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Something's not right !!!!!


New member
Nov 5, 2013
So I took my break from AAS. Around 6 weeks. I started back last Monday with my highest dose Test Cycle to date, 2,000mg/wk. Jump started with Test Prop to get things moving along quicker. Decided to give Anadrol one more try from a diff sponsor. It's been a week now on the Test and about 4 days On The Anadrol @ 200mg/day! Ya, this is a big blast! I went to fucking bench today and only hit 315 x 5 on Flat. That's the weakest bench I've had in well over a year. I am on antibiotics right now so I don't know if that could have something to do with it but I am so dissapointed and expected to go just blow shit out of the water. I hit 365x7 during my time off so nothing is making sense what-so-ever. Everyone raves about this sponsors gear, it's my 1st cycle with their gear, so I have not a clue!!!
You have been on 8 days? What was your bench 9 days ago?
Anadrol doesn't kick for me until week 3. Give it time bro and I'm certain you will bounce back.
Always takes me 3 weeks to really start feeling it

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Why are u on antibiotics
I'm sure if you are on antibiotics you aren't in tip top shape either
I'm on antibiotics for cellulitis from my TRT inject last week. My last bench was last Monday. That's a 50lb and 2 rep Drop in 1 week.
I have been feeling Ill the day after every injection and I'm wondering if it's bc I do 3cc of Test E 250 per shot on M,W,F. That's 525mg of active hormone once you take away the ester weight. So roughly 1,525mg/wk active hormone. 2,250mg counting total volume weight. I'm also going to try some GHRP-6 for the 1st time bc I can't eat for shit. I know it's a combo of being sick and the Drol. Should I try taking smaller injects ? I also just baked my gear @ 340 degrees Farenheit for 30 min to see if that helps @ all.
you takin some kind of liver aid???
200mgs of anadrol is a lot...sounds like your liver is screamin for help.

im pretty sure im using the same gear as you(at a lot lighter dose).
test e and slowly and steadily movin the scale.its workin real well for me.
I have been feeling Ill the day after every injection and I'm wondering if it's bc I do 3cc of Test E 250 per shot on M,W,F. That's 525mg of active hormone once you take away the ester weight. So roughly 1,525mg/wk active hormone. 2,250mg counting total volume weight. I'm also going to try some GHRP-6 for the 1st time bc I can't eat for shit. I know it's a combo of being sick and the Drol. Should I try taking smaller injects ? I also just baked my gear @ 340 degrees Farenheit for 30 min to see if that helps @ all.

Is it flu like symptoms you're experiencing the next day after shot? If so this is very common when you start a new cycle because the body is trying to fight off the foreign hormones you're putting into your body and it's not use to it. That part will go away eventually but I have found and recommend this to a lot of my clients I train that choose to do aas and experience flu like symptoms is to do 3 grams (3000mg) of vitamin c every day. It will almost knock it out on the very first day at that dosage. Most stores sell 1000mg of vitamin c in powder form you can just mix in water and drink it...also take some milk thistle several times a day for that high dosage of drol you're on like mentioned above.
Will do guys. I planned on just jump starting every thing the first week with the Anadrol that high then Backing down to 50mg/day and pulsing 100mg/day PWO. Test I plan on keeping the same. Yes it is flu like symptoms. Body aches, feel run down.
So week 2 now. Dropped the Anadrol to 100mg/day and Test is @ the same dose. No changes in strength, bodyweight, pumps or anything. Just finished up my anti-biotics. Beginning to think the gear is bunk as shit. Although I'm still holding out hope bc I'm really just getting an appetite back and coming off on the cellulitis.
give it time. Cellulitis is nasty shit. I had it earlier this summer. Give it a few more weeks

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