would ever need a machine to live..or at least sleep enough to live normally during the day

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