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Diagnosed with mild sleep apnea

Unfortunately, my oxygen % seems to be 95% again. It only briefly is higher in the morning then drops throughout the day. I don’t understand why this is.
If you enjoy trolling your wife, I highly recommend the F20 full face mask.

I put the mask on, get in bed, and when everything is quiet....my wife hears "Oh you think the darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it."

if you fucking quote Bane one more damned time I'm going to punch that mask right off your face.

I’m going to wear the cpap. There is nothing more important to me than resolving these symptoms. I will wear it even if it’s uncomfortable.

I still made an appt to talk to someone about Hypoglossal nerve stimulation (Inspire device) though because I still want to explore all options, but it doesn't sound like I’m a candidate anyway since I’m not in the moderate-severe range.
Honestly man just wear the mask. No option will be better. These other treatments are more like experimental if you ask me. i think you are over thinking this.
Unfortunately, my oxygen % seems to be 95% again. It only briefly is higher in the morning then drops throughout the day. I don’t understand why this is.
Anything at 95 or above is fine.. the machine could be out of calibration and finger temperature can affect your reading. Are you having trouble catching your breath doing every day things???
Honestly man just wear the mask. No option will be better. These other treatments are more like experimental if you ask me. i think you are over thinking this.
Anything at 95 or above is fine.. the machine could be out of calibration and finger temperature can affect your reading. Are you having trouble catching your breath doing every day things???

I have been wearing the mask for two weeks. So far it's been great. Less than 0.4 events per hour over the last week. I have an appointment next week to hear about INSPIRE though. It's highly unlikely I will do it at this time though.

Nah I don't have symptoms of breathlessness at all but 95-96% is not acceptable to me if accurate. I strive for optimal so I want 97-98%. I tried three different pulse oximeters so I believe the readings are accurate. However I was given some wearable watch to try and it gives me higher oxygen % readings so who knows.
If you enjoy trolling your wife, I highly recommend the F20 full face mask.

I put the mask on, get in bed, and when everything is quiet....my wife hears "Oh you think the darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it."

if you fucking quote Bane one more damned time I'm going to punch that mask right off your face.

Lol I do not have a wife to troll but it'll be interesting to see women's reactions who spend the night 😂
I have been wearing the mask for two weeks. So far it's been great. Less than 0.4 events per hour over the last week. I have an appointment next week to hear about INSPIRE though. It's highly unlikely I will do it at this time though.

Nah I don't have symptoms of breathlessness at all but 95-96% is not acceptable to me if accurate. I strive for optimal so I want 97-98%. I tried three different pulse oximeters so I believe the readings are accurate. However I was given some wearable watch to try and it gives me higher oxygen % readings so who knows.
.4 is basically nothing so that’s good. What were the events per hr when tested??

What is your reason for being so concerned with your O2 saturation?? Are you still having symptoms with the CPAP??? Is it for day time levels or night?? I work in Fire/EMS for almost 25 years and I don’t recall seeing many 100%’s.. Young healthy patients are 95-98…. We not alarmed by much unless it’s below 90%. Of course folks with COPD, emphysema, CHF an anything respiratory related changes how treat each patient. We really get concerned with our overdose patients who can be down to 30 something by the time we get there, but that’s a different story.
Sorry for all these questions but this stuff is interesting to me and I like to learn the “why’s” of signs and symptoms of everything cause we see SO much. 👍🏽
Looks like your case is similar to mine and is during your REM sleep.

I’m not a fan of the mouth device and haven’t seen much success with other people using it.

For mask, I am a side sleeper so have the F30i full mask as I am a mouth breather, but they make it for nasal as well based on how you breath while sleeping.

Glad you finally got it sorted!
That’s what I have the f30i

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