Layne Staley and I was talking about this awhile back and he had a remedy that he said worked well for this type of thing. The thing is, I cant remember what it was. Shoot him over a p.m. and I'm sure he'll help you out.
Suck on ice chips keeping things down will be hard until you can keep the water down first dont take big gulps etc. Just enough to keep lips wet. Also for nausea once you get to a point to keeping things down emetrol will help. You dont want to stop the vomitting completely because your body is trying to get rid of the sickness. Good luck . Hate being sick. MM
Read my post "i almost died this week". I was 100% sure I had the flue but it was really my appendix that was fucked. If your stomach really start hurting - have it looked out right away. I was almost to late into the hospital and that was after 4 days of "flue". If you start puking green stuff - it´s a matter of hours. Be safe you don´t want your stomach all cut up as I have now.
thanks for the replys i have no vomting just stomach flu what sucks was i had nasal surgery today it was almost cancelled but they gave me some meds to get me through the surgery so i would not get incontinent between this and surgery im going to end up loosing at least 20 pounds.
Thats sucks. 20 is better than 45 as in my case though. I don´t worry too much about it. Muscle memory will kick in fast enough when you are healed up again. With is nasal surgery by the way bro? Stay strong