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Sleep apnea and no sleep study til late May


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2023
I bashed the VA healthcare system before but I have grown more frustrated with the access to care in general in America. I definitely have new OSA. I wake up choking multiple times, drool, snore, have grogginess in the morning and am just no where near as restless as I was. PCP did his part and wrote the consult for sleep medicine. They said they'd give me the earliest appointment... May 7th. Wtf lol. And that's just to see the doc to order the sleep study. Who knows how long that will take to get let alone a cpap.

I tried to think of ideas of ways to mitigate this but can't think of anything. I am lean still having just reversed from a 16 week diet in my avatar. I do cardio 5 days a week. Cardiovascular health is better than ever except for BP which he gave me some Norvasc for but admitted it likely won't be needed and we can go back to my lower Losartan dose once the OSA is resolved.

It is a major health network with a Cadillac insurance plan. And the VA is booked even farther out. Crazy.
that's shitty

there are likely places where you can buy cpaps outright - but you'd most likely have to pay out of pocket for it.

that said, once you finally do get one, i would strongly suggest getting the full face mask

takes some getting used to, but it was life-changing in my experience
I found a private business that made expensive jaw molds and got a free test within days. I took the machine home and had results within days. I can't remember the name but you can look around your area for private companies that sell molds for sleep apnea.
that's shitty

there are likely places where you can buy cpaps outright - but you'd most likely have to pay out of pocket for it.

that said, once you finally do get one, i would strongly suggest getting the full face mask

takes some getting used to, but it was life-changing in my experience
I have the full face mask. And yes it’s annoying for sure especially at first. But I’m glad I’m finally getting use to mine
Just buy yourself a machine off Craigslist or FB Marketplace. I have an airsense 10. The single best thing I’ve ever done for myself and I knew I had sleep apnea pretty much my entire adult life. It’s only been 2 years I’ve been using it but had been an absolute game changer. I would even say cpap>GH.
How long have you had these symptoms for ?

Maybe start a onlyfans ? 😅😶‍🌫️

Sorry couldn't help myself
I will look into the Air Sense. How do you know what settings to use or does it just figure it out on its own? I'm actually on the way to work and will ask one of the respiratory therapist's also.

If I have to pay out-of-pocket I will because at this point I'm just tired of being miserable through the night and groggy in the morning.

The symptoms have been about two months. Progressively getting worse. It always happens when I am 230+. I had hoped since I was much leaner at that way now it wouldn't happen but it seems to have started even around the 224 range. I don't know how you really big guys in the super heavyweight range. My body must just not be built to be that heavy because man even at this way I am uncomfortable with a lot of things

Thanks for all the advice!
I will look into the Air Sense. How do you know what settings to use or does it just figure it out on its own? I'm actually on the way to work and will ask one of the respiratory therapist's also.

If I have to pay out-of-pocket I will because at this point I'm just tired of being miserable through the night and groggy in the morning.

The symptoms have been about two months. Progressively getting worse. It always happens when I am 230+. I had hoped since I was much leaner at that way now it wouldn't happen but it seems to have started even around the 224 range. I don't know how you really big guys in the super heavyweight range. My body must just not be built to be that heavy because man even at this way I am uncomfortable with a lot of things

Thanks for all the advice!

You could also lower everything to just a few hundred mgs of test and a few iu of gh until you get the problem addressed
You could also lower everything to just a few hundred mgs of test and a few iu of gh until you get the problem addressed
I considered whether PEDs effect it but honestly have no idea.

You think that could trigger it? I had it before at 200 test a week but not gh then if I remember right. I had an higher bf and weighed more but it also wasn't as bad. I could see GH triggering it but that fast? How? Wouldn't the anatomy have to grow/change? And I have even less idea how anabolic would do it.

Definitely something to consider though. Maybe I'll start with the GH and see if that changes anything
If you can afford it, buy a CPAP asap and learn how to adjust it yourself. It is not that complicated, and the Quality of life it brings is next level. I bought my first Airsense 9 used, and then got the Airsense 11 once the old one was broken. It is not that hard to find the right settings yourself, just requires a bit of research and Titration. The Technicians basically do the same, just charge you absurd money for it.
Are you tongue tied?

I thought I'd need CPAP, but my dentist was able to do an outpatient procedure to release my tongue and it had really helped when doing cardio and sleeping.
I will look into the Air Sense. How do you know what settings to use or does it just figure it out on its own? I'm actually on the way to work and will ask one of the respiratory therapist's also.

If I have to pay out-of-pocket I will because at this point I'm just tired of being miserable through the night and groggy in the morning.

The symptoms have been about two months. Progressively getting worse. It always happens when I am 230+. I had hoped since I was much leaner at that way now it wouldn't happen but it seems to have started even around the 224 range. I don't know how you really big guys in the super heavyweight range. My body must just not be built to be that heavy because man even at this way I am uncomfortable with a lot of things

Thanks for all the advice!

Airsense 10 self regulates. I actually have one I don't use because I got a mouth piece. PM if you would actually be interested in buying it... That being said I high prefer my 3d printed mouth piece from my dentist. Search "sleep apnea dentist" and add your town.

Also you can get an at home sleep apnea test delivered in a few days for like 200 bucks. Do that before you decide on mouth piece or cpap. The mouth pieces only work with "moderate-minor" sleep apnea.

"N-acetylcysteine (NAC): Supplementation with the antioxidant NAC has been shown to ameliorate signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, including apnea-related arousals, daytime sleepiness, and snoring, among others."

"Conclusions: Oral NAC administration appears to have a therapeutic potential in the treatment of OSAS. It is proposed that long-term treatment with NAC in patients with OSAS may reduce their dependency on continuous positive airway pressure therapy."

"N-acetylcysteine (NAC): Supplementation with the antioxidant NAC has been shown to ameliorate signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, including apnea-related arousals, daytime sleepiness, and snoring, among others."

"Conclusions: Oral NAC administration appears to have a therapeutic potential in the treatment of OSAS. It is proposed that long-term treatment with NAC in patients with OSAS may reduce their dependency on continuous positive airway pressure therapy."
Apparently NAC fixes everything

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