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Steroid Usage and Congress


Kilo Klub Member / Verified Customer
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 16, 2008
Came across this today. It just goes to show you we are not the only ones that think this world is screwed up over the steroid controversy.


What do USA Taxpayers think about Steroid Investigations in congress?

There has been a lot of interest lately into finding out what the average mom and pop taxpayer thinks about steroid investigations in congress. Let’s face it, almost 8 years of ongoing investigations into who stuck a needle full of testosterone into Barry Bonds’ ass gets old even to the biggest patriot. Well, with the latest gloom and doom scenario in the USA economy, and people losing jobs left and right while losing their house and going bankrupt, people really started to pay attention to steroid probes in congress, but not in a positive way for sure!

Now, in case any of you think we are bias in favor of steroids (we are guessing the domain name isteroids .com gave it away), here is real people talking about real issues. This is from the opinions page of the Pocono Record (a Pennsylvania newspaper, very mainstream):

I find it funny that Congress is worried about Roger Clemens and others who take steroids.

Why don’t they bring these company CEOs in front of Congress?

Let them be accountable for this predatory lending practice that has been going on. Those who use steroids will only hurt themselves. These lenders have hurt millions of homeowners. Where are your priorities? Our Congress better wake up, now we have to bail them out.

Stacy Venetos


As you can see the USA taxpayers want USA congress to investigate the economy and, of course, War in Iraq NOT investigate whether steroids are used in baseball!

Congress certainly gets sidetracked with things they have NO BUSINESS getting involved with. The only reason these lenders can get away with their predatory practices is because of the Federal Reserve and their flawed policies. They offered loans of new fiat money at extremely low rates of interest, which caused the housing “bubble”, which caused the market to inflate prices which unscrupulous bankers took full advantage of. Then, when everything crashes, they pump more of their fiat money, created out of thin air, backed by nothing except the “full faith and credit” of the US government - in other words, we the taxpayers - which only creates more inflation by diluting the number of dollars in circulation. It’s a vicious cycle which is bound to crash. Oh, excuse me, it already has. Please vote for Ron Paul. He is the only candidate with real common sense and the courage to do something about it, like abolishing the Fed and the IRS.

So what does the USA taxpayers want, more investigations into who stuck a needle with steroids into Roger Clemens’ bad shoulder when he was playing baseball OR investigations into the economy and war in Iraq? why not let the taxpayers and voters decide!

2 New York men caught with personal steroid amounts

That’s the problem with the USA legal and justice system, the police searched these 2 cars for no reason other then them being in front of a bookstore after closing? how is this suspicious. The cops say the men were “acting furtively”, that’s why they decided to illegally search their car for drugs or weapons. The Acting furtively excuse is commonly used by authorities to remove civil rights from individuals. In the end, the 2 guys were caught with a whoooooping $800 of steroids, do you know how much $800 of anabolic steroids is? exactly 4 vials of steroids. That’s right 4 vials of steroids, something an individual bodybuilder would go through in about a 12 week cycle. Now these 2 will be faced with CRIMINAL possession of controlled substance for something they couldn’t even get a cycle out of. Let’s face it, they’d need at least 10 vials of steroids do run a steroid cycle for the 2 of them, so this means they barely had enough for 1 steroid cycle and both of them are being arrested.

Two Staten Island men caught hanging out in the Barnes & Noble parking lot after the New Springville store had closed Sunday had a stash of steroids in their car, police alleged.

Cops got wise to the car’s occupants — Scott J. Sceppe, 29, of the 700 block of Post Avenue in West Brighton, and Steven P. Parascondola, 29, of the 300 block of Kramer Avenue in Rossville — after they spotted the duo “acting furtively” in their car at about 9:00 p.m., a police source said.

The store was closed for the night, and the two men were parked next to a second, vacant car, the source alleged.

When police searched the car, they found about $800 worth of steroids — pills, bottles and a liquid capsule of testosterone and other substances, court papers allege.

Both men were charged with three counts each of fifth- and seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.

Steroids do NOT help baseball players

Can baseball players be better in baseball with the help of anabolic steroids? this is sort of the question on the minds of everyone right now who doesn’t know much about steroids. Can steroids and HGH help you hit a 90mph ball better? let’s see.

In NFL, for example, your size is important, imagine 2 350lbs. linemen hitting each other. Size and bulk matters, steroids would matter ; however, how can steroids or HGH matter when you’re trying to work on your hand / eye coordination to hit a baseball that’s being thrown at you at 90mph. Let’s forget reason for a second, and let’s say steroids do make you stronger and faster (steroids actually don’t help cardio shape but that’s for another day), so how would being stronger or better recovered help you blast your bat at a ball traveling at you at around 90 miles per hour!??!?!? well, simple answer is that no STEROIDS or HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE or PRAYERS TO GOD in the world will help you hit a 90mph little white ball. The truth is that, hard training, talent and talent will help you be a better baseball player.

Barry Bonds is the best example of steroids use in baseball today, but how can anabolic steroids help him hit a baseball? taking anabolic steroids makes you bulky and thick, bigger and stronger, how can being bulkier make you a better baseball player? let’s face it, it will only slow down your arm movement trying to hit a baseball coming at you 90 and sometimes 100 miles per hour. The answer? simple, Barry Bonds is a gifted athlete who trained hard and had a ton of talent, he could hit a baseball if he was on crack or cocaine. Yes, steroids might have helped him recover faster and hit his ball farther (maybe because he’s stronger?) but they sure as hell didn’t help him in the actual swing (the core of baseball).

So, let’s cut the bullshit, steroids can benefit you about 10-20% if you’re a baseball player, and HGH will actually hinder your game, so what’s the big deal about all this nonsense steroid talk? let’s do the research first people!
All of these major sports have "steroid testing" in place, and a committee that polices it. No matter how bad they are at catching their own players, i don't think congress has any business getting into the mix. Doesn't our country have a few larger issues that congress can focus on? Let the sports governing bodies take care of themselves. They may not be doing a good job, but at least their other job is not helping to run this country. Congress needs to bow out and focus on solving our economy.
Agree with you CB. I also agree with the lady from PA. Let's worry about our economy and these predatory lenders who make millions while people default on their loans and their own companies are in the red. As far as traditional sports are concerned professional athletes are professional athletes because they have natural God-given athletic ability. In Barry Bonds's case he has incredible hand-eye coordination. The average person could take all the steroids and GH in the world and they still wouldn't be the next Barry Bonds.

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